3 research outputs found

    Emotion Generation and Recognition: A StarGAN Approach

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    The main idea of this ISO is to use StarGAN (A type of GAN model) to perform training and testing on an emotion dataset resulting in a emotion recognition which can be generated by the valence arousal score of the 7 basic expressions. We have created an entirely new dataset consisting of 4K videos. This dataset consists of all the basic 7 types of emotions: Happy, Sad, Angry, Surprised, Fear, Disgust, Neutral. We have performed face detection and alignment followed by annotating basic valence arousal values to the frames/images in the dataset depending on the emotions manually. Then the existing StarGAN model is trained on our created dataset after which some manual subjects were chosen to test the efficiency of the trained StarGAN model

    Image Generation and Recognition (Emotions)

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    Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) were proposed in 2014 by Goodfellow et al., and have since been extended into multiple computer vision applications. This report provides a thorough survey of recent GAN research, outlining the various architectures and applications, as well as methods for training GANs and dealing with latent space. This is followed by a discussion of potential areas for future GAN research, including: evaluating GANs, better understanding GANs, and techniques for training GANs. The second part of this report outlines the compilation of a dataset of images `in the wild' representing each of the 7 basic human emotions, and analyses experiments done when training a StarGAN on this dataset combined with the FER2013 dataset

    Interpretable Deep Neural Networks for Dimensional and Categorical Emotion Recognition in-the-wild

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    Emotions play an important role in people's life. Understanding and recognising is not only important for interpersonal communication, but also has promising applications in Human-Computer Interaction, automobile safety and medical research. This project focuses on extending the emotion recognition database, and training the CNN + RNN emotion recognition neural networks with emotion category representation and valence \& arousal representation. The combined models are constructed by training the two representations simultaneously. The comparison and analysis between the three types of model are discussed. The inner-relationship between two emotion representations and the interpretability of the neural networks are investigated. The findings suggest that categorical emotion recognition performance can benefit from training with a combined model. And the mapping of emotion category and valence \& arousal values can explain this phenomenon