1 research outputs found

    Introducing Active Managed Objects for Effective and Autonomous Distributed Management

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    . In this paper, we criticise the manager - agent model as it is used in current systems, and propose a powerful solution towards flexible management by introducing Active Managed Objects (AMOs) which are remotely programmable entities that carry out management tasks locally; these tasks are defined using a scripting language. We examine the notion of an AMO system, describe its architecture and present some early results. We finally attempt to place the concept within the TMN[1] infrastructure. 1 Introduction Network Management has become a significant field in the past few years. Standardisation bodies, network equipment vendors, as well as the research community, put a lot of effort in visualising requirements as well as producing solutions for the effective management of large networks. The established approach to the representation of management information comes mainly from the object oriented and distributed database fields. Management data is stored in databases kept at the ma..