2 research outputs found

    Statistical structure of neural spiking under non-Poissonian or other non-white stimulation

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    Nerve cells in the brain generate sequences of action potentials with a complex statistics. Theoretical attempts to understand this statistics were largely limited to the case of a temporally uncorrelated input (Poissonian shot noise) from the neurons in the surrounding network. However, the stimulation from thousands of other neurons has various sorts of temporal structure. Firstly, input spike trains are temporally correlated because their firing rates can carry complex signals and because of cell-intrinsic properties like neural refractoriness, bursting, or adaptation. Secondly, at the connections between neurons, the synapses, usage-dependent changes in the synaptic weight (short-term plasticity) further shape the correlation structure of the effective input to the cell. From the theoretical side, it is poorly understood how these correlated stimuli, so-called colored noise, affect the spike train statistics. In particular, no standard method exists to solve the associated first-passage-time problem for the interspike-interval statistics with an arbitrarily colored noise. Assuming that input fluctuations are weaker than the mean neuronal drive, we derive simple formulas for the essential interspike-interval statistics for a canonical model of a tonically firing neuron subjected to arbitrarily correlated input from the network. We verify our theory by numerical simulations for three paradigmatic situations that lead to input correlations: (i) rate-coded naturalistic stimuli in presynaptic spike trains; (ii) presynaptic refractoriness or bursting; (iii) synaptic short-term plasticity. In all cases, we find severe effects on interval statistics. Our results provide a framework for the interpretation of firing statistics measured in vivo in the brain

    Interplay of two signals in a neuron with heterogeneous synaptic short-term plasticity

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    Signals from different sensory modalities may converge on a single neuron. We study theoretically a setup in which one signal is transmitted via facilitating synapses (F signal) and another via depressing synapses (D signal). When both signals are present, the postsynaptic cell preferentially encodes information about slow components of the F signal and fast components of the D signal, whereas for a single signal, transmission is broadband. We also show that, in the fluctuation-driven regime, the rate of information transmission may be increased through stochastic resonance. Remarkably, the role of the beneficial noise is played by another signal, which is itself represented in the spike train of the postsynaptic cell