23 research outputs found

    Some intuitionistic fuzzy congruences

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    First, we introduce the concept of intuitionistic fuzzy group congruence and we obtain the characterizations of intuitionistic fuzzy group congruences on an inverse semigroup and a T * -pure semigroup, respectively. Also, we study some properties of intuitionistic fuzzy group congruence. Next, we introduce the notion of intuitionistic fuzzy semilattice congruence and we give the characterization of intuitionistic fuzzy semilattice congruence on a T * -pure semigroup. Finally, we introduce the concept of intuitionistic fuzzy normal congruence and we prove that (IFNC(E S ), ∩, ∨) is a complete lattice. And we find the greatest intuitionistic fuzzy normal congruence containing an intuitionistic fuzzy congruence on E S

    Neke nove mrežno vrednosne algebarske strukture sa komparativnom analizom različitih pristupa

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    In this work a comparative analysis of several approaches to fuzzy algebraic structures and comparison of previous approaches to the recent one developed at University of  Novi Sad has been done. Special attention is paid to reducts and expansions of algebraic structures in fuzzy settings. Besides mentioning all the relevant algebras and properties developed in this setting, particular new algebras and properties are developed and investigated. Some new structures, in particular Omega Boolean algebras, Omega Boolean lattices and Omega Boolean rings are developed in the framework of omega structures. Equivalences among these structures are elaborated in details. Transfers from Omega groupoids to Omega groups and back are demonstrated. Moreover, normal subgroups are introduced in a particular way. Their connections to congruences are elaborated in this settings. Subgroups, congruences and normal subgroups are investigated for Ω-groups. These are latticevalued algebraic structures, defined on crisp algebras which are not necessarily groups, and in which the classical equality is replaced by a lattice-valued one. A normal Ω-subgroup is defined as a particular class in an Ω-congruence. Our main result is that the quotient groups over cuts of a normal Ω- subgroup of an Ω-group G, are classical normal subgroups of the corresponding quotient groups over G. We also describe the minimal normal Ω-subgroup of an Ω-group, and some other constructions related to Ω-valued congruences.Further results that are obtained are theorems that connect various approaches of fuzzy algebraic structures. A special notion of a generalized lattice valued Boolean algebra is introduced. The universe of this structure is an algebra with two binary, an unary and two nullary operations (as usual), but which is not a crisp Boolean algebra in general. A main element in our approach is a fuzzy  quivalence relation such that the Boolean algebras identities are approximately satisfied related to the considered fuzzy equivalence. Main properties of the new introduced notions are proved, and a connection with the notion of a structure of a generalized fuzzy lattice is provided.Ovaj rad bavi se komparativnom analizom različitih pristupa rasplinutim (fazi) algebarskim strukturama i odnosom tih struktura sa odgovarajućim klasičnim   algebrama. Posebna pažnja posvećena je poredenju postojećih pristupa ovom   problemu sa novim tehnikama i pojmovima nedavno razvijenim na Univerzitetu u Novom Sadu. U okviru ove analize, proučavana su i proširenja kao i redukti algebarskih struktura u kontekstu rasplinutih algebri. Brojne važne konkretne algebarske strukture istraživane su u ovom kontekstu, a neke nove uvedene su i ispitane. Bavili smo se detaljnim istrazivanjima Ω-grupa, sa stanovista kongruencija, normalnih podgrupa i veze sa klasicnim grupama. Nove strukture koje su u radu uvedene u posebnom delu, istrazene su sa aspekta svojstava i medusobne ekvivalentnosti. To su Ω-Bulove algebre, kao i odgo-varajuce mreže i Bulovi prsteni. Uspostavljena je uzajamna ekvivalentnost tih struktura analogno odnosima u klasičnoj algebri. U osnovi naše konstrukcije su mrežno vrednosne algebarske strukture denisane na klasičnim algebrama koje ne zadovoljavaju nužno identitete ispunjene na odgovarajucim klasičnim strukturama (Bulove algebre, prsteni, grupe itd.), već su to samo algebre istog tipa. Klasična jednakost zamenjena je posebnom kompatibilnom rasplinutom (mrežno-vrednosnom) relacijom ekvivalencije. Na navedeni nacin i u cilju koji je u osnovi teze (poredenja sa postojecim pristupima u ovoj naucnoj oblasti) proucavane su (vec denisane)  Ω-grupe. U nasim istraživanju uvedene su odgovarajuće normalne podgrupe. Uspostavljena je i istražena njihova veza sa Ω-kongruencijama. Normalna podgrupa  Ω-grupe definisana je kao posebna  klasa Ω-kongruencije. Jedan od rezultata u ovom delu je da su količničke grupe definisane pomocu nivoa Ω-jednakosti klasične normalne podgrupe odgovarajućih količničkih podgrupa polazne  -grupe. I u ovom slučaju osnovna  struktura na kojoj je denisana Ω-grupa je grupoid, ne nužno grupa. Opisane su osobine najmanje normalne podgrupe u terminima Ω-kongruencija, a date su i neke konstrukcije  Ω-kongruencija. Rezultati koji su izloženi u nastavku povezuju različite pristupe nekim mrežno- vrednosnim strukturama. Ω-Bulova algebra je uvedena na strukturi sa dve binarne, unarnom i dve nularne operacije, ali za koju se ne zahteva ispunjenost klasičnih aksioma. Identiteti za Bulove algebre važe kao mrežno-teoretske formule u odnosu na mrežno-vrednosnu jednakost. Klasicne Bulove algebre ih zadovoljavaju, ali obratno ne vazi: iz tih formula ne slede standardne aksiome za Bulove algebre. Na analogan nacin uveden je i  Ω-Bulov prsten. Glavna svojstva ovih struktura su opisana. Osnovna osobina je da se klasične Bulove algebre odnosno Bulovi prsteni javljaju kao količničke strukture na nivoima Ω -jednakosti. Veza ove strukture sa Ω-Bulovom mrežom je pokazana. Kao ilustracija ovih istraživanja, u radu je navedeno više primera

    New Development of Neutrosophic Probability, Neutrosophic Statistics, Neutrosophic Algebraic Structures, and Neutrosophic & Plithogenic Optimizations

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    This Special Issue puts forward for discussion state-of-the-art papers on new topics related to neutrosophic theories, such as neutrosophic algebraic structures, neutrosophic triplet algebraic structures, neutrosophic extended triplet algebraic structures, neutrosophic algebraic hyperstructures, neutrosophic triplet algebraic hyperstructures, neutrosophic n-ary algebraic structures, neutrosophic n-ary algebraic hyperstructures, refined neutrosophic algebraic structures, refined neutrosophic algebraic hyperstructures, quadruple neutrosophic algebraic structures, refined quadruple neutrosophic algebraic structures, neutrosophic image processing, neutrosophic image classification, neutrosophic computer vision, neutrosophic machine learning, neutrosophic artificial intelligence, neutrosophic data analytics, neutrosophic deep learning, neutrosophic symmetry, and their applications in the real world. This book leads to the further advancement of the neutrosophic and plithogenic theories of NeutroAlgebra and AntiAlgebra, NeutroGeometry and AntiGeometry, Neutrosophic n-SuperHyperGraph (the most general form of graph of today), Neutrosophic Statistics, Plithogenic Logic as a generalization of MultiVariate Logic, Plithogenic Probability and Plithogenic Statistics as a generalization of MultiVariate Probability and Statistics, respectively, and presents their countless applications in our every-day world

    New Challenges in Neutrosophic Theory and Applications

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    Neutrosophic theory has representatives on all continents and, therefore, it can be said to be a universal theory. On the other hand, according to the three volumes of “The Encyclopedia of Neutrosophic Researchers” (2016, 2018, 2019), plus numerous others not yet included in Encyclopedia book series, about 1200 researchers from 73 countries have applied both the neutrosophic theory and method. Neutrosophic theory was founded by Professor Florentin Smarandache in 1998; it constitutes further generalization of fuzzy and intuitionistic fuzzy theories. The key distinction between the neutrosophic set/logic and other types of sets/logics lies in the introduction of the degree of indeterminacy/neutrality (I) as an independent component in the neutrosophic set. Thus, neutrosophic theory involves the degree of membership-truth (T), the degree of indeterminacy (I), and the degree of non-membership-falsehood (F). In recent years, the field of neutrosophic set, logic, measure, probability and statistics, precalculus and calculus, etc., and their applications in multiple fields have been extended and applied in various fields, such as communication, management, and information technology. We believe that this book serves as useful guidance for learning about the current progress in neutrosophic theories. In total, 22 studies have been presented and reflect the call of the thematic vision. The contents of each study included in the volume are briefly described as follows. The first contribution, authored by Wadei Al-Omeri and Saeid Jafari, addresses the concept of generalized neutrosophic pre-closed sets and generalized neutrosophic pre-open sets in neutrosophic topological spaces. In the article “Design of Fuzzy Sampling Plan Using the Birnbaum-Saunders Distribution”, the authors Muhammad Zahir Khan, Muhammad Farid Khan, Muhammad Aslam, and Abdur Razzaque Mughal discuss the use of probability distribution function of Birnbaum–Saunders distribution as a proportion of defective items and the acceptance probability in a fuzzy environment. Further, the authors Derya Bakbak, Vakkas Uluc¸ay, and Memet S¸ahin present the “Neutrosophic Soft Expert Multiset and Their Application to Multiple Criteria Decision Making” together with several operations defined for them and their important algebraic properties. In “Neutrosophic Multigroups and Applications”, Vakkas Uluc¸ay and Memet S¸ahin propose an algebraic structure on neutrosophic multisets called neutrosophic multigroups, deriving their basic properties and giving some applications to group theory. Changxing Fan, Jun Ye, Sheng Feng, En Fan, and Keli Hu introduce the “Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Method Using Heronian Mean Operators under a Bipolar Neutrosophic Environment” and test the effectiveness of their new methods. Another decision-making study upon an everyday life issue which empowered us to organize the key objective of the industry developing is given in “Neutrosophic Cubic Einstein Hybrid Geometric Aggregation Operators with Application in Prioritization Using Multiple Attribute Decision-Making Method” written by Khaleed Alhazaymeh, Muhammad Gulistan, Majid Khan, and Seifedine Kadry

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    New Development of Neutrosophic Probability, Neutrosophic Statistics, Neutrosophic Algebraic Structures, and Neutrosophic Plithogenic Optimizations

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    This volume presents state-of-the-art papers on new topics related to neutrosophic theories, such as neutrosophic algebraic structures, neutrosophic triplet algebraic structures, neutrosophic extended triplet algebraic structures, neutrosophic algebraic hyperstructures, neutrosophic triplet algebraic hyperstructures, neutrosophic n-ary algebraic structures, neutrosophic n-ary algebraic hyperstructures, refined neutrosophic algebraic structures, refined neutrosophic algebraic hyperstructures, quadruple neutrosophic algebraic structures, refined quadruple neutrosophic algebraic structures, neutrosophic image processing, neutrosophic image classification, neutrosophic computer vision, neutrosophic machine learning, neutrosophic artificial intelligence, neutrosophic data analytics, neutrosophic deep learning, and neutrosophic symmetry, as well as their applications in the real world

    Collected Papers (on various scientific topics), Volume XIII

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    This thirteenth volume of Collected Papers is an eclectic tome of 88 papers in various fields of sciences, such as astronomy, biology, calculus, economics, education and administration, game theory, geometry, graph theory, information fusion, decision making, instantaneous physics, quantum physics, neutrosophic logic and set, non-Euclidean geometry, number theory, paradoxes, philosophy of science, scientific research methods, statistics, and others, structured in 17 chapters (Neutrosophic Theory and Applications; Neutrosophic Algebra; Fuzzy Soft Sets; Neutrosophic Sets; Hypersoft Sets; Neutrosophic Semigroups; Neutrosophic Graphs; Superhypergraphs; Plithogeny; Information Fusion; Statistics; Decision Making; Extenics; Instantaneous Physics; Paradoxism; Mathematica; Miscellanea), comprising 965 pages, published between 2005-2022 in different scientific journals, by the author alone or in collaboration with the following 110 co-authors (alphabetically ordered) from 26 countries: Abduallah Gamal, Sania Afzal, Firoz Ahmad, Muhammad Akram, Sheriful Alam, Ali Hamza, Ali H. M. Al-Obaidi, Madeleine Al-Tahan, Assia Bakali, Atiqe Ur Rahman, Sukanto Bhattacharya, Bilal Hadjadji, Robert N. Boyd, Willem K.M. Brauers, Umit Cali, Youcef Chibani, Victor Christianto, Chunxin Bo, Shyamal Dalapati, Mario Dalcín, Arup Kumar Das, Elham Davneshvar, Bijan Davvaz, Irfan Deli, Muhammet Deveci, Mamouni Dhar, R. Dhavaseelan, Balasubramanian Elavarasan, Sara Farooq, Haipeng Wang, Ugur Halden, Le Hoang Son, Hongnian Yu, Qays Hatem Imran, Mayas Ismail, Saeid Jafari, Jun Ye, Ilanthenral Kandasamy, W.B. Vasantha Kandasamy, Darjan Karabašević, Abdullah Kargın, Vasilios N. Katsikis, Nour Eldeen M. Khalifa, Madad Khan, M. Khoshnevisan, Tapan Kumar Roy, Pinaki Majumdar, Sreepurna Malakar, Masoud Ghods, Minghao Hu, Mingming Chen, Mohamed Abdel-Basset, Mohamed Talea, Mohammad Hamidi, Mohamed Loey, Mihnea Alexandru Moisescu, Muhammad Ihsan, Muhammad Saeed, Muhammad Shabir, Mumtaz Ali, Muzzamal Sitara, Nassim Abbas, Munazza Naz, Giorgio Nordo, Mani Parimala, Ion Pătrașcu, Gabrijela Popović, K. Porselvi, Surapati Pramanik, D. Preethi, Qiang Guo, Riad K. Al-Hamido, Zahra Rostami, Said Broumi, Saima Anis, Muzafer Saračević, Ganeshsree Selvachandran, Selvaraj Ganesan, Shammya Shananda Saha, Marayanagaraj Shanmugapriya, Songtao Shao, Sori Tjandrah Simbolon, Florentin Smarandache, Predrag S. Stanimirović, Dragiša Stanujkić, Raman Sundareswaran, Mehmet Șahin, Ovidiu-Ilie Șandru, Abdulkadir Șengür, Mohamed Talea, Ferhat Taș, Selçuk Topal, Alptekin Ulutaș, Ramalingam Udhayakumar, Yunita Umniyati, J. Vimala, Luige Vlădăreanu, Ştefan Vlăduţescu, Yaman Akbulut, Yanhui Guo, Yong Deng, You He, Young Bae Jun, Wangtao Yuan, Rong Xia, Xiaohong Zhang, Edmundas Kazimieras Zavadskas, Zayen Azzouz Omar, Xiaohong Zhang, Zhirou Ma.‬‬‬‬‬‬‬