40,917 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Evidence-Based Practices in Online Learning: A Meta-Analysis and Review of Online Learning Studies

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    A systematic search of the research literature from 1996 through July 2008 identified more than a thousand empirical studies of online learning. Analysts screened these studies to find those that (a) contrasted an online to a face-to-face condition, (b) measured student learning outcomes, (c) used a rigorous research design, and (d) provided adequate information to calculate an effect size. As a result of this screening, 51 independent effects were identified that could be subjected to meta-analysis. The meta-analysis found that, on average, students in online learning conditions performed better than those receiving face-to-face instruction. The difference between student outcomes for online and face-to-face classes—measured as the difference between treatment and control means, divided by the pooled standard deviation—was larger in those studies contrasting conditions that blended elements of online and face-to-face instruction with conditions taught entirely face-to-face. Analysts noted that these blended conditions often included additional learning time and instructional elements not received by students in control conditions. This finding suggests that the positive effects associated with blended learning should not be attributed to the media, per se. An unexpected finding was the small number of rigorous published studies contrasting online and face-to-face learning conditions for K–12 students. In light of this small corpus, caution is required in generalizing to the K–12 population because the results are derived for the most part from studies in other settings (e.g., medical training, higher education)

    Location-aware computing: a neural network model for determining location in wireless LANs

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    The strengths of the RF signals arriving from more access points in a wireless LANs are related to the position of the mobile terminal and can be used to derive the location of the user. In a heterogeneous environment, e.g. inside a building or in a variegated urban geometry, the received power is a very complex function of the distance, the geometry, the materials. The complexity of the inverse problem (to derive the position from the signals) and the lack of complete information, motivate to consider flexible models based on a network of functions (neural networks). Specifying the value of the free parameters of the model requires a supervised learning strategy that starts from a set of labeled examples to construct a model that will then generalize in an appropriate manner when confronted with new data, not present in the training set. The advantage of the method is that it does not require ad-hoc infrastructure in addition to the wireless LAN, while the flexible modeling and learning capabilities of neural networks achieve lower errors in determining the position, are amenable to incremental improvements, and do not require the detailed knowledge of the access point locations and of the building characteristics. A user needs only a map of the working space and a small number of identified locations to train a system, as evidenced by the experimental results presented

    Adaptive shared control system

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