2 research outputs found

    Performance Analysis of Intersection Based Algorithm in VANET with Traffic Light Considerations

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    ABSTRACT: Vehicular Ad hoc Networks is an emerging technology. In Vehicular safety algorithm, the source vehicle that detects an accident can generate a warning message and propagate it to the succeeding vehicles to notify drivers before they reach to the potential danger zone on the road. The main application of VANET is in Intelligent Transportation System providing various applications such safety and non-safety related services. VANET is subclass of Mobile Ad hoc Network. Dynamic topology change and high speeds of nodes creates a distinction from MANET. In this paper we discuss the impact of traffic light employed at intersections on the routing process. This paper proposes an effective and reliable routing protocol that takes traffic lights into consideration. KEYWORDS: ITS, GPSR, MANET, V2I, V2V, VANET I . INTRODUCTION During the last few years vehicular communication is attracting growing attention from both academic and industrial point of view. This is because of its applications ranging from road safety to traffic control and up to infotainment. Vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANETs) are self organized networks built up from moving vehicles. VANETs are instantiation of Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs). As in MANETs, packet forwarding in VANET takes place through multi hop relaying. But certain features distinguish VANETs from MANETs. These include high mobility of nodes, frequent network partition, constraints on roadways, etc. These characteristics pose technical challenges to implement high performance Vehicular networks. Possible applications [1-2] can be generally classified as safety and non safety applications. Safety applications include cooperative driving, accident avoidance etc. Non-safety applications include traffic information, toll service, internet access, games, entertainment etc. Success of VANET applications depends on how data is routed between nodes. The history of VANET routing protocols starts with MANET routing protocols such as Ad-hoc On Demand Distance Vector routing (AODV) Designing a routing protocol for urban environment is quite challenging task since the traffic lights deployed at intersections divide the road in to different segments. The nodes move at constrained speeds through these segments. In such an environment intersection based routing protocols are highly reliable. In intersection based routing, when vehicles move on straight road, they forward by greedy forwarding. When they reach an intersection a decision is made whether to forward in same direction or to perpendicular direction. Many intersection based routing protocols have been proposed to carry efficient routing in VANET. But only few protocols consider traffic lights. The communication in the VANET appears in such forms i.e. Intra-Vehicle (InV), Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V), and Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) communications [5]. This communication takes place with the help of communicatio

    A Bipolar Traffic Density Awareness Routing Protocol for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks

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