14 research outputs found

    Interpretable Neural Predictions with Differentiable Binary Variables

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    The success of neural networks comes hand in hand with a desire for more interpretability. We focus on text classifiers and make them more interpretable by having them provide a justification, a rationale, for their predictions. We approach this problem by jointly training two neural network models: a latent model that selects a rationale (i.e. a short and informative part of the input text), and a classifier that learns from the words in the rationale alone. Previous work proposed to assign binary latent masks to input positions and to promote short selections via sparsity-inducing penalties such as L0 regularisation. We propose a latent model that mixes discrete and continuous behaviour allowing at the same time for binary selections and gradient-based training without REINFORCE. In our formulation, we can tractably compute the expected value of penalties such as L0, which allows us to directly optimise the model towards a pre-specified text selection rate. We show that our approach is competitive with previous work on rationale extraction, and explore further uses in attention mechanisms

    DoLFIn: Distributions over Latent Features for Interpretability

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    Interpreting the inner workings of neural models is a key step in ensuring the robustness and trustworthiness of the models, but work on neural network interpretability typically faces a trade-off: either the models are too constrained to be very useful, or the solutions found by the models are too complex to interpret. We propose a novel strategy for achieving interpretability that -- in our experiments -- avoids this trade-off. Our approach builds on the success of using probability as the central quantity, such as for instance within the attention mechanism. In our architecture, DoLFIn (Distributions over Latent Features for Interpretability), we do no determine beforehand what each feature represents, and features go altogether into an unordered set. Each feature has an associated probability ranging from 0 to 1, weighing its importance for further processing. We show that, unlike attention and saliency map approaches, this set-up makes it straight-forward to compute the probability with which an input component supports the decision the neural model makes. To demonstrate the usefulness of the approach, we apply DoLFIn to text classification, and show that DoLFIn not only provides interpretable solutions, but even slightly outperforms the classical CNN and BiLSTM text classifiers on the SST2 and AG-news datasets

    Concept Matching for Low-Resource Classification

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    We propose a model to tackle classification tasks in the presence of very little training data. To this aim, we approximate the notion of exact match with a theoretically sound mechanism that computes a probability of matching in the input space. Importantly, the model learns to focus on elements of the input that are relevant for the task at hand; by leveraging highlighted portions of the training data, an error boosting technique guides the learning process. In practice, it increases the error associated with relevant parts of the input by a given factor. Remarkable results on text classification tasks confirm the benefits of the proposed approach in both balanced and unbalanced cases, thus being of practical use when labeling new examples is expensive. In addition, by inspecting its weights, it is often possible to gather insights on what the model has learned

    Interpreting Graph Neural Networks for NLP With Differentiable Edge Masking

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    Graph neural networks (GNNs) have become a popular approach to integrating structural inductive biases into NLP models. However, there has been little work on interpreting them, and specifically on understanding which parts of the graphs (e.g. syntactic trees or co-reference structures) contribute to a prediction. In this work, we introduce a post-hoc method for interpreting the predictions of GNNs which identifies unnecessary edges. Given a trained GNN model, we learn a simple classifier that, for every edge in every layer, predicts if that edge can be dropped. We demonstrate that such a classifier can be trained in a fully differentiable fashion, employing stochastic gates and encouraging sparsity through the expected L0L_0 norm. We use our technique as an attribution method to analyze GNN models for two tasks -- question answering and semantic role labeling -- providing insights into the information flow in these models. We show that we can drop a large proportion of edges without deteriorating the performance of the model, while we can analyse the remaining edges for interpreting model predictions