7 research outputs found

    Inverse Attention Guided Deep Crowd Counting Network

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    In this paper, we address the challenging problem of crowd counting in congested scenes. Specifically, we present Inverse Attention Guided Deep Crowd Counting Network (IA-DCCN) that efficiently infuses segmentation information through an inverse attention mechanism into the counting network, resulting in significant improvements. The proposed method, which is based on VGG-16, is a single-step training framework and is simple to implement. The use of segmentation information results in minimal computational overhead and does not require any additional annotations. We demonstrate the significance of segmentation guided inverse attention through a detailed analysis and ablation study. Furthermore, the proposed method is evaluated on three challenging crowd counting datasets and is shown to achieve significant improvements over several recent methods.Comment: Accepted at 16th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal-based Surveillance (AVSS) 201

    Enhanced Information Fusion Network for Crowd Counting

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    In recent years, crowd counting, a technique for predicting the number of people in an image, becomes a challenging task in computer vision. In this paper, we propose a cross-column feature fusion network to solve the problem of information redundancy in columns. We introduce the Information Fusion Module (IFM) which provides a channel for information flow to help different columns to obtain significant information from another column. Through this channel, different columns exchange information with each other and extract useful features from the other column to enhance key information. Hence, there is no need for columns to pay attention to all areas in the image. Each column can be responsible for different regions, thereby reducing the burden of each column. In experiments, the generalizability of our model is more robust and the results of transferring between different datasets acheive the comparable results with the state-of-the-art models.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Pushing the Frontiers of Unconstrained Crowd Counting: New Dataset and Benchmark Method

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    In this work, we propose a novel crowd counting network that progressively generates crowd density maps via residual error estimation. The proposed method uses VGG16 as the backbone network and employs density map generated by the final layer as a coarse prediction to refine and generate finer density maps in a progressive fashion using residual learning. Additionally, the residual learning is guided by an uncertainty-based confidence weighting mechanism that permits the flow of only high-confidence residuals in the refinement path. The proposed Confidence Guided Deep Residual Counting Network (CG-DRCN) is evaluated on recent complex datasets, and it achieves significant improvements in errors. Furthermore, we introduce a new large scale unconstrained crowd counting dataset (JHU-CROWD) that is ~2.8 larger than the most recent crowd counting datasets in terms of the number of images. It contains 4,250 images with 1.11 million annotations. In comparison to existing datasets, the proposed dataset is collected under a variety of diverse scenarios and environmental conditions. Specifically, the dataset includes several images with weather-based degradations and illumination variations in addition to many distractor images, making it a very challenging dataset. Additionally, the dataset consists of rich annotations at both image-level and head-level. Several recent methods are evaluated and compared on this dataset.Comment: Accepted at ICCV 201

    Learning to Count in the Crowd from Limited Labeled Data

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    Recent crowd counting approaches have achieved excellent performance. However, they are essentially based on fully supervised paradigm and require large number of annotated samples. Obtaining annotations is an expensive and labour-intensive process. In this work, we focus on reducing the annotation efforts by learning to count in the crowd from limited number of labeled samples while leveraging a large pool of unlabeled data. Specifically, we propose a Gaussian Process-based iterative learning mechanism that involves estimation of pseudo-ground truth for the unlabeled data, which is then used as supervision for training the network. The proposed method is shown to be effective under the reduced data (semi-supervised) settings for several datasets like ShanghaiTech, UCF-QNRF, WorldExpo, UCSD, etc. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the proposed method can be leveraged to enable the network in learning to count from synthetic dataset while being able to generalize better to real-world datasets (synthetic-to-real transfer).Comment: Accepted at ECCV 202

    Multi-Level Bottom-Top and Top-Bottom Feature Fusion for Crowd Counting

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    Crowd counting presents enormous challenges in the form of large variation in scales within images and across the dataset. These issues are further exacerbated in highly congested scenes. Approaches based on straightforward fusion of multi-scale features from a deep network seem to be obvious solutions to this problem. However, these fusion approaches do not yield significant improvements in the case of crowd counting in congested scenes. This is usually due to their limited abilities in effectively combining the multi-scale features for problems like crowd counting. To overcome this, we focus on how to efficiently leverage information present in different layers of the network. Specifically, we present a network that involves: (i) a multi-level bottom-top and top-bottom fusion (MBTTBF) method to combine information from shallower to deeper layers and vice versa at multiple levels, (ii) scale complementary feature extraction blocks (SCFB) involving cross-scale residual functions to explicitly enable flow of complementary features from adjacent conv layers along the fusion paths. Furthermore, in order to increase the effectiveness of the multi-scale fusion, we employ a principled way of generating scale-aware ground-truth density maps for training. Experiments conducted on three datasets that contain highly congested scenes (ShanghaiTech, UCF_CC_50, and UCF-QNRF) demonstrate that the proposed method is able to outperform several recent methods in all the datasets.Comment: Accepted at ICCV 201

    Crowd Counting via Segmentation Guided Attention Networks and Curriculum Loss

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    Automatic crowd behaviour analysis is an important task for intelligent transportation systems to enable effective flow control and dynamic route planning for varying road participants. Crowd counting is one of the keys to automatic crowd behaviour analysis. Crowd counting using deep convolutional neural networks (CNN) has achieved encouraging progress in recent years. Researchers have devoted much effort to the design of variant CNN architectures and most of them are based on the pre-trained VGG16 model. Due to the insufficient expressive capacity, the backbone network of VGG16 is usually followed by another cumbersome network specially designed for good counting performance. Although VGG models have been outperformed by Inception models in image classification tasks, the existing crowd counting networks built with Inception modules still only have a small number of layers with basic types of Inception modules. To fill in this gap, in this paper, we firstly benchmark the baseline Inception-v3 model on commonly used crowd counting datasets and achieve surprisingly good performance comparable with or better than most existing crowd counting models. Subsequently, we push the boundary of this disruptive work further by proposing a Segmentation Guided Attention Network (SGANet) with Inception-v3 as the backbone and a novel curriculum loss for crowd counting. We conduct thorough experiments to compare the performance of our SGANet with prior arts and the proposed model can achieve state-of-the-art performance with MAE of 57.6, 6.3 and 87.6 on ShanghaiTechA, ShanghaiTechB and UCF\_QNRF, respectively.Comment: Technical Report, Durham Universit

    JHU-CROWD++: Large-Scale Crowd Counting Dataset and A Benchmark Method

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    Due to its variety of applications in the real-world, the task of single image-based crowd counting has received a lot of interest in the recent years. Recently, several approaches have been proposed to address various problems encountered in crowd counting. These approaches are essentially based on convolutional neural networks that require large amounts of data to train the network parameters. Considering this, we introduce a new large scale unconstrained crowd counting dataset (JHU-CROWD++) that contains "4,372" images with "1.51 million" annotations. In comparison to existing datasets, the proposed dataset is collected under a variety of diverse scenarios and environmental conditions. Specifically, the dataset includes several images with weather-based degradations and illumination variations, making it a very challenging dataset. Additionally, the dataset consists of a rich set of annotations at both image-level and head-level. Several recent methods are evaluated and compared on this dataset. The dataset can be downloaded from http://www.crowd-counting.com . Furthermore, we propose a novel crowd counting network that progressively generates crowd density maps via residual error estimation. The proposed method uses VGG16 as the backbone network and employs density map generated by the final layer as a coarse prediction to refine and generate finer density maps in a progressive fashion using residual learning. Additionally, the residual learning is guided by an uncertainty-based confidence weighting mechanism that permits the flow of only high-confidence residuals in the refinement path. The proposed Confidence Guided Deep Residual Counting Network (CG-DRCN) is evaluated on recent complex datasets, and it achieves significant improvements in errors.Comment: Accepted at T-PAMI 2020. The dataset can be downloaded from http://www.crowd-counting.com. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1910.1238