4 research outputs found

    The Significance of a Viral Post on Social Media

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    Social media platforms have quickly become one of the main ways for communication, especially among young adults. These platforms have provided a new field of data of interest to researchers. Popular content on social media is often referred to as “viral,” and can be posted in the format of a “meme” relating to the culture of the platform. Such content is often posted by social media influencers. This exploratory study investigates a particular instance of viral content, using Twitter data. Quantitative analyses were used to determine the frequency of tweets related to the topics of the viral video using hashtags. A content analysis was done to investigate the themes present within the data set. Findings suggest that attitudes and behaviors of Twitter users are influenced by viral video posts. Viral marketing businesses may use these results to improve advertising on social media platforms

    Susan Stebbing on Logical Positivism and Communication

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    In this paper, I look at Susan Stebbing’s articles and reviews that critically engage logical positivism. These appeared before the publication of A.J. Ayer’s Language, Truth and Logic and helped shape the early British reception of logical positivism. I highlight Stebbing’s adoption of G.E. Moore’s tripartite distinction between knowing a proposition, understanding it, and giving an analysis of it and, in light of this distinction, her focus on whether the principle of verifiability can ground a plausible account of communication. Stebbing thinks not, and I reconstruct her reasons, as well as her own account of communication. In doing this, I relate her criticisms to her rejection of methodological solipsism and her dissatisfaction with the logical positivist treatment of statements about other minds and the past. I also argue that Stebbing’s work provides a bridge to later criticisms of logical positivism from ordinary language philosophers. Foregrounding Stebbing’s engagement with logical positivism, especially her focus on communication, paints a fuller picture of how the logical positivists came to be part of analytic philosophy despite having different concerns than many of the British philosophers engaging their work

    A logical analysis of soft systems modelling: implications for information system design and knowledge based system design

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    The thesis undertakes an analysis of the modelling methods used in the Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) developed by Peter Checkland and Brian Wilson. The analysis is undertaken using formal logic and work drawn from modern Anglo-American analytical philosophy especially work in the area of philosophical logic, the theory of meaning, epistemology and the philosophy of science. The ability of SSM models to represent causation is found to be deficient and improved modelling techniques suitable for cause and effect analysis are developed. The notional status of SSM models is explained in terms of Wittgenstein's language game theory. Modal predicate logic is used to solve the problem of mapping notional models on to the real world. The thesis presents a method for extending SSM modelling in to a system for the design of a knowledge based system. This six stage method comprises: systems analysis, using SSM models; language creation, using logico-linguistic models; knowledge elicitation, using empirical models; knowledge representation, using modal predicate logic; codification, using Prolog; and verification using a type of non-monotonic logic. The resulting system is constructed in such a way that built in inductive hypotheses can be falsified, as in Karl Popper's philosophy of science, by particular facts. As the system can learn what is false it has some artificial intelligence capability. A variant of the method can be used for the design of other types of information system such as a relational database

    Introduction to Logic, Third Edition

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