3 research outputs found

    Investigating Query-Drift Problem from a Novel Perspective of Photon Polarization

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    Query expansion, while generally effective in improving re- trieval performance, may lead to the query-drift problem. Following the recent development of applying Quantum Mechanics (QM) to IR, we investigate the problem from a novel theoretical perspective inspired by photon polarization (a key QM experiment)

    A Survey of Quantum Theory Inspired Approaches to Information Retrieval

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    Since 2004, researchers have been using the mathematical framework of Quantum Theory (QT) in Information Retrieval (IR). QT offers a generalized probability and logic framework. Such a framework has been shown capable of unifying the representation, ranking and user cognitive aspects of IR, and helpful in developing more dynamic, adaptive and context-aware IR systems. Although Quantum-inspired IR is still a growing area, a wide array of work in different aspects of IR has been done and produced promising results. This paper presents a survey of the research done in this area, aiming to show the landscape of the field and draw a road-map of future directions

    Implications of Computational Cognitive Models for Information Retrieval

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    This dissertation explores the implications of computational cognitive modeling for information retrieval. The parallel between information retrieval and human memory is that the goal of an information retrieval system is to find the set of documents most relevant to the query whereas the goal for the human memory system is to access the relevance of items stored in memory given a memory probe (Steyvers & Griffiths, 2010). The two major topics of this dissertation are desirability and information scent. Desirability is the context independent probability of an item receiving attention (Recker & Pitkow, 1996). Desirability has been widely utilized in numerous experiments to model the probability that a given memory item would be retrieved (Anderson, 2007). Information scent is a context dependent measure defined as the utility of an information item (Pirolli & Card, 1996b). Information scent has been widely utilized to predict the memory item that would be retrieved given a probe (Anderson, 2007) and to predict the browsing behavior of humans (Pirolli & Card, 1996b). In this dissertation, I proposed the theory that desirability observed in human memory is caused by preferential attachment in networks. Additionally, I showed that documents accessed in large repositories mirror the observed statistical properties in human memory and that these properties can be used to improve document ranking. Finally, I showed that the combination of information scent and desirability improves document ranking over existing well-established approaches