3 research outputs found

    Convolutional Video Steganography with Temporal Residual Modeling

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    Steganography represents the art of unobtrusively concealing a secrete message within some cover data. The key scope of this work is about visual steganography techniques that hide a full-sized color image / video within another. A majority of existing works are devoted to the image case, where both secret and cover data are images. We empirically validate that image steganography model does not naturally extend to the video case (i.e., hiding a video into another video), mainly because it completely ignores the temporal redundancy within consecutive video frames. Our work proposes a novel solution to the problem of video steganography. The technical contributions are two-fold: first, the residual between two consecutive frames tends to zero at most pixels. Hiding such highly-sparse data is significantly easier than hiding the original frames. Motivated by this fact, we propose to explicitly consider inter-frame residuals rather than blindly applying image steganography model on every video frame. Specifically, our model contains two branches, one of which is specially designed for hiding inter-frame difference into a cover video frame and the other instead hides the original secret frame. A simple thresholding method determines which branch a secret video frame shall choose. When revealing the concealed secret video, two decoders are devised, revealing difference or frame respectively. Second, we develop the model based on deep convolutional neural networks, which is the first of its kind in the literature of video steganography. In experiments, comprehensive evaluations are conducted to compare our model with both classic least significant bit (LSB) method and pure image steganography models. All results strongly suggest that the proposed model enjoys advantages over previous methods. We also carefully investigate key factors in the success of our deep video steganography model.Comment: 11 page

    Image Steganography using Gaussian Markov Random Field Model

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    Recent advances on adaptive steganography show that the performance of image steganographic communication can be improved by incorporating the non-additive models that capture the dependences among adjacent pixels. In this paper, a Gaussian Markov Random Field model (GMRF) with four-element cross neighborhood is proposed to characterize the interactions among local elements of cover images, and the problem of secure image steganography is formulated as the one of minimization of KL-divergence in terms of a series of low-dimensional clique structures associated with GMRF by taking advantages of the conditional independence of GMRF. The adoption of the proposed GMRF tessellates the cover image into two disjoint subimages, and an alternating iterative optimization scheme is developed to effectively embed the given payload while minimizing the total KL-divergence between cover and stego, i.e., the statistical detectability. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed GMRF outperforms the prior arts of model based schemes, e.g., MiPOD, and rivals the state-of-the-art HiLL for practical steganography, where the selection channel knowledges are unavailable to steganalyzers

    Universal Stego Post-processing for Enhancing Image Steganography

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    It is well known that the designing or improving embedding cost becomes a key issue for current steganographic methods. Unlike existing works, we propose a novel framework to enhance the steganography security via post-processing on the embedding units (i.e., pixel values and DCT coefficients) of stego directly. In this paper, we firstly analyze the characteristics of STCs (Syndrome-Trellis Codes), and then design the rule for post-processing to ensure the correct extraction of hidden message. Since the steganography artifacts are typically reflected on image residuals, we try to reduce the residual distance between cover and the modified stego in order to enhance steganography security. To this end, we model the post-processing as a non-linear integer programming, and implement it via heuristic search. In addition, we carefully determine several important issues in the proposed post-processing, such as the candidate embedding units to be modified, the direction and amplitude of post-modification, the adaptive filters for getting residuals, and the distance measure of residuals. Extensive experimental results evaluated on both hand-crafted steganalytic features and deep learning based ones demonstrate that the proposed method can effectively enhance the security of most modern steganographic methods both in spatial and JPEG domains