28 research outputs found

    Enumeration of flattened kk-Stirling permutations with respect to descents

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    A kk-Stirling permutation of order nn is said to be "flattened" if the leading terms of its increasing runs are in ascending order. We show that flattened kk-Stirling permutations of order n+1n+1 are in bijection correspondence with a colored variant of type BB set partitions of [−n,n][-n,n], introduced by D.G.L. Wang. Using the theory of weighted labelled structures, we give the exponential generating functions of their cardinality and their descent enumerating polynomials. We also provide enumerative formulae for the number of flattened kk-Stirling permutations of order nn with small number of descents and the number of flattened Stirling permutations with maximum number of descents.Comment: 22 pages, 1 table. Comments are welcom

    Realizing the ss-permutahedron via flow polytopes

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    Ceballos and Pons introduced the ss-weak order on ss-decreasing trees, for any weak composition ss. They proved that it has a lattice structure and further conjectured that it can be realized as the 11-skeleton of a polyhedral subdivision of a polytope. We answer their conjecture in the case where ss is a strict composition by providing three geometric realizations of the ss-permutahedron. The first one is the dual graph of a triangulation of a flow polytope of high dimension. The second one, obtained using the Cayley trick, is the dual graph of a fine mixed subdivision of a sum of hypercubes that has the conjectured dimension. The third one, obtained using tropical geometry, is the 11-skeleton of a polyhedral complex for which we can provide explicit coordinates of the vertices and whose support is a permutahedron as conjectured.Comment: 39 pages, 14 figure