1,593 research outputs found

    Green innovation networks: A research agenda

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    Much of green innovation is the outcome of different levels of collaboration between organizations in different constellations. There is significant knowledge of interorganizational networks on the one hand and on green innovation on the other. However, less is known of interorganizational networks aimed at green innovations. The purpose of the paper is to develop a research agenda for future studies in green innovation networks. Extant literature on collaborations in networks to develop green innovations is reviewed. The Scopus database was used, with a search resulting in 63 papers. The review included a wide range of green innovations: products, services, processes, business models and marketing. Different types of actors and their reasons for engagement, the extent of networks and the prevalence of different actors were all identified. This research discusses what kind of network relationships (e.g. new types or cross-sectoral) need to be understood when studying these green innovations. Three areas for future research directions are proposed: the potential of horizontal collaborations in green innovation networks, cross-sectoral (including public-private) partnerships in green innovation networks and users as actors in green innovation networks

    Outsourcing the logistics function: the supply chain role of third-party logistics service providers in UK convenience retailing

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    Logistics, defined as the process of strategically managing the procurement, movement and storage of materials; parts; finished inventory and related information flow through the organisation and its marketing channels, is increasingly being recognised as a vital part of an organisation’s marketing strategy. In many organisations, the logistics function is currently facing significant challenges. Pressures from increasing competition and high customer service-level expectations have created a need for more professional and better-equipped logistics services. Confronted with such competitive pressures, these organisations are faced with decisions of the make OR buy kind with regard to the logistics processes of supply and distribution. In addition, the emergence of a need to focus on core capabilities has led many organisations to contract out all, or part of, the logistics function to third-party providers. This paper explores the challenges of outsourcing logistics in the UK convenience-retailing sector

    The Two Faces of Collaboration: Impacts of University-Industry Relations on Public Research

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    We analyze the impact of university-industry relationships on public research. Our inductive study of university-industry collaboration in engineering suggests that basic projects are more likely to yield academically valuable knowledge than applied projects. However, applied projects show higher degrees of partner interdependence and therefore enable exploratory learning by academics, leading to new ideas and projects. This result holds especially for research-oriented academics working in the ‘sciences of the artificial’ and engaging in multiple relationships with industry. Our learning-centred interpretation qualifies the notion of entrepreneurial science as a driver of applied university-industry collaboration. We conclude with implications for science and technology policy.University industry relations; Collaborative research; Contract research; Academic consulting; Science technology links; Engineering

    Embodied Knowledge Transfer Comparing inter-firm labor mobility in the music industry and manufacturing industries

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    This paper adds new knowledge to the phenomenon of transferring embodied knowledge through labor mobility by means of a comparative study of the entertainment and manufacturing industries. Explorative in nature, the paper takes advantage of unique data on the Danish labor market (i.e. IDA) to investigate labor mobility patterns for the two selected industries and to detect internal differences within industry segments and regarding creative intensive and invention activities in particular. We use the music industry as a proxy for the entertainment industries.Embodied knowledge transfers, labor market dynamics, inter-firm mobility, creative intensive and invention activities, entertainment industries, manufacturing industries

    Partner Selection Criteria in Strategic Alliances When to Ally with Weak Partners

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    In many emergent markets, cross-industry alliances are necessary to develop and market new products and services. The resource-based view suggests that firms form alliances to access or acquire valuable, rare, non-imitable and non-substitutable resources, and that such access determines the level of profits. Hence, firms confronted with the choice between partners with strong versus partners with weak resource endowments should choose the former. We contest this view and argue that firms benefit from allying with weak partners at certain times. In essence, we suggest that partner selection involves assessing the relative importance of strong resource endowments and aligned strategic aspirations over time. By adopting an evolutionary approach, we show that appropriate partner selection criteria are dynamic and may involve allying with weak partners in the initial exploratory stage, with weak and/or strong partners in the development stage and with strong partners in the maturity stage. Our findings suggest that the resource-based understanding of strategic alliances should be extended to include a more profound role for a partner firm’s strategic aspiration.Strategic alliances, partner selection, resources, aspirations

    Systemic Innovation in a Distributed Network Paradox or Pinnacle?

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    Previous research has suggested that there is a dichotomy of organisational practices: companies involved in autonomous or modularised innovations, it is argued, benefit from decentralised approaches where coordination primarily takes place through the marketplace, whereas the benefits of systemic innovation are said to be appropriated best by centralised organisations. However, case studies of subcontractors to the Danish wind turbine industry suggest that the ability to meet heterogeneous demands plays an important role for the success of different forms of organisational practices in relation to innovation. The modularised versus systemic architecture approach therefore appears to be a too sweeping dichotomy for describing what can better be perceived as an array of different practices for balancing innovation contribution with the ability of individual firms to appropriate innovation benefits – and a heterogeneous market perception is a core element in building and sustaining this ability.Organisational Forms, Innovation System, Knowledge Complementarities, Value Appropriation

    Network Based Strategic Automation:A methodology to guide and facilitate collaboration

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