4 research outputs found

    Interpolating Convex and Non-Convex Tensor Decompositions via the Subspace Norm

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    We consider the problem of recovering a low-rank tensor from its noisy observation. Previous work has shown a recovery guarantee with signal to noise ratio O(n⌈K/2βŒ‰/2)O(n^{\lceil K/2 \rceil /2}) for recovering a KKth order rank one tensor of size nΓ—β‹―Γ—nn\times \cdots \times n by recursive unfolding. In this paper, we first improve this bound to O(nK/4)O(n^{K/4}) by a much simpler approach, but with a more careful analysis. Then we propose a new norm called the subspace norm, which is based on the Kronecker products of factors obtained by the proposed simple estimator. The imposed Kronecker structure allows us to show a nearly ideal O(n+HKβˆ’1)O(\sqrt{n}+\sqrt{H^{K-1}}) bound, in which the parameter HH controls the blend from the non-convex estimator to mode-wise nuclear norm minimization. Furthermore, we empirically demonstrate that the subspace norm achieves the nearly ideal denoising performance even with H=O(1)H=O(1)

    The Sup-norm Perturbation of HOSVD and Low Rank Tensor Denoising

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    The higher order singular value decomposition (HOSVD) of tensors is a generalization of matrix SVD. The perturbation analysis of HOSVD under random noise is more delicate than its matrix counterpart. Recently, polynomial time algorithms have been proposed where statistically optimal estimates of the singular subspaces and the low rank tensors are attainable in the Euclidean norm. In this article, we analyze the sup-norm perturbation bounds of HOSVD and introduce estimators of the singular subspaces with sharp deviation bounds in the sup-norm. We also investigate a low rank tensor denoising estimator and demonstrate its fast convergence rate with respect to the entry-wise errors. The sup-norm perturbation bounds reveal unconventional phase transitions for statistical learning applications such as the exact clustering in high dimensional Gaussian mixture model and the exact support recovery in sub-tensor localizations. In addition, the bounds established for HOSVD also elaborate the one-sided sup-norm perturbation bounds for the singular subspaces of unbalanced (or fat) matrices

    A Sharp Blockwise Tensor Perturbation Bound for Orthogonal Iteration

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    In this paper, we develop novel perturbation bounds for the high-order orthogonal iteration (HOOI) [DLDMV00b]. Under mild regularity conditions, we establish blockwise tensor perturbation bounds for HOOI with guarantees for both tensor reconstruction in Hilbert-Schmidt norm \|\widehat{\bcT} - \bcT \|_{\tHS} and mode-kk singular subspace estimation in Schatten-qq norm \| \sin \Theta (\widehat{\U}_k, \U_k) \|_q for any qβ‰₯1q \geq 1. We show the upper bounds of mode-kk singular subspace estimation are unilateral and converge linearly to a quantity characterized by blockwise errors of the perturbation and signal strength. For the tensor reconstruction error bound, we express the bound through a simple quantity ΞΎ\xi, which depends only on perturbation and the multilinear rank of the underlying signal. Rate matching deterministic lower bound for tensor reconstruction, which demonstrates the optimality of HOOI, is also provided. Furthermore, we prove that one-step HOOI (i.e., HOOI with only a single iteration) is also optimal in terms of tensor reconstruction and can be used to lower the computational cost. The perturbation results are also extended to the case that only partial modes of \bcT have low-rank structure. We support our theoretical results by extensive numerical studies. Finally, we apply the novel perturbation bounds of HOOI on two applications, tensor denoising and tensor co-clustering, from machine learning and statistics, which demonstrates the superiority of the new perturbation results

    Inference for Low-rank Tensors -- No Need to Debias

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    In this paper, we consider the statistical inference for several low-rank tensor models. Specifically, in the Tucker low-rank tensor PCA or regression model, provided with any estimates achieving some attainable error rate, we develop the data-driven confidence regions for the singular subspace of the parameter tensor based on the asymptotic distribution of an updated estimate by two-iteration alternating minimization. The asymptotic distributions are established under some essential conditions on the signal-to-noise ratio (in PCA model) or sample size (in regression model). If the parameter tensor is further orthogonally decomposable, we develop the methods and non-asymptotic theory for inference on each individual singular vector. For the rank-one tensor PCA model, we establish the asymptotic distribution for general linear forms of principal components and confidence interval for each entry of the parameter tensor. Finally, numerical simulations are presented to corroborate our theoretical discoveries. In all these models, we observe that different from many matrix/vector settings in existing work, debiasing is not required to establish the asymptotic distribution of estimates or to make statistical inference on low-rank tensors. In fact, due to the widely observed statistical-computational-gap for low-rank tensor estimation, one usually requires stronger conditions than the statistical (or information-theoretic) limit to ensure the computationally feasible estimation is achievable. Surprisingly, such conditions ``incidentally" render a feasible low-rank tensor inference without debiasing.Comment: to appear at the Annals of Statistic