45,158 research outputs found

    A data augmentation methodology for training machine/deep learning gait recognition algorithms

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    There are several confounding factors that can reduce the accuracy of gait recognition systems. These factors can reduce the distinctiveness, or alter the features used to characterise gait; they include variations in clothing, lighting, pose and environment, such as the walking surface. Full invariance to all confounding factors is challenging in the absence of high-quality labelled training data. We introduce a simulation-based methodology and a subject-specific dataset which can be used for generating synthetic video frames and sequences for data augmentation. With this methodology, we generated a multi-modal dataset. In addition, we supply simulation files that provide the ability to simultaneously sample from several confounding variables. The basis of the data is real motion capture data of subjects walking and running on a treadmill at different speeds. Results from gait recognition experiments suggest that information about the identity of subjects is retained within synthetically generated examples. The dataset and methodology allow studies into fully-invariant identity recognition spanning a far greater number of observation conditions than would otherwise be possible

    Dense 3D Face Correspondence

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    We present an algorithm that automatically establishes dense correspondences between a large number of 3D faces. Starting from automatically detected sparse correspondences on the outer boundary of 3D faces, the algorithm triangulates existing correspondences and expands them iteratively by matching points of distinctive surface curvature along the triangle edges. After exhausting keypoint matches, further correspondences are established by generating evenly distributed points within triangles by evolving level set geodesic curves from the centroids of large triangles. A deformable model (K3DM) is constructed from the dense corresponded faces and an algorithm is proposed for morphing the K3DM to fit unseen faces. This algorithm iterates between rigid alignment of an unseen face followed by regularized morphing of the deformable model. We have extensively evaluated the proposed algorithms on synthetic data and real 3D faces from the FRGCv2, Bosphorus, BU3DFE and UND Ear databases using quantitative and qualitative benchmarks. Our algorithm achieved dense correspondences with a mean localisation error of 1.28mm on synthetic faces and detected 1414 anthropometric landmarks on unseen real faces from the FRGCv2 database with 3mm precision. Furthermore, our deformable model fitting algorithm achieved 98.5% face recognition accuracy on the FRGCv2 and 98.6% on Bosphorus database. Our dense model is also able to generalize to unseen datasets.Comment: 24 Pages, 12 Figures, 6 Tables and 3 Algorithm

    Side-View Face Recognition

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    Side-view face recognition is a challenging problem with many applications. Especially in real-life scenarios where the environment is uncontrolled, coping with pose variations up to side-view positions is an important task for face recognition. In this paper we discuss the use of side view face recognition techniques to be used in house safety applications. Our aim is to recognize people as they pass through a door, and estimate their location in the house. Here, we compare available databases appropriate for this task, and review current methods for profile face recognition
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