1,812 research outputs found

    Motion Imitation Based on Sparsely Sampled Correspondence

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    Existing techniques for motion imitation often suffer a certain level of latency due to their computational overhead or a large set of correspondence samples to search. To achieve real-time imitation with small latency, we present a framework in this paper to reconstruct motion on humanoids based on sparsely sampled correspondence. The imitation problem is formulated as finding the projection of a point from the configuration space of a human's poses into the configuration space of a humanoid. An optimal projection is defined as the one that minimizes a back-projected deviation among a group of candidates, which can be determined in a very efficient way. Benefited from this formulation, effective projections can be obtained by using sparse correspondence. Methods for generating these sparse correspondence samples have also been introduced. Our method is evaluated by applying the human's motion captured by a RGB-D sensor to a humanoid in real-time. Continuous motion can be realized and used in the example application of tele-operation.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, technical repor

    Bilinear Time Delay Neural Network System for Humanoid Robot Software

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    Design, modeling and implementation of a soft robotic neck for humanoid robots

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    Mención Internacional en el título de doctorSoft humanoid robotics is an emerging field that combines the flexibility and safety of soft robotics with the form and functionality of humanoid robotics. This thesis explores the potential for collaboration between these two fields with a focus on the development of soft joints for the humanoid robot TEO. The aim is to improve the robot’s adaptability and movement, which are essential for an efficient interaction with its environment. The research described in this thesis involves the development of a simple and easily transportable soft robotic neck for the robot, based on a 2 Degree of Freedom (DOF) Cable Driven Parallel Mechanism (CDPM). For its final integration into TEO, the proposed design is later refined, resulting in an efficiently scaled prototype able to face significant payloads. The nonlinear behaviour of the joints, due mainly to the elastic nature of their soft links, makes their modeling a challenging issue, which is addressed in this thesis from two perspectives: first, the direct and inverse kinematic models of the soft joints are analytically studied, based on CDPM mathematical models; second, a data-driven system identification is performed based on machine learning techniques. Both approaches are deeply studied and compared, both in simulation and experimentally. In addition to the soft neck, this thesis also addresses the design and prototyping of a soft arm capable of handling external loads. The proposed design is also tendon-driven and has a morphology with two main bending configurations, which provides more versatility compared to the soft neck. In summary, this work contributes to the growing field of soft humanoid robotics through the development of soft joints and their application to the humanoid robot TEO, showcasing the potential of soft robotics to improve the adaptability, flexibility, and safety of humanoid robots. The development of these soft joints is a significant achievement and the research presented in this thesis paves the way for further exploration and development in this field.La robótica humanoide blanda es un campo emergente que combina la flexibilidad y seguridad de la robótica blanda con la forma y funcionalidad de la robótica humanoide. Esta tesis explora el potencial de colaboración entre estos dos campos centrándose en el desarrollo de una articulación blanda para el cuello del robot humanoide TEO. El objetivo es mejorar la adaptabilidad y el movimiento del robot, esenciales para una interacción eficaz con su entorno. La investigación descrita en esta tesis consiste en el desarrollo de un prototipo sencillo y fácilmente transportable de cuello blando para el robot, basado en un mecanismo paralelo actuado por cable de 2 grados de libertad. Para su integración final en TEO, el diseño propuesto es posteriormente refinado, resultando en un prototipo eficientemente escalado capaz de manejar cargas significativas. El comportamiemto no lineal de estas articulaciones, debido fundamentalmente a la naturaleza elástica de sus eslabones blandos, hacen de su modelado un gran reto, que en esta tesis se aborda desde dos perspectivas diferentes: primero, los modelos cinemáticos directo e inverso de las articulaciones blandas se estudian analíticamente, basándose en modelos matemáticos de mecanismos paralelos actuados por cable; segundo, se aborda el problema de la identificación del sistema mediante técnicas basadas en machine learning. Ambas propuestas se estudian y comparan en profundidad, tanto en simulación como experimentalmente. Además del cuello blando, esta tesis también aborda el diseño de un brazo robótico blando capaz de manejar cargas externas. El diseño propuesto está igualmente basado en accionamiento por tendones y tiene una morfología con dos configuraciones principales de flexión, lo que proporciona una mayor versatilidad en comparación con el cuello robótico blando. En resumen, este trabajo contribuye al creciente campo de la robótica humanoide blanda mediante el desarrollo de articulaciones blandas y su aplicación al robot humanoide TEO, mostrando el potencial de la robótica blanda para mejorar la adaptabilidad, flexibilidad y seguridad de los robots humanoides. El desarrollo de estas articulaciones es una contribución significativa y la investigación presentada en esta tesis allana el camino hacia nuevos desarrollos y retos en este campo.Programa de Doctorado en Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica y Automática por la Universidad Carlos III de MadridPresidenta: Cecilia Elisabet García Cena.- Secretario: Dorin Sabin Copaci.- Vocal: Martin Fodstad Stole

    From virtual demonstration to real-world manipulation using LSTM and MDN

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    Robots assisting the disabled or elderly must perform complex manipulation tasks and must adapt to the home environment and preferences of their user. Learning from demonstration is a promising choice, that would allow the non-technical user to teach the robot different tasks. However, collecting demonstrations in the home environment of a disabled user is time consuming, disruptive to the comfort of the user, and presents safety challenges. It would be desirable to perform the demonstrations in a virtual environment. In this paper we describe a solution to the challenging problem of behavior transfer from virtual demonstration to a physical robot. The virtual demonstrations are used to train a deep neural network based controller, which is using a Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) recurrent neural network to generate trajectories. The training process uses a Mixture Density Network (MDN) to calculate an error signal suitable for the multimodal nature of demonstrations. The controller learned in the virtual environment is transferred to a physical robot (a Rethink Robotics Baxter). An off-the-shelf vision component is used to substitute for geometric knowledge available in the simulation and an inverse kinematics module is used to allow the Baxter to enact the trajectory. Our experimental studies validate the three contributions of the paper: (1) the controller learned from virtual demonstrations can be used to successfully perform the manipulation tasks on a physical robot, (2) the LSTM+MDN architectural choice outperforms other choices, such as the use of feedforward networks and mean-squared error based training signals and (3) allowing imperfect demonstrations in the training set also allows the controller to learn how to correct its manipulation mistakes

    Modification of Gesture-Determined-Dynamic Function with Consideration of Margins for Motion Planning of Humanoid Robots

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    The gesture-determined-dynamic function (GDDF) offers an effective way to handle the control problems of humanoid robots. Specifically, GDDF is utilized to constrain the movements of dual arms of humanoid robots and steer specific gestures to conduct demanding tasks under certain conditions. However, there is still a deficiency in this scheme. Through experiments, we found that the joints of the dual arms, which can be regarded as the redundant manipulators, could exceed their limits slightly at the joint angle level. The performance straightly depends on the parameters designed beforehand for the GDDF, which causes a lack of adaptability to the practical applications of this method. In this paper, a modified scheme of GDDF with consideration of margins (MGDDF) is proposed. This MGDDF scheme is based on quadratic programming (QP) framework, which is widely applied to solving the redundancy resolution problems of robot arms. Moreover, three margins are introduced in the proposed MGDDF scheme to avoid joint limits. With consideration of these margins, the joints of manipulators of the humanoid robots will not exceed their limits, and the potential damages which might be caused by exceeding limits will be completely avoided. Computer simulations conducted on MATLAB further verify the feasibility and superiority of the proposed MGDDF scheme