4 research outputs found

    Interval edge-colorings of graph products

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    An interval t-coloring of a graph G is a proper edge-coloring of G with colors 1,2,...,t such that at least one edge of G is colored by i, i=1,2,...,t, and the edges incident to each vertex v\in V(G) are colored by d_{G}(v) consecutive colors, where d_{G}(v) is the degree of the vertex v in G. In this paper interval edge-colorings of various graph products are investigated.Comment: 4 page

    Interval edge-colorings of composition of graphs

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    An edge-coloring of a graph GG with consecutive integers c1,…,ctc_{1},\ldots,c_{t} is called an \emph{interval tt-coloring} if all colors are used, and the colors of edges incident to any vertex of GG are distinct and form an interval of integers. A graph GG is interval colorable if it has an interval tt-coloring for some positive integer tt. The set of all interval colorable graphs is denoted by N\mathfrak{N}. In 2004, Giaro and Kubale showed that if G,H∈NG,H\in \mathfrak{N}, then the Cartesian product of these graphs belongs to N\mathfrak{N}. In the same year they formulated a similar problem for the composition of graphs as an open problem. Later, in 2009, the first author showed that if G,H∈NG,H\in \mathfrak{N} and HH is a regular graph, then G[H]∈NG[H]\in \mathfrak{N}. In this paper, we prove that if G∈NG\in \mathfrak{N} and HH has an interval coloring of a special type, then G[H]∈NG[H]\in \mathfrak{N}. Moreover, we show that all regular graphs, complete bipartite graphs and trees have such a special interval coloring. In particular, this implies that if G∈NG\in \mathfrak{N} and TT is a tree, then G[T]∈NG[T]\in \mathfrak{N}.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Interval edge-colorings of Cartesian products of graphs I

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    An edge-coloring of a graph GG with colors 1,...,t1,...,t is an interval tt-coloring if all colors are used, and the colors of edges incident to each vertex of GG are distinct and form an interval of integers. A graph GG is interval colorable if GG has an interval tt-coloring for some positive integer tt. Let N\mathfrak{N} be the set of all interval colorable graphs. For a graph G∈NG\in \mathfrak{N}, the least and the greatest values of tt for which GG has an interval tt-coloring are denoted by w(G)w(G) and W(G)W(G), respectively. In this paper we first show that if GG is an rr-regular graph and G∈NG\in \mathfrak{N}, then W(Gβ–‘Pm)β‰₯W(G)+W(Pm)+(mβˆ’1)rW(G\square P_{m})\geq W(G)+W(P_{m})+(m-1)r (m∈Nm\in \mathbb{N}) and W(Gβ–‘C2n)β‰₯W(G)+W(C2n)+nrW(G\square C_{2n})\geq W(G)+W(C_{2n})+nr (nβ‰₯2n\geq 2). Next, we investigate interval edge-colorings of grids, cylinders and tori. In particular, we prove that if Gβ–‘HG\square H is planar and both factors have at least 3 vertices, then Gβ–‘H∈NG\square H\in \mathfrak{N} and w(Gβ–‘H)≀6w(G\square H)\leq 6. Finally, we confirm the first author's conjecture on the nn-dimensional cube QnQ_{n} and show that QnQ_{n} has an interval tt-coloring if and only if n≀t≀n(n+1)2n\leq t\leq \frac{n(n+1)}{2}.Comment: 18 page

    Interval cyclic edge-colorings of graphs

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    A proper edge-coloring of a graph GG with colors 1,…,t1,\ldots,t is called an \emph{interval cyclic tt-coloring} if all colors are used, and the edges incident to each vertex v∈V(G)v\in V(G) are colored by dG(v)d_{G}(v) consecutive colors modulo tt, where dG(v)d_{G}(v) is the degree of a vertex vv in GG. A graph GG is \emph{interval cyclically colorable} if it has an interval cyclic tt-coloring for some positive integer tt. The set of all interval cyclically colorable graphs is denoted by Nc\mathfrak{N}_{c}. For a graph G∈NcG\in \mathfrak{N}_{c}, the least and the greatest values of tt for which it has an interval cyclic tt-coloring are denoted by wc(G)w_{c}(G) and Wc(G)W_{c}(G), respectively. In this paper we investigate some properties of interval cyclic colorings. In particular, we prove that if GG is a triangle-free graph with at least two vertices and G∈NcG\in \mathfrak{N}_{c}, then Wc(G)β‰€βˆ£V(G)∣+Ξ”(G)βˆ’2W_{c}(G)\leq \vert V(G)\vert +\Delta(G)-2. We also obtain bounds on wc(G)w_{c}(G) and Wc(G)W_{c}(G) for various classes of graphs. Finally, we give some methods for constructing of interval cyclically non-colorable graphs.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figure