483,001 research outputs found

    A service oriented broker-based approach for dynamic resource discovery in virtual networks

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    © 2015, Rabah et al.; licensee Springer. In the past few years, the concept of network virtualization has received significant attention from industry and research fora. This concept applies virtualization to networking infrastructures by enabling the dynamic creation of several co-existing logical network instances (or virtual networks) over a shared physical network infrastructure (or substrate network). Due to the potential it offers in terms of diversifying existing networks and ensuring the co-existence of heterogeneous network architectures on top of shared substrates, network virtualization is often considered as an enabler of a polymorphic Internet and a cornerstone of the future Internet architecture. One of the challenges associated with the network virtualization concept is the description, publication, and discovery of virtual resources that can be composed to form virtual networks. To achieve those tasks, there is a need for an expressive information model facilitating information representation and sharing, as well as an efficient resource publication and discovery framework. In this paper, we propose a service oriented, broker-based framework for virtual resource description, publication, and discovery. This framework relies on a novel service-oriented hierarchical business model and an expressive information model for resources/services description. The detailed framework’s architecture is presented, and its operation is illustrated using a REST-based content distribution scenario. Furthermore, a proof-of-concept prototype implementation realized using various technologies/tools (e.g. Jersey, JAXB, PostgreSQL, and Xen cloud platform) is presented along with a detailed performance analysis of the system. When compared to existing virtual resource discovery frameworks, our broker-based virtual resource discovery framework offers signification performance improvements of the virtual resources’ discovery operation, in terms of response time (92.8% improvement) and incurred network load (77.3% improvement), when dealing with multiple resource providers. Furthermore, relying on a broker as intermediary role simplifies the resources’ discovery and selection operations, and improves the overall efficiency of the virtual network embedding process

    Cloud Computing based on RFID Internet of Things

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    The Internet of things is through the radio frequency identification (RFID), infrared sensors, GPS, laser scanners and other information sensing device, as agreed in the agreement, any items and Internet connection, the exchange of information and communication, to realize intelligent identification, location, with a network tracking, monitoring and management. The core of cloud computing is the high-speed information processing and transmission, its core idea is that large amounts of computing resources connected by a network of unified management and scheduling, constitute a computing resource pool to users on demand service. The three components of RFID system include the reader, antenna and the tag. The paper put forward the novel analysis model of Cloud computing based on RFID Internet of things

    Information Exchange Management as a Service for Network Function Virtualization Environments

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    The Internet landscape is gradually adopting new communication paradigms characterized by flexibility and adaptability to the resource constraints and service requirements, including network function virtualization (NFV), software-defined networks, and various virtualization and network slicing technologies. These approaches need to be realized from multiple management and network entities exchanging information between each other. We propose a novel information exchange management as a service facility as an extension to ETSI's NFV management and orchestration framework, namely the virtual infrastructure information service (VIS). VIS is characterized by the following properties: 1) it exhibits the dynamic characteristics of such network paradigms; 2) it supports information flow establishment, operation, and optimization; and 3) it provides a logically centralized control of the established information flows with respect to the diverse demands of the entities exchanging information elements. Our proposal addresses the information exchange management requirements of NFV environments and is information-model agnostic. This paper includes an experimental analysis of its main functional and non-functional characteristics

    The Abandoned Side of the Internet: Hijacking Internet Resources When Domain Names Expire

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    The vulnerability of the Internet has been demonstrated by prominent IP prefix hijacking events. Major outages such as the China Telecom incident in 2010 stimulate speculations about malicious intentions behind such anomalies. Surprisingly, almost all discussions in the current literature assume that hijacking incidents are enabled by the lack of security mechanisms in the inter-domain routing protocol BGP. In this paper, we discuss an attacker model that accounts for the hijacking of network ownership information stored in Regional Internet Registry (RIR) databases. We show that such threats emerge from abandoned Internet resources (e.g., IP address blocks, AS numbers). When DNS names expire, attackers gain the opportunity to take resource ownership by re-registering domain names that are referenced by corresponding RIR database objects. We argue that this kind of attack is more attractive than conventional hijacking, since the attacker can act in full anonymity on behalf of a victim. Despite corresponding incidents have been observed in the past, current detection techniques are not qualified to deal with these attacks. We show that they are feasible with very little effort, and analyze the risk potential of abandoned Internet resources for the European service region: our findings reveal that currently 73 /24 IP prefixes and 7 ASes are vulnerable to be stealthily abused. We discuss countermeasures and outline research directions towards preventive solutions.Comment: Final version for TMA 201

    Car-to-Cloud Communication Traffic Analysis Based on the Common Vehicle Information Model

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    Although connectivity services have been introduced already today in many of the most recent car models, the potential of vehicles serving as highly mobile sensor platform in the Internet of Things (IoT) has not been sufficiently exploited yet. The European AutoMat project has therefore defined an open Common Vehicle Information Model (CVIM) in combination with a cross-industry, cloud-based big data marketplace. Thereby, vehicle sensor data can be leveraged for the design of entirely new services even beyond traffic-related applications (such as localized weather forecasts). This paper focuses on the prediction of the achievable data rate making use of an analytical model based on empirical measurements. For an in-depth analysis, the CVIM has been integrated in a vehicle traffic simulator to produce CVIM-complaint data streams as a result of the individual behavior of each vehicle (speed, brake activity, steering activity, etc.). In a next step, a simulation of vehicle traffic in a realistically modeled, large-area street network has been used in combination with a cellular Long Term Evolution (LTE) network to determine the cumulated amount of data produced within each network cell. As a result, a new car-to-cloud communication traffic model has been derived, which quantifies the data rate of aggregated car-to-cloud data producible by vehicles depending on the current traffic situations (free flow and traffic jam). The results provide a reference for network planning and resource scheduling for car-to-cloud type services in the context of smart cities

    Research on the value-added path and management mechanism of the whole agricultural industry chain based on the value network

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    The key to fostering the growth and prosperity of China's rural industry is to realize the added value of the entire industrial chain. This article focuses primarily on enhancing the value of the entire agricultural supply chain. Based on a systematic analysis of the existing value-added methods of agriculture and the theory of the entire industry chain and value network, it combines the multifunctional and multidimensional value attributes of the entire agricultural industry—the entire farming industry—under the value network. And put forward the value reconstruction network system and value-added method of "platform ecosystem + agricultural industry cluster," information resource optimization and integration, cultural value fusion, knowledge creation, and information resource sharing, value Internet relationship management, information virtual value chain management, and utilization of Internet technology innovation for driving value chain mechanism, etc., can promote the value-added effectively. Rejuvenate and expand the entire agricultural supply chain. For operation research to help ensure the future success of agricultural value chains, practitioners must comprehend and model the value chain as a complex adaptive system.Lei Chaofan (Management and Science University), Zunirah Mohd Talib (Graduate School of Management, Postgraduate Centre, Management and Science University), Liang Ruihua (Academic Committee, Henan University of Technology), Brian Sheng-Xian Teo (Graduate School of Management, Academic Affairs Department, Management and Science University)Includes bibliographical reference

    Efficient and secure business model for content centric network using elliptic curve cryptography

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    https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/dac.3839Initially, Internet has evolved as a resource sharing model where resources are identified by IP addresses. However, with rapid technological advancement, resources/hardware has become cheap and thus, the need of sharing hardware over Internet is reduced. Moreover, people are using Internet mainly for information exchange and hence, Internet has gradually shifted from resource sharing to information sharing model. To meet the recent growing demand of information exchange, Content Centric Network (CCN) is envisaged as a clean‐slate future network architecture which is specially destined for smooth content distribution over Internet. In CCN, content is easily made available using network caching mechanism which is misaligned with the existing business policy of content providers/publishers in IP‐based Internet. Hence, the transition from contemporary IP‐based Internet to CCN demands attention for redesigning the business policy of the content publishers/providers. In this paper, we have proposed efficient and secure communication protocols for flexible CCN business model to protect the existing business policies of the content publisher while maintaining the salient CCN features like in‐network content caching and Interest packet aggregation. To enhance the efficiency and security, the Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) is used. The proposed ECC‐based scheme is analyzed to show that it is resilient to relevant existing cryptographic attacks. The performance analysis in terms of less computation and communication overheads and increased efficiency is given. Moreover, a formal security verification of the proposed scheme is done using widely used AVISPA simulator and BAN logic that shows our scheme is well secured

    A Linear Algebraic Framework for Quantum Internet Dynamic Scheduling

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    Future quantum internet aims to enable quantum communication between arbitrary pairs of distant nodes through the sharing of end-to-end entanglement, a universal resource for many quantum applications. As in classical networks, quantum networks also have to resolve problems related to routing and satisfaction of service at a sufficient rate. We deal here with the problem of scheduling when multiple commodities must be served through a quantum network based on first generation quantum repeaters, or quantum switches. To this end, we introduce a novel discrete-time algebraic model for arbitrary network topology, including transmission and memory losses, and adapted to dynamic scheduling decisions. Our algebraic model allows the scheduler to use the storage of temporary intermediate links to optimize the performance, depending on the information availability, ranging from full global information for a centralized scheduler to partial local information for a distributed one. As an illustrative example, we compare a simple greedy scheduling policy with several Max-Weight inspired scheduling policies and illustrate the resulting achievable rate regions for two competing pairs of clients through a network

    Desain Model Spesifikasi Akses Pengguna Di Lingkungan Jaringan Berkecepatan Rendah

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    The Internet has the potential to provide universal and easy access to the various types of information services on a single multi-service, but unreliable quality connection can sometime prevent access to the Internet altogether. There are many efforts have been started to resolve the Internet access problem. The main idea behind them is to provide a set of objective parameters that can be used to compare and negotiate in a network. Relatively little emphasis has been put on issues concerning end users, especially on the relationship of user perception and Quality of Service parameters. In order to implement Quality of Service schemes successfully, users must be taken into account to establish users' subjective perceptions of Quality of Service.This paper is concerned to the study of mechanism of providing Quality of Service specification for Internet access in low-quality connection. We propose the conceptual model for the specification of user access and allow the users to specify their subjective preferences through the Quality of Service parameters. This model provides the alternative option for user access if resource availability in the system is limited. The user is given opportunity to define their access and determine the parameter for each application which they are chosen. The system will check the resource availability and then compare to the user preferences. In the case resource availability is lower than user preferences, the system can exchange to another option as determined by user requirements