3 research outputs found

    cmUML - A UML based framework for formal specification of concurrent, reactive systems

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    Complex software systems possess concurrent and reactive behaviors requiring precise specifications prior to development. Lamport's transition axiom method is a formal specification method which combines axiomatic and operational approaches. On the other hand Unified Modeling Language (UML), a de facto industry standard visual language, lacks suitable constructs and semantics regarding concurrency aspects. Though UML includes action semantics, its higher level constructs and object semantics are inconsistent. Motivated by Lamport's approach, this paper proposes a UML based specification framework 'cmUML' ('cm' for concurrent modules) for formal specification of concurrent, reactive systems without object level diagrams and OCL. The framework integrates higher level diagrams of UML and addresses various concurrency issues including exception handling. It combines UML-RT and UML// SPT profile as the latter defines a core package for concurrency and causality. Further the framework includes the characteristic safety and liveness aspects of concurrent systems. The proposed framework is in contrast with existing approaches based on low level primitives (semaphore, monitors). The paper includes several specification examples validating the proposed framework

    Computing change of invariants to support software evolution

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    Software is always evolving. In the recent years, the development community has shifted towards Agile development paradigm resulting in faster release cycle. This emphasis on speed is, generally, accompanied by an increase in the number of bugs and reduced focus on updating non-functional software artifacts like specification document. Recent studies have found that developers find it difficult to determine whether a change might break code elsewhere in the program, resulting in 25% of bugs fixes to be incorrect or buggy. A method to capture the semantic changes between different versions of a program is vital in understanding the impact of the change and in preventing bugs. An invariant is a condition that is always true at a given program point. Invariants are used to specify the requirements and desired behavior of a program at any program point. The difference in invariants between different program versions can be used to capture the changes made to the program. In this thesis, we use the change of invariants as a way to capture the semantic changes over different program versions. We designed a static demand-driven algorithm for automatically computing the change of invariants between different versions of a program. To evaluate the algorithm and its ability to capture semantic changes over different program versions, we built a prototype framework called Hydrogen. Our experimental results show that Hydrogen is able to compute the change of invariants between different versions of the programs, and the computed change of invariants can be used for understanding changes and generating assertions to prevent similar bugs in future

    Mechanizing Invariant Proofs of Joint Action Systems

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    This paper describes a system for mechanically deriving invariants for specifications given as joint action systems. We have implemented a tool which converts specifications in the DisCo specification language to the logic used by the PVS theorem prover. The tool derives instructions for the theorem prover for carrying out most of the proofs without user intervention. As an example, an invariant for a simple communication protocol is derived, and some empirical results about the performance of the system are given. Categories and Subject Descriptors: D.2.1 [Software Engineering]: Requirements /Specifications; D.2.2 [Software Engineering]: Tools and Techniques; F.3.1 [Logics and Meanings of Programs]: Specifying and Verifying and Reasoning about Programs; Key Words and Phrases: Action systems, Mechanized reasoning. 1 Introduction This paper describes a system for mechanically deriving invariants for specifications given as joint action systems. We have implemented a tool which conve..