234 research outputs found

    Inverse Conjecture for the Gowers norm is false

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    Let pp be a fixed prime number, and NN be a large integer. The 'Inverse Conjecture for the Gowers norm' states that if the "dd-th Gowers norm" of a function f:\F_p^N \to \F_p is non-negligible, that is larger than a constant independent of NN, then ff can be non-trivially approximated by a degree d−1d-1 polynomial. The conjecture is known to hold for d=2,3d=2,3 and for any prime pp. In this paper we show the conjecture to be false for p=2p=2 and for d=4d = 4, by presenting an explicit function whose 4-th Gowers norm is non-negligible, but whose correlation any polynomial of degree 3 is exponentially small. Essentially the same result (with different correlation bounds) was independently obtained by Green and Tao \cite{gt07}. Their analysis uses a modification of a Ramsey-type argument of Alon and Beigel \cite{ab} to show inapproximability of certain functions by low-degree polynomials. We observe that a combination of our results with the argument of Alon and Beigel implies the inverse conjecture to be false for any prime pp, for d=p2d = p^2.Comment: 20 page

    Linear forms and higher-degree uniformity for functions on Fpn\mathbb{F}_p^n

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    In [GW09a] we conjectured that uniformity of degree k−1k-1 is sufficient to control an average over a family of linear forms if and only if the kkth powers of these linear forms are linearly independent. In this paper we prove this conjecture in Fpn\mathbb{F}_p^n, provided only that pp is sufficiently large. This result represents one of the first applications of the recent inverse theorem for the UkU^k norm over Fpn\mathbb{F}_p^n by Bergelson, Tao and Ziegler [BTZ09,TZ08]. We combine this result with some abstract arguments in order to prove that a bounded function can be expressed as a sum of polynomial phases and a part that is small in the appropriate uniformity norm. The precise form of this decomposition theorem is critical to our proof, and the theorem itself may be of independent interest.Comment: 40 page

    An equivalence between inverse sumset theorems and inverse conjectures for the U^3 norm

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    We establish a correspondence between inverse sumset theorems (which can be viewed as classifications of approximate (abelian) groups) and inverse theorems for the Gowers norms (which can be viewed as classifications of approximate polynomials). In particular, we show that the inverse sumset theorems of Freiman type are equivalent to the known inverse results for the Gowers U^3 norms, and moreover that the conjectured polynomial strengthening of the former is also equivalent to the polynomial strengthening of the latter. We establish this equivalence in two model settings, namely that of the finite field vector spaces F_2^n, and of the cyclic groups Z/NZ. In both cases the argument involves clarifying the structure of certain types of approximate homomorphism.Comment: 23 page
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