3 research outputs found

    A New Multi-Criteria Decision Making Based on Fuzzy- Topsis Theory

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    Abstract— In this paper, a new extended method of multi criteria decision making based on fuzzy-Topsis theory is introduced. fuzzy mcdm algorithm for determining the best choice among all possible choices when the data are fuzzy is also presented. Using a new index leads to procedure for choosing fuzzy ideal and negative ideal solutions directly from the fuzzy data observed alternatives.in this algorithm we used triangular fuzzy number. Mostly, it is not possible to gather precise data, so decision making based on these data loses its efficiency. The fuzzy theory has been used to overcome this draw back. In multi-criteria decision making, criteria can correlate with each other, most of which are ignored in classic MCDM. In this paper, correlation coefficient of fuzzy criteria has been studied to adapt the interrelation between criteria and a new algorithm is proposed to obtain decision making. Finally the efficiency of suggested method is demonstrated with an example.


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    The aim objective of this study is to model mining method selection problem for a real world case in Angouran mine which is one of the major zinc producers in Iran. According to many problems of ore body extraction are direct or indirect depend on underground mining method, this issue is one of the most critical decisions in the design stage of mine that should be made. A number of the evaluation criteria that often are in conflicting with each other exist for evaluating feasible mining methods. Therefore, the problem of mining method selection is a multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) issue.On the other hand, according to the sophisticated structure of the problem, imprecise data, less of information, and inherent uncertainty, the usage of the fuzzy sets can be useful. In this paper an integrated model based on fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (FAHP) and fuzzy technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution (FTOPSIS) is developed. FAHP is applied to determine the relative weights of the evaluation criteria for mining method selection that these weights are inserted to the FTOPSIS technique to rank the alternatives and select the most appropriate alternative. The study was followed by the sensitivity analysis of the results. The results of this study demonstrate the efficiency, capability, and robustness of the proposed model, which can be applied to different types of sophisticated problems in reality.Cilj ovog rada je izvođenje efikasnog i primjenjivog modela odabira najbolje proizvodne tehnike na primjeru Angouran rudnika koji je jedan od glavnih proizvođača cinka u Iranu. Proizvodne tehnike ekstrakcije ruda su izravno ili neizravno ovisne o izboru tehnika izvlačenja ruda, jednog od najkritičnijih pitanja u odlučivanju u fazi projektiranja rudnika koji bi trebao biti izrađen. Broj evaluacijskih kriterija često su u sukobu jedni s drugima pri odabiru i ocjeni prihvatljive proizvodne (rudarske) metode i tehnike. Dakle, problem odabira prihvatljive proizvodne rudarske metode u praksi je problem odabira multi-kriterijskog odlučivanja (MCDM). S druge strane, s obzirom na složenost i strukturu problema, nepreciznih podataka, manjkavost informacija, a time i inherentnu nesigurnost, korištenje fuzzy tehnika može biti od iznimne koristi. U ovom radu integrirani model koji se temelji fuzzy analitičkoj hijerarhiji procesa (FAHP) i fuzzy tehnikama za redom preferencija po sličnosti idealnog rješenja (FTOPSIS) je razvijen i prezentiran. FAHP se primjenjuje za određivanje relativne težine kriterija za ocjenu najbolje proizvodne tehnike pri ekstrakciji ruda u odnosu na ostale dostupne alternativne proizvodne tehnike. Rezultati istraživanja rada testirani su analizom osjetljivosti rezultata. Rezultati ovog istraživanja pokazuju učinkovitost, sposobnost i robusnost predloženog modela izbora proizvodnih tehnika, koji se mogu primijeniti na različite vrste složenih problema u stvarnom životu