2 research outputs found

    Learning the effect of latent variables in Gaussian Graphical models with unobserved variables

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    The edge structure of the graph defining an undirected graphical model describes precisely the structure of dependence between the variables in the graph. In many applications, the dependence structure is unknown and it is desirable to learn it from data, often because it is a preliminary step to be able to ascertain causal effects. This problem, known as structure learning, is hard in general, but for Gaussian graphical models it is slightly easier because the structure of the graph is given by the sparsity pattern of the precision matrix of the joint distribution, and because independence coincides with decorrelation. A major difficulty too often ignored in structure learning is the fact that if some variables are not observed, the marginal dependence graph over the observed variables will possibly be significantly more complex and no longer reflect the direct dependencies that are potentially associated with causal effects. In this work, we consider a family of latent variable Gaussian graphical models in which the graph of the joint distribution between observed and unobserved variables is sparse, and the unobserved variables are conditionally independent given the others. Prior work was able to recover the connectivity between observed variables, but could only identify the subspace spanned by unobserved variables, whereas we propose a convex optimization formulation based on structured matrix sparsity to estimate the complete connectivity of the complete graph including unobserved variables, given the knowledge of the number of missing variables, and a priori knowledge of their level of connectivity. Our formulation is supported by a theoretical result of identifiability of the latent dependence structure for sparse graphs in the infinite data limit. We propose an algorithm leveraging recent active set methods, which performs well in the experiments on synthetic data

    σ\sigma-Ridge: group regularized ridge regression via empirical Bayes noise level cross-validation

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    Features in predictive models are not exchangeable, yet common supervised models treat them as such. Here we study ridge regression when the analyst can partition the features into KK groups based on external side-information. For example, in high-throughput biology, features may represent gene expression, protein abundance or clinical data and so each feature group represents a distinct modality. The analyst's goal is to choose optimal regularization parameters λ=(λ1,,λK)\lambda = (\lambda_1, \dotsc, \lambda_K) -- one for each group. In this work, we study the impact of λ\lambda on the predictive risk of group-regularized ridge regression by deriving limiting risk formulae under a high-dimensional random effects model with pnp\asymp n as nn \to \infty. Furthermore, we propose a data-driven method for choosing λ\lambda that attains the optimal asymptotic risk: The key idea is to interpret the residual noise variance σ2\sigma^2, as a regularization parameter to be chosen through cross-validation. An empirical Bayes construction maps the one-dimensional parameter σ\sigma to the KK-dimensional vector of regularization parameters, i.e., σλ^(σ)\sigma \mapsto \widehat{\lambda}(\sigma). Beyond its theoretical optimality, the proposed method is practical and runs as fast as cross-validated ridge regression without feature groups (K=1K=1)