764 research outputs found

    Digitizing Intangible Cultural Heritage

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    As part of the UNESCO project "Establishment of a National Inventory and Electronic Database of Lithuanian Intangible Cultural Heritage" the authors, representing the EU-funded project "European Cultural Heritage Online" (ECHO) were invited to give a course in digital archiving called "Digitizing Intangible Cultural Heritage" in Vilnius, Lithuania, March 15 to 20, 2004. The present report summarizes very briefly the sessions given. Thereafter, the analyses of the state of the digitization work of the participating institutes and recommendations for the future are given in a dedicated, stand-alone section

    IoT Middleware Platforms for Smart Energy Systems: An Empirical Expert Survey

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    Middleware platforms are key technology in any Internet of Things (IoT) system, considering their role in managing the intermediary communications between devices and applications. In the energy sector, it has been shown that IoT devices enable the integration of all network assets to one large distributed system. This comes with significant benefits, such as improving energy efficiency, boosting the generation of renewable energy, reducing maintenance costs and increasing comfort. Various existing IoT middlware solutions encounter several problems that limit their performance, such as vendor locks. Hence, this paper presents a literature review and an expert survey on IoT middleware platforms in energy systems, in order to provide a set of tools and functionalities to be supported by any future efficient, flexible and interoperable IoT middleware considering the market needs. The analysis of the results shows that experts currently use the IoT middleware mainly to deploy services such as visualization, monitoring and benchmarking of energy consumption, and energy optimization is considered as a future application to target. Likewise, non-functional requirements, such as security and privacy, play vital roles in the IoT platforms’ performances


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    The realization of e-city is a necessary component for achieving the green city. This paper outlines a vision for an e-city platform that is based on knowledge brokerage in the green city. The proposed platform will be a venue for creating dynamic virtual organizations to harness collective intelligence of knowledge hubs to analyze and manage sustainability knowledge in urban areas. Knowledge assets of participating organizations will be presented in three dimensions: process structures, human profile and software systems. These three facets of knowledge will be accessible and viewable through a self-describing mechanism. Cities can post their geospatial and real-time data on the net. Relevant environmental and energy-use data will be extracted using topic maps and data extraction services. Local decision makers can synchronize work processes (from participating hubs) to create an integrated workflow for a new ad hoc virtual organization to collaboratively analyze the multifaceted nature of sustainable decision making. An e-city platform is envisioned in this paper that will be realized through intelligent, agent-like, domain-specific middleware (KnowWare). Through triangulation between people, software and processes, these KnowWare will discover, negotiate, integrate, reason and communicate knowledge (related to energy and environment) from across organizations to the right person at the right time. KnowWare is fundamentally, a portal of social semantic services that resides on a cloud computing infrastructure. Knowware exploits thee main tools: 1) existing ontologies to represent knowledge in a semantic manner, 2) topic maps to profile sources of knowledge and match these to the complex needs of sustainability analysis, 3) domain-specific middleware for knowledge integration and reasoning

    A Visual Approach to Construction Cost Estimating

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    Construction cost estimating is considered one of the most important and critical phases of a construction project. Preparing reliable and accurate estimates to help decision makers is the most challenging assignment that estimators face. An estimate is not only necessary for proposal preparation but also for several project management functions. Despite the importance of estimating, it has remained a very time consuming process. The most inefficient part of construction cost estimating is determination of the amount of resources needed for the construction of a project. This is also known as quantity takeoff. Quantity takeoff is a very long and error-prone process that is performed manually by estimators. Missing or duplicating work items are among the errors that can occur during the quantity takeoff process. New Parametric CAD software has recently attained widespread attention in the Architectural, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) industry. It represents the development and use of computer-generated models to simulate the planning, design, construction and operation of a facility. It helps architects, engineers, and contractors visualize what is to be built in a simulated environment and to identify potential design, construction or operational problems. The model created from parametric CAD software will significantly increase construction cost estimator productivity by substantially reducing the manual work necessary for performing quantity takeoffs. This study presents a methodology that uses parametric CAD software and visualization technologies to streamline the estimating process. Although this methodology won\u27t totally automate the estimating process, it will help in the following areas: (1) providing a navigable 3D model of the project, (2) simplifying the quantity takeoff process, and (3) eliminating manual calculations and search for data. This study uses visualization technologies to navigate through a 3D CAD model. This would provide the estimator with a tool to improve the understanding of the location and relationships between elements in a model. The quantity takeoff process may be simplified by using properties and geometry information extracted from the 3D CAD model. This study also uses a database technology to store labor, equipment, and material cost data. This helps eliminate manual calculations and enables an estimator to search for data stored in the database. A case study is presented to illustrate the process and capabilities of the developed system

    Special Session on Industry 4.0

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    Smart Grids: A Comprehensive Survey of Challenges, Industry Applications, and Future Trends

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    With the increased energy demands of the 21st century, there is a clear need for developing a more sustainable method of energy generation, distribution, and transmission. The popularity of Smart Grid continues to grow as it presents its benefits, including interconnectivity, improved efficiency, the ability to integrate renewable energy sources, and many more. However, it is not without its challenges. This survey aims to provide an introductory background of smart grids, detail some of the main aspects and current challenges, and review the most recent papers and proposed solutions. It will also highlight the current state of implementation of the smart grid by describing various prototypes, as well as various countries and continents implementation plans and projects.Comment: Paper has been submitted for review to the journal Energy Reports (January 23, 2024). 58 pages, 7 figures, 7 table

    Interoperability middleware for IIoT gateways based on international standard ontologies and standardized digital representation

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    Recent advances in the areas of microelectronics, information technology, and communication protocols have made the development of smaller devices with greater processing capacity and lower energy consumption. This context contributed to the growing number of physical devices in industrial environments which are interconnected and communicate via the internet, enabling concepts such as Industry 4.0 and the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). These nodes have different sensors and actuators that monitor and control environment data. Several companies develop these devices, including diverse communication protocols, data structures, and IoT platforms, which leads to interoperability issues. In IoT scenarios, interoperability is the ability of two systems to communicate and share services. Therefore, communication problems can make it unfeasible to use heterogeneous devices, increasing the project’s financial cost and development time. In an industry, interoperability is related to different aspects, such as physical communication, divergent device communication protocols, and syntactical problems, referring to the distinct data structure. Developing a new standard for solving these matters may bring interoperability-related drawbacks rather than effectively solving these issues. Therefore, to mitigate interoperability problems in industrial applications, this work proposes the development of an interoperability middleware for Edge-enabled IIoT gateways based on international standards. The middleware is responsible for translating communication protocols, updating data from simulations or physical nodes to the assets’ digital representations, and storing data locally or remotely. The middleware adopts the IEEE industrial standard ontologies combined with assets’ standardized digital models. As a case study, a simulation replicates the production of a nutrient solution for agriculture, controlled by IIoT nodes. The use case consists of three devices, each equipped with at least five sensors or actuators, communicating in different communication protocols and exchanging data using diverse structures. The performance of the proposed middleware and its proposed translations algorithms were evaluated, obtaining satisfactory results for mitigating interoperable in industrial applications.Devido a recentes avanços nas áreas de microeletrônica, tecnologia da informação, e protocolos de comunicação tornaram possível o desenvolvimento de dispositivos cada vez menores com maior capacidade de processamento e menor consumo energético. Esse contexto contribuiu para o crescente nú- mero desses dispositivos na industria que estão interligados via internet, viabilizando conceitos como Indústria 4.0 e Internet das Coisas Industrial (IIoT). Esses nós possuem diferentes sensores e atuadores que monitoram e controlam os dados do ambiente. Esses equipamentos são desenvolvidos por diferentes empresas, incluindo protocolos de comunicação, estruturas de dados e plataformas de IoT distintos, acarretando em problemas de interoperabilidade. Em cenários de IoT, interoperabilidade, é a capacidade de sistemas se comunicarem e compartilharem serviços. Portanto, esses problemas podem inviabilizar o uso de dispositivos heterogêneos, aumentando o custo financeiro do projeto e seu tempo de desenvolvimento. Na indústria, interoperabilidade se divide em diferentes aspectos, como comunicação e problemas sintáticos, referentes à estrutura de dados distinta. O desenvolvimento de um padrão industrial pode trazer mais desvantagens relacionadas à interoperabilidade, em vez de resolver esses problemas. Portanto, para mitigar problemas relacionados a intoperabilidade industrial, este trabalho propõe o desenvolvimento de um middleware de interoperável para gateways IIoT baseado em padrões internacionais e ontologias. O middleware é responsável por traduzir diferentes protocolos de comunicação, atualizar os dados dos ativos industriais por meio de suas representações digitais, esses armazenados localmente ou remotamente. O middleware adota os padrões ontológicos industriais da IEEE combinadas com modelos digitais padronizados de ativos industriais. Como estudo de caso, são realizadas simulações para a produção de uma solução nutritiva para agricultura, controlada por nós IIoT. O processo utiliza três dispositivos, cada um equipado com pelo menos cinco sensores ou atuadores, por meio de diferentes protocolos de comunicação e estruturas de dados. O desempenho do middleware proposto e seus algoritmos de tradução foram avaliados e apresentados no final do trabalho, os quais resultados foram satisfatórios para mitigar a interoperabilidade em aplicações industriais

    Heritage-led ontologies: Digital platform for supporting the regeneration of cultural and historical sites

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    The increasing application of digital technologies to cultural heritage (CH) is wide and well documented, including a variety of tools such as digital archives, online guides and HBIM repositories. Several vocabularies and ontologies were designed to order heritage data and make CH more accessible and exploitable. However, these tools have often focused on a particular dimension of CH producing high value in separate sectors (e.g. access to conservation of historic buildings and data valorisation for restoration of heritage assets) but lacking ways for adapting or replicating the model to urban complex systems. Moreover, many studies and tools show large effort in cataloguing and archiving, but less in providing tools for designing and managing. The ROCK platform, developed within the Horizon 2020 (H2020) funded project ROCK (GA 730280), addresses the need for a management and interventionoriented interoperable tool, aimed at storing, visualizing, elaborating and linking data on cultural heritage. The use of already existing ontologies was not sufficient for developing a tool to deal with the complexity of urban systems and heterogeneous data sources. Instead, a participative methodology was set in place for the development of a context-based semantic framework to define the needs and requirements of heritage-led regeneration actions
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