2 research outputs found

    Blind Password Registration for Two-Server Password Authenticated Key Exchange and Secret Sharing Protocols

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    Many organisations enforce policies on the length and formation of passwords to encourage selection of strong passwords and protect their multi-user systems. For Two-Server Password Authenticated Key Exchange (2PAKE) and Two-Server Password Authenticated Secret Sharing (2PASS) protocols, where the password chosen by the client is secretly shared between the two servers, the initial remote registration of policy-compliant passwords represents a major problem because none of the servers is supposed to know the password in clear. We solve this problem by introducing Two-Server Blind Password Registration (2BPR) protocols that can be executed between a client and the two servers as part of the remote registration procedure. 2BPR protocols guarantee that secret shares sent to the servers belong to a password that matches their combined password policy and that the plain password remains hidden from any attacker that is in control of at most one server. We propose a security model for 2BPR protocols capturing the requirements of policy compliance for client passwords and their blindness against the servers. Our model extends the adversarial setting of 2PAKE/2PASS protocols to the registration phase and hence closes the gap in the formal treatment of such protocols. We construct an efficient 2BPR protocol for ASCII-based password policies, prove its security in the standard model, give a proof of concept implementation, and discuss its performance

    Introducing Fault Tolerance into Threshold Password-Authenticated Key Exchange

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    A threshold password-authenticated key exchange (T-PAKE) protocol allows a set of n servers to collectively authenticate a client with a human-memorizable password such that any subset of size greater than a threshold t can authenticate the client, while smaller subsets of servers learn no information about the password. With its protection against offline dictionary attacks, T-PAKE provides a practical solution for an important real-life problem with password authentication. However, the proposed T-PAKE constructions cannot tolerate any misbehavior—not even a crash—by a participating server during a protocol execution; the protocol has to be re-executed until all participating servers behave correctly. This not only presents a fault management challenge for the servers, but more importantly also leaves the clients frustrated for being denied access even after entering a correct password. In this work, we present a novel T-PAKE protocol (T-PAKEDKG) which solves the above fault management problem by employing a batched and offline phase of distributed key generation (DKG). T-PAKEDKG is secure against any malicious behavior from up to any t < n servers under the decisional Diffie–Hellman assumption in the random oracle model, and it ensures protocol completion for t < n/2. Moreover, it is efficient (16n + 7 exponentiations per client, 20n + 14 per server), performs explicit authentication in three communication rounds, and requires a significantly lesser number of broadcast rounds compared to previous secure T-PAKE constructions. We have implemented T-PAKEDKG, and have verified its efficiency using micro-benchmark experiments. Our experimental results show that T-PAKEDKG only introduces a computation overhead of few milliseconds at both the client and the server ends, and it is practical for use in real-life authentication scenarios.