2 research outputs found

    Extracting and Structuring Drug Information to Improve e-Prescription and Streamline Medical Treatment

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    Currently, physicians are using the patient electronic health record (EHR) to support their practice. The Romanian healthcare system switched to the electronic prescription starting with 2012. Physicians use the electronic medical record and health card to access patient data whenever available. To improve the medical act, we propose a tool supporting the prescription process, structuring and extracting important information from drug characteristics leaflets (prospectus). The application processes data extracted from around 3.000 medical prospectuses using several Romanian language Web sources. The drug leaflet data is structured on sections: therapeutic action, contraindications, mode of administration, adverse reactions, etc. A stemming algorithm has been applied to each section, extracting the root of the word for an easy search. The result is a text in an *.xml file. After structuring step, the application searches in the structured file the necessary information to prescribe the patient’s medication as closely as possible related to patient state. The application suggests all the drugs matching the patient's disease and are not contraindicated, or enter in conflict with other diseases, treatments or allergies of the patient, and the physician may select the best solution for the given situation

    Towards interoperable e-Health system in Tanzania: analysis and evaluation of the current security trends and big data sharing dynamics

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    This research article published by the International Journal of Advanced Technology and Engineering Exploration (IJATEE), Volume-6 Issue-59 October-2019In this paper an insight on various e-health interoperable systems was reviewed to discover strengths and challenges faced during sustainable implementation. It covered local, national and regional coverage of integrated systems towards implementation of a single unified e-health system. Peer reviewed and grey literatures were consulted to discover global and local trend and efforts towards implementations of e-health interoperable systems. The available systems and frameworks from the European Union, Asia, America, Oceania and Africa were analyzed for their strengths and challenges. Various policies, guides as well as free and proprietary standards associated with e-health interoperability was reviewed to understand the common standards adopted by the majority of existing systems. The findings of the analysis are useful for policy makers on the best ways to implement interoperable systems in developing countries by focusing on the existing infrastructures and the environment. Similarly, the strengths and challenges encountered by interoperable systems were also examined to provide recommendations for future studies