8 research outputs found

    On Squared Distance Matrix of Complete Multipartite Graphs

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    Let G=Kn1,n2,⋯ ,ntG = K_{n_1,n_2,\cdots,n_t} be a complete tt-partite graph on n=βˆ‘i=1tnin=\sum_{i=1}^t n_i vertices. The distance between vertices ii and jj in GG, denoted by dijd_{ij} is defined to be the length of the shortest path between ii and jj. The squared distance matrix Ξ”(G)\Delta(G) of GG is the nΓ—nn\times n matrix with (i,j)th(i,j)^{th} entry equal to 00 if i=ji = j and equal to dij2d_{ij}^2 if iβ‰ ji \neq j. We define the squared distance energy EΞ”(G)E_{\Delta}(G) of GG to be the sum of the absolute values of its eigenvalues. We determine the inertia of Ξ”(G)\Delta(G) and compute the squared distance energy EΞ”(G)E_{\Delta}(G). More precisely, we prove that if niβ‰₯2n_i \geq 2 for 1≀i≀t1\leq i \leq t, then EΞ”(G)=8(nβˆ’t) E_{\Delta}(G)=8(n-t) and if h=∣{i:ni=1}∣β‰₯1 h= |\{i : n_i=1\}|\geq 1, then 8(nβˆ’t)+2(hβˆ’1)≀EΞ”(G)<8(nβˆ’t)+2h. 8(n-t)+2(h-1) \leq E_{\Delta}(G) < 8(n-t)+2h. Furthermore, we show that for a fixed value of nn and tt, both the spectral radius of the squared distance matrix and the squared distance energy of complete tt-partite graphs on nn vertices are maximal for complete split graph Sn,tS_{n,t} and minimal for Tur{\'a}n graph Tn,tT_{n,t}

    Distance matrices of a tree: two more invariants, and in a unified framework

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    Graham-Pollak showed that for D=DTD = D_T the distance matrix of a tree TT, det(D)(D) depends only on its number of edges. Several other variants of DD, including directed/multiplicative/qq- versions were studied, and always, det(D)(D) depends only on the edge-data. We introduce a general framework for bi-directed weighted trees, with threefold significance. First, we improve on state-of-the-art for all known variants, even in the classical Graham-Pollak case: we delete arbitrary pendant nodes (and more general subsets) from the rows/columns of DD, and show these minors do not depend on the tree-structure. Second, our setting unifies all known variants (with entries in a commutative ring). We further compute in closed form the inverse of DD, extending a result of Graham-Lovasz [Adv. Math. 1978] and answering a question of Bapat-Lal-Pati [Lin. Alg. Appl. 2006]. Third, we compute a second function of the matrix DD: the sum of all its cofactors, cof(D)(D). This was worked out in the simplest setting by Graham-Hoffman-Hosoya (1978), but is relatively unexplored for other variants. We prove a stronger result, in our general setting, by computing cof(.)(.) for minors as above, and showing these too depend only on the edge-data. Finally, we show our setting is the 'most general possible', in that with more freedom in the edgeweights, det(D)(D) and cof(D)(D) depend on the tree structure. In a sense, this completes the study of the invariant det(DT)(D_T) (and cof(DT)(D_T)) for trees TT with edge-data in a commutative ring. Moreover: for a bi-directed graph GG we prove multiplicative Graham-Hoffman-Hosoya type formulas for det(DG)(D_G), cof(DG)(D_G), DGβˆ’1D_G^{-1}. We then show how this subsumes their 1978 result. The final section introduces and computes a third, novel invariant for trees and a Graham-Hoffman-Hosoya type result for our "most general" distance matrix DTD_T.Comment: 42 pages, 2 figures; minor edits in the proof of Theorems A and 1.1

    The additive-multiplicative distance matrix of a graph, and a novel third invariant

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    Graham showed with Pollak and Hoffman-Hosoya that for any directed graph GG with strong blocks GeG_e, the determinant det⁑(DG)\det(D_G) and cofactor-sum cof(DG)cof(D_G) of the distance matrix DGD_G can be computed from the same quantities for the blocks GeG_e. This was extended to trees - and in our recent work to any graph - with multiplicative and qq-distance matrices. For trees, we went further and unified all previous variants with weights in a unital commutative ring, into a distance matrix with additive and multiplicative edge-data. In this work: (1) We introduce the additive-multiplicative distance matrix DGD_G of every strongly connected graph GG, using what we term the additive-multiplicative block-datum G\mathcal{G}. This subsumes the previously studied additive, multiplicative, and qq-distances for all graphs. (2) We introduce an invariant ΞΊ(DG)\kappa(D_G) that seems novel to date, and use it to show "master" Graham-Hoffman-Hosoya (GHH) identities, which express det⁑(DG),cof(DG)\det(D_G), cof(D_G) in terms of the blocks GeG_e. We show how these imply all previous variants. (3) We show det⁑(.),cof(.),ΞΊ(.)\det(.), cof(.), \kappa(.) depend only on the block-data for not just DGD_G, but also several minors of DGD_G. This was not studied in any setting to date; we show it in the "most general" additive-multiplicative setting, hence in all known settings. (4) We compute DGβˆ’1D_G^{-1} in closed-form; this specializes to all known variants. In particular, we recover our previous formula for DTβˆ’1D_T^{-1} for additive-multiplicative trees (which itself specializes to a result of Graham-Lovasz and answers a 2006 question of Bapat-Lal-Pati.) (5) We also show that not the Laplacian, but a closely related matrix is the "correct" one to use in DGβˆ’1D_G^{-1} - for the most general additive-multiplicative matrix DGD_G of each GG. As examples, we compute in closed form det⁑(DG),cof(DG),ΞΊ(DG),DGβˆ’1\det(D_G), cof(D_G), \kappa(D_G), D_G^{-1} for hypertrees.Comment: 27 pages, LaTe