26 research outputs found

    Adversarial Speaker Adaptation

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    We propose a novel adversarial speaker adaptation (ASA) scheme, in which adversarial learning is applied to regularize the distribution of deep hidden features in a speaker-dependent (SD) deep neural network (DNN) acoustic model to be close to that of a fixed speaker-independent (SI) DNN acoustic model during adaptation. An additional discriminator network is introduced to distinguish the deep features generated by the SD model from those produced by the SI model. In ASA, with a fixed SI model as the reference, an SD model is jointly optimized with the discriminator network to minimize the senone classification loss, and simultaneously to mini-maximize the SI/SD discrimination loss on the adaptation data. With ASA, a senone-discriminative deep feature is learned in the SD model with a similar distribution to that of the SI model. With such a regularized and adapted deep feature, the SD model can perform improved automatic speech recognition on the target speaker's speech. Evaluated on the Microsoft short message dictation dataset, ASA achieves 14.4% and 7.9% relative word error rate improvements for supervised and unsupervised adaptation, respectively, over an SI model trained from 2600 hours data, with 200 adaptation utterances per speaker.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, ICASSP 201

    Adversarial Network Bottleneck Features for Noise Robust Speaker Verification

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    In this paper, we propose a noise robust bottleneck feature representation which is generated by an adversarial network (AN). The AN includes two cascade connected networks, an encoding network (EN) and a discriminative network (DN). Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCCs) of clean and noisy speech are used as input to the EN and the output of the EN is used as the noise robust feature. The EN and DN are trained in turn, namely, when training the DN, noise types are selected as the training labels and when training the EN, all labels are set as the same, i.e., the clean speech label, which aims to make the AN features invariant to noise and thus achieve noise robustness. We evaluate the performance of the proposed feature on a Gaussian Mixture Model-Universal Background Model based speaker verification system, and make comparison to MFCC features of speech enhanced by short-time spectral amplitude minimum mean square error (STSA-MMSE) and deep neural network-based speech enhancement (DNN-SE) methods. Experimental results on the RSR2015 database show that the proposed AN bottleneck feature (AN-BN) dramatically outperforms the STSA-MMSE and DNN-SE based MFCCs for different noise types and signal-to-noise ratios. Furthermore, the AN-BN feature is able to improve the speaker verification performance under the clean condition