37 research outputs found

    A dynamic user profiling technique in a AmI environment

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    Marques V., Costa A., Novais P., A Dynamic User Profiling Technique in a AmI Environment, World Congress on Information and Communication Technologies, IEEE Computer Society, Mumbai, India, ISBN: 978-1-4673-0125-1, pp 1251-1256, 2011.Currently there are many services that can assist the human being in his decision making. Many of these services provide aid as consistent as possible attending the characteristics and preferences of a user, which compiled results in a person’s profile. Without profiles, systems could not provide a coherent aid to a user. In addition we can consider the profiles as the basis of recommendation systems. Paramount with cognitive helping systems, that provide decisions and recommendations these actions can more accu- rate and user driven. However, the profiles need to be updated over time, as a human being changes of preferences or beliefs, the profiles also need to adapt to dynamic environments. It is introduced a project that applies the Bayesian Networks and Case- Based Reasoning techniques to create and modulate user profiles in a coherent and dynamic way, using stochastic models and high-level event relations and characteristics to devise an accurate suggestion of activities the user can perform, being integrated in an Ambient Assisted Living Project.(undefined

    VirtualECare: group decision supported by idea generation and argumentation

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    It is understood that Collaborative Work plays an important role in today’s organizations life cycle. On the other hand, any decision that may involve a set of decision makers is, by itself, quite complex. It is under this umbrella that it will be presented the VirtualECare project, that contemplates an intelligent multi-agent system able to monitor, interact and serve its customers in need of (health)care services. We will center our attention on the system group decision and argumentation modules, which use idea generation techniques and resort to argumentation to exchange and justify belief and choice. At the end, a prototype will be presented

    Contextual and Human Factors in Information Fusion

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    Proceedings of: NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Human Systems Integration to Enhance Maritime Domain Awareness for Port/Harbour Security Systems, Opatija (Croatia), December 8-12, 2008Context and human factors may be essential to improving measurement processes for each sensor, and the particular context of each sensor could be used to obtain a global definition of context in multisensor environments. Reality may be captured by human sensorial domain based only on machine stimulus and then generate a feedback which can be used by the machine at its different processing levels, adapting its algorithms and methods accordingly. Reciprocally, human perception of the environment could also be modelled by context in the machine. In the proposed model, both machine and man take sensorial information from the environment and process it cooperatively until a decision or semantic synthesis is produced. In this work, we present a model for context representation and reasoning to be exploited by fusion systems. In the first place, the structure and representation of contextual information must be determined before being exploited by a specific application. Under complex circumstances, the use of context information and human interaction can help to improve a tracking system's performance (for instance, video-based tracking systems may fail when dealing with object interaction, occlusions, crosses, etc.).Publicad

    A Smart Bluetooth-based Ad Hoc Management System for Appliances in Home Environments

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    The number of home devices integrating new technologies is continuously increasing. These advances allow us to improve our daily routines. In addition, the improvement in network infrastructure and the development of smart phones and mobile devices allow us access from any place to any of our systems over the Internet. Bearing in mind this idea, we have developed a low-cost ad hoc protocol based on Bluetooth technology that allows us to control all our home appliances and monitor the power consumption of our homes. Our proposal is based on an Android application installed on a mobile device which acts as server. The application allows users to program the various appliances. It is also able to check the status of the appliance, as well as controlling the power consumption of the house and its cost. The system is equipped with a smart algorithm able to manage all appliances and decide which ones should work as a function of various criteria such as time of day or power consumption. Finally, the system is able to detect faults in water and electricity supply for acting accordingly. All data received and sent by the server are stored in a database which the system can check and compare to make their own decisions.Sendra, S.; Laborda, A.; Díaz Santos, JR.; Lloret, J. (2015). A Smart Bluetooth-based Ad Hoc Management System for Appliances in Home Environments. Springer Verlag (Germany): LNCS. 8487:128-141. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-07425-2_10S1281418487Garcia, M., Sendra, S., Lloret, J., Canovas, A.: Saving energy and improving communications using cooperative group-based Wireless Sensor Networks. Telecommunication Systems 52(4), 2489–2502 (2013)Liu, Y., Zhou, G.: Technologies and Applications of Internet of Things. In: Proceedings of 2012 Fifth International Conference on Intelligent Computation Technology and Automation (ICICTA), Zhangjiajie, China, January 12-14, pp. 197–200 (2012)Aiello, M.: The Role of Web Services at Home. In: Proceedings of the Advanced International Conference on Telecommunications and International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services (AICT-ICIW 2006), Guadeloupe, France, February 23-25 (2006)Mowafi, M.Y., Awad, F.H., Al-Batati, M.A.: Opportunistic Network Coding for Real-Time Transmission over Wireless Networks. Network Protocols and Algorithms 5(1), 1–19 (2013)Gangadhar, G., Nayak, S., Puttamadappa, C.: Intelligent Refrigerator with monitoring capability through internet. International Journal of Computer Applications. Special Issue on “Wireless Information Networks & Business Information System 2(7), 65–68 (2011)Soucek, S., Russ, G., Tamarit, C.: The Smart Kitchen Project—An Application of Fieldbus Technology to Domotics. In: Proceedings of 2nd International Workshop on Networked Appliances (IWNA 2000), New Brunswick, NJ, USA, November 30-December 1 (2000)Zhang, W., Tan, G.-Z., Ding, N.: Traffic Information Detection Based on Scattered Sensor Data: Model and Algorithms. Adhoc & Sensor Wireless Networks 18(3-4), 225–240 (2013)Ranjit, J.S., Shin, S.: A Modified IEEE 802.15. 4 Superframe Structure for Guaranteed Emergency Handling in Wireless Body Area Network. Network Protocols & Algorithms 5(2), 1–15 (2013)Braeken, A., Singelee, D.: Efficient and Location-Private Communication Protocols for WBSNs. Adhoc & Sensor Wireless Networks 19(3-4), 305–326 (2013)Augusto, J.C., McCullagh, P., McClelland, V., Walkden, J.A.: Enhanced healthcare provision through assisted decision-making in a smart home environment. In: Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Ambient Intelligence (AITAmI 2007), Hyderabad, India, January 6-7 (2007)Zhang, L., Zhao, Z., Li, D., Liu, Q., Cui, L.: Wildlife Monitoring Using Heterogeneous Wireless Communication Network. Adhoc & Sensor Wireless Networks 18(3-4), 159–179 (2013)Viani, F., Robol, F., Polo, A., Rocca, P., Oliveri, G., Massa, A.: Wireless Architectures for Heterogeneous Sensing in Smart Home Applications: Concepts and Real Implementation. Proceedings of the IEEE 101(11), 2381–2396 (2013)Lloret, J., Macías, E., Suárez, A., Lacuesta, R.: Ubiquitous Monitoring of Electrical Household Appliances. Sensors 12(11), 15159–15191 (2012)Kamilaris, A., Trifa, V., Pitsillides, A.: The smart home meets the Web of Things. International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing 7(3), 145–154 (2011)Kamilaris, A., Trifa, V., Pitsillides, A.: An Application Framework for Web-Based Smart Homes. In: Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Telecommunications, ICT 2011, Ayia Napa, Cyprus, May 8-11, pp. 134–139 (2011)IEEE Std 802.15.1-2002 – IEEE Standard for Information technology – Telecommunications and information exchange between systems – Local and metropolitan area networks – Specific requirements Part 15.1: Wireless Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs)KNX international Site, http://www.knx.org/knx-en/index.php (last access: February 1, 2014)LonWorks Technology. In: ECHELON web site, http://www.echelon.com/technology/lonworks/ (last access: February 1, 2014)X10 protocol. In: X10 web site, http://x10-lang.org/ (last access: February 1, 2014)Rohini Basak, R., Sardar, B.: Security in Network Mobility (NEMO): Issues, Solutions, Classification, Evaluation, and Future Research Directions. Network Protocols and Algorithms 5(2), 87–111 (2013

    Intelligent Interfaces to Empower People with Disabilities

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    Severe motion impairments can result from non-progressive disorders, such as cerebral palsy, or degenerative neurological diseases, such as Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), Multiple Sclerosis (MS), or muscular dystrophy (MD). They can be due to traumatic brain injuries, for example, due to a traffic accident, or to brainste

    Speech Recognition of Aged Voices in the AAL Context: Detection of Distress Sentences

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    International audienceBy 2050, about a third of the French population will be over 65. In the context of technologies development aiming at helping aged people to live independently at home, the CIRDO project aims at implementing an ASR system into a social inclusion product designed for elderly people in order to detect distress situations. Speech recognition systems present higher word error rate when speech is uttered by elderly speakers compared to when non-aged voice is considered. Two specialized corpora in French, AD80 and ERES38, were recorded in this framework by aged people, they were used first to study the possibility of adaptation of standard ASR to aged voice. Then we looked at whether the variability of the WER between speakers could be correlated with the level of dependence. Then, we assessed the performance of distress sentence detection by a filter and we demonstrated a significant drop in performance for those with the lowest degree of autonomy

    Interconnecting IoT devices to improve the QoL of elderly people

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    Es un borrador de: Flores-Martin, D., Pérez-Vereda, A., Berrocal, J., Canal, C., & Murillo, J. M. (2020). Interconnecting IoT Devices to Improve the QoL of Elderly People. In Mendes, D., Fonseca, C., Lopes, M. J., García-Alonso, J., & Murillo, J. M. (Ed.), Exploring the Role of ICTs in Healthy Aging (pp. 148-165). IGI Global. http://doi:10.4018/978-1-7998-1937-0.ch009The rate at which the Internet is growing is unstoppable due to the large number of connected smart devices. Manufacturers often develop specific protocols for their own devices that do not usually follow any standards. This hinders the interconnection and coordination of devices from different manufacturers, limiting the number of daily activities that can be supported. Some works are proposing different techniques to reduce this barrier and avoid the vendor lock-in issue. Nevertheless, this interconnection should also depends on the context. In this chapter, the authors propose a system to dynamically identify the interconnections required each specific situation depending on the context. This proposal has been tested in case studies focused in elderly people with the aim of automating their daily tasks and improving their quality of life. Further, in a world with an accelerated population aging, there is an increasing interest on developing solutions for the elderly living assistance through IoT systems.This work was supported by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and by 4IE project (0045-4IE-4-P) funded by the Interreg V-A España-Portugal (POCTEP) 2014-2020 program, by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through project RTI2018-094591-B-I00 (MINECO/FEDER, UE) and by the Department of Economy and Infrastructure of the Government of Extremadura (GR18112, IB18030)

    Enhancing quality of life: Human-centered design of mobile and smartwatch applications for assisted ambient living

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    Background: Assisted ambient living interfaces are technologies designed to improve the quality of life for people who require assistance with daily activities. They are crucial for individuals to maintain their independence for as long as possible. To this end, these interfaces have to be user-friendly, intuitive, and accessible, even for those who are not techsavvy. Research in recent years indicates that people find it uncomfortable to wear invasive or large intrusive devices to monitor health status, and poor user interface design implies a lack of user engagement. Methods: This paper presents the design and implementation of non-intrusive mobile and smartwatch applications for detecting older adults when executing their routines. The solution uses an intuitive mobile application to set up beacons and incorporates biometric data acquired from the smartwatch to measure bio-signals correlated to the user’s location. User testing and interface evaluation are carried out using the User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ). Results: Six older adults participated in the evaluation of the interfaces. Results show that users found the interaction to be excellent in all the parameters of the UEQ in the evaluation of the mobile interface. For the smartwatch application, results vary from above average to excellent. Conclusions: The applications are intuitive and easy to use, and data obtained from integrating systems is essential to link information and provide feedback to the user.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Facilitating Inter-Domain Synergies in Ambient Assisted Living Environments

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    Current Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) environments lack integration of sensors and actuators of other sub-domains. Creating technical and organizational integration is addressed by the BASIS project (Build Automation by a Scalable and Intelligent System), which aims to build a cross-domain home bus system. The main objective of this paper is to present an overview of design, architecture and state of realization of BASIS by describing the requirements development process, underlying hardware design and software architecture. We built a distributed system of one independent building manager with several redundantly meshed segment controllers, each controlling a bus segment with any number of bus nodes. The software system layer is divided into logical partitions representing each sub-domain. Structured data storage is possible with a special FHIR based home centered data warehouse. The system has been implemented in six apartments running under daily living conditions. BASIS integrates a broad range of sub-domains, which poses challenges to all project partners in terms of a common terminology, and project management methods, but enables development of inter-domain synergies like using the same sensor and actuator hardware for a broad range of services and use cases

    Challenges in Blood Pressure Self-Measurement

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    Blood pressure self-measurement (BPSM) requires patients to follow a range of recommendations in order to be considered reliable for diagnostic use. We investigated currently used BPSM interventions at four medical clinics combined with an online questionnaire targeting BPSM users. We found that the participating healthcare personnel perceived BPSM as a relevant and useful intervention method providing that the recommendations are followed. A total of six challenges were identified: (1) existing devices do not guarantee that the recommendations are followed, (2) healthcare providers cannot verify whether self-monitoring patients follow the recommendations, (3) patients are not aware of all recommendations and the need to follow them, (4) risk of patient induced reporting bias, (5) risk of healthcare provider induced data-transfer bias, and (6) risk of data being registered as belonging to the wrong patient. We conclude that existing BPSM interventions could be significantly affected by user-induced bias resulting in an indeterminable quality of the measurement data. Therefore, we suggest applying context-aware technological support tools to better detect and quantify user errors. This may allow us to develop solutions that could overcome or compensate for such errors in the future