11,832 research outputs found

    Fault-Tolerant Real-Time Streaming with FEC thanks to Capillary Multi-Path Routing

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    Erasure resilient FEC codes in off-line packetized streaming rely on time diversity. This requires unrestricted buffering time at the receiver. In real-time streaming the playback buffering time must be very short. Path diversity is an orthogonal strategy. However, the large number of long paths increases the number of underlying links and consecutively the overall link failure rate. This may increase the overall requirement in redundant FEC packets for combating the link failures. We introduce the Redundancy Overall Requirement (ROR) metric, a routing coefficient specifying the total number of FEC packets required for compensation of all underlying link failures. We present a capillary routing algorithm for constructing layer by layer steadily diversifying multi-path routing patterns. By measuring the ROR coefficients of a dozen of routing layers on hundreds of network samples, we show that the number of required FEC packets decreases substantially when the path diversity is increased by the capillary routing construction algorithm

    Online multipath convolutional coding for real-time transmission

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    Most of multipath multimedia streaming proposals use Forward Error Correction (FEC) approach to protect from packet losses. However, FEC does not sustain well burst of losses even when packets from a given FEC block are spread over multiple paths. In this article, we propose an online multipath convolutional coding for real-time multipath streaming based on an on-the-fly coding scheme called Tetrys. We evaluate the benefits brought out by this coding scheme inside an existing FEC multipath load splitting proposal known as Encoded Multipath Streaming (EMS). We demonstrate that Tetrys consistently outperforms FEC in both uniform and burst losses with EMS scheme. We also propose a modification of the standard EMS algorithm that greatly improves the performance in terms of packet recovery. Finally, we analyze different spreading policies of the Tetrys redundancy traffic between available paths and observe that the longer propagation delay path should be preferably used to carry repair packets.Comment: Online multipath convolutional coding for real-time transmission (2012

    On the Limit of Fountain MDC Codes for Video Peer-To-Peer Networks

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    Video streaming for heterogeneous types of devices, where nodes have different devices characteristics in terms of computational capacity and display, is usually handled by encoding the video with different qualities. This is not well suited for Peer-To-Peer (P2P) systems, as a single peer group can only share content of the same quality, thus limiting the peer group size and efficiency. To address this problem, several existing works propose the use of Multiple Descriptions Coding (MDC). The concept of this type of video codec is to split a video in a number of descriptions which can be used on their own, or aggregated to improve the global quality of the video. Unfortunately existing MDC codes are not flexible, as the video is split in a defined number of descriptions. In this paper, we focus on the practical feasibility of using a Fountain MDC code with properties similar to existing Fountain erasure codes, including the ability to create any number of descriptions when needed (on the fly). We perform simulations using selected pictures to assess the feasibility of using these codes, knowing that they should improve the availability of the video pieces in a P2P system and hence the video streaming quality. We observe that, although this idea seems promising, the evaluated benefits, demonstrated by the PSNR values, are limited when used in a real P2P video streaming system
