33,234 research outputs found

    Higher level WZW sectors from free fermions

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    We introduce a gauge group of internal symmetries of an ambient algebra as a new tool for investigating the superselection structure of WZW theories and the representation theory of the corresponding affine Lie algebras. The relevant ambient algebra arises from the description of these conformal field theories in terms of free fermions. As an illustration we analyze in detail the \son\ WZW theories at level two. In this case there is actually a homomorphism from the representation ring of the gauge group to the WZW fusion ring, even though the level-two observable algebra is smaller than the gauge invariant subalgebra of the field algebra.Comment: LaTeX2e, 30 page

    Multiparameter quantum groups at roots of unity

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    We address the problem of studying multiparameter quamtum groups (=MpQG's) at roots of unity, namely quantum universal enveloping algebras Uq(g) U_{\boldsymbol{\rm q}}(\mathfrak{g}) depending on a matrix of parameters q=(qij)i,jI \boldsymbol{\rm q} = {\big( q_{ij} \big)}_{i, j \in I} \, . This is performed via the construction of quantum root vectors and suitable "integral forms" of Uq(g) U_{\boldsymbol{\rm q}}(\mathfrak{g}) \, , a restricted one - generated by quantum divided powers and quantum binomial coefficients - and an unrestricted one - where quantum root vectors are suitably renormalized. The specializations at roots of unity of either forms are the "MpQG's at roots of unity" we are investigating. In particular, we study special subalgebras and quotients of our MpQG's at roots of unity - namely, the multiparameter version of small quantum groups - and suitable associated quantum Frobenius morphisms, that link the (specializations of) MpQG's at roots of 1 with MpQG's at 1, the latter being classical Hopf algebras bearing a well precise Poisson-geometrical content. A key point in the discussion - often at the core of our strategy - is that every MpQG is actually a 2-cocycle deformation of the algebra structure of (a lift of) the "canonical" one-parameter quantum group by Jimbo-Lusztig, so that we can often rely on already established results available for the latter. On the other hand, depending on the chosen multiparameter q \boldsymbol{\rm q} our quantum groups yield (through the choice of integral forms and their specialization) different semiclassical structures, namely different Lie coalgebra structures and Poisson structures on the Lie algebra and algebraic group underlying the canonical one-parameter quantum group.Comment: 84 pages. New version slightly re-edited and streamlined: the content only is affected in Sec. 3.1, but page flushing occurs in the sequel as well (overall, the text is now one page shorter

    Lie-Algebraic Characterization of 2D (Super-)Integrable Models

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    It is pointed out that affine Lie algebras appear to be the natural mathematical structure underlying the notion of integrability for two-dimensional systems. Their role in the construction and classification of 2D integrable systems is discussed. The super- symmetric case will be particularly enphasized. The fundamental examples will be outlined.Comment: 6 pages, LaTex, Talk given at the conference in memory of D.V. Volkov, Kharkhov, January 1997. To appear in the proceeding

    Higher-dimensional WZW Model on K\"ahler Manifold and Toroidal Lie Algebra

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    We construct a generalization of the two-dimensional Wess-Zumino-Witten model on a 2n2n-dimensional K\"ahler manifold as a group-valued non-linear sigma model with an anomaly term containing the K\"ahler form. The model is shown to have an infinite-dimensional symmetry which generates an nn-toroidal Lie algebra. The classical equation of motion turns out to be the Donaldson-Uhlenbeck-Yau equation, which is a 2n2n-dimensional generalization of the self-dual Yang-Mills equation.Comment: 12 pages, Late

    The gl(M|N) Super Yangian and Its Finite Dimensional Representations

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    Methods are developed for systematically constructing the finite dimensional irreducible representations of the super Yangian Y(gl(M|N)) associated with the Lie superalgebra gl(M|N). It is also shown that every finite dimensional irreducible representation of Y(gl(M|N)) is of highest weight type, and is uniquely characterized by a highest weight. The necessary and sufficient conditions for an irrep to be finite dimensional are given.Comment: 14 pages plain late