120 research outputs found

    Collaboration modes and advantages in supply chain

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    This research aims to address supply chain collaboration with a perspective of broader three-dimensional relationship, not a linear two-dimensional relationship discussed broadly in previous research. Case study was adopted for this research, and data collection was mainly conducted via interview. The research results highlighted that supply chain collaborations are common practice across all levels of the pharmaceutical supply chain. The results also indicated that the different strengthen levels of barging power among collaborative partners will influence the achieved advantages at different supply chain levels, including strategic, operational and political levels

    Smart manufacturing and supply chain management

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    In the fourth industrial revolution, smart manufacturing will be characterized by adaptability, resource efficiency and ergonomics as well as the integration of customers and business partners in business and value processes. Business model, operations management, workforce and manufacturing process all face substantial transformations to reasoning the manufacturing process. This paper explores the impacts of smart manufacturing on supply chain management, and develops several propositions to improve supply chain performance under the context of smart manufacturing

    Consolidated cold chain design for fresh fruit supply chains in developing countries: A simulation study

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    Fresh fruit has become a major consumption item for city dwellers and the demand has continuously increased in recent years. A significant proportion of fresh fruit globally is grown by developing countries in tropical regions, especially in Asia, and exported to other countries. This has become an important source of economic income for many developing countries, such as Thailand. Nevertheless, the fresh fruit industry in developing countries is experiencing critical issues, including short shelf life, high wastage, poor quality, and food safety, due to operations in high-temperature environment. Studies reveal that many developed countries have successfully solved these problems by using a cold supply chain with tight temperature control throughout the entire supply chain process. Cold supply chain adoption usually requires heavy investment in infrastructure and technology, as well as technical knowledge training for operational staff to ensure temperature compliance along the supply chain. In developing countries where capital resources are limited, this so-called high-tech high-cost approach has proven to be an obstacle to widespread cold supply chain adoption. As such, the design adopted by developed countries to implement a fresh fruit cold supply chain might not be directly applicable to developing countries, due to the lack of cold chain infrastructure and equipment and the low level of technical know-how. To address this issue, this study presents a proposal for adopting a low-tech low-cost approach by focusing more on available resources, such as cheap labour, and flexibility in work practices such as work shifts, than on infrastructure and technology in designing cold chain systems for developing countries. It is considered that this option would be more viable for developing countries with limited capital resources and know-how, and would thus enable widespread cold supply chain adoption. It could also play a vital role in the transition of cold supply chain implementation from a nascent stage to a mature development, whereby the high-tech high-cost approach of the developed countries would more readily be adopted. This study incorporates insights from multiple theoretical perspectives, including the theory of constraint (TOC) and network theory (NT), to underpin the low-tech low-cost approach proposed. Two alternative low-tech cold supply chain designs are investigated and developed based upon a comprehensive literature review of the state of the art in the field. Owing to the fact that fresh fruit cold chain adoption is still relatively rare in developing countries, this study explores different approaches to low-tech cold supply chain design for fresh fruits using simulation as a tool. A traditional fresh mango supply chain in Thailand, which involves five farms, three processors, one transporter and one middleman company, was used as a case study to facilitate the exploration. Discrete-event simulation was employed to evaluate the changes in performance of the typical mango supply chain before and after the adoption of the cold supply chain design. Key performance indicators, such as lead time, total operating cost, shelf life, wastage, and throughput, of the current supply chain and the different cold chain designs were compared. The findings reveal that cold supply chain design using the low-tech low-cost approach performs better in all aspects than the other design relying solely on infrastructure investment. Scenario tests also show that such a design is more robust than the other infrastructure-oriented design when facing fluctuations in demand and increases in labour cost in the long run. By proposing an innovative approach to cold chain design for developing countries and exploring its feasibility using computer simiultaion, this study makes a significant contribution to practice by showing the potential benefits of a low-tech low-cost approach to cold chain adoption in developing countries, thereby expeditng its implementation. It also contributes to knowledge by creating a new scope for research in cold chain design leveraging labour resource, change in work practices, and collaboration instead of merely infrastructure and technology

    Linking the knowledge economy, urban intensity and transport in post-industrial cities with a case study of Perth, Western Australia

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    Cities in post-industrial economies are characterised by a multi-layered intensification of knowledge. This intensification occurs through: • agglomeration of knowledge economic activity; • human capital knowledge; and • the means of knowledge exchange i.e. ICT and transport. This thesis proposes an intensification of key walkable urban centres, particularly universities. Knowledge urban intensification is heavily reliant on rail and walking transport intensification

    Sustainable Agriculture and Advances of Remote Sensing (Volume 1)

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    Agriculture, as the main source of alimentation and the most important economic activity globally, is being affected by the impacts of climate change. To maintain and increase our global food system production, to reduce biodiversity loss and preserve our natural ecosystem, new practices and technologies are required. This book focuses on the latest advances in remote sensing technology and agricultural engineering leading to the sustainable agriculture practices. Earth observation data, in situ and proxy-remote sensing data are the main source of information for monitoring and analyzing agriculture activities. Particular attention is given to earth observation satellites and the Internet of Things for data collection, to multispectral and hyperspectral data analysis using machine learning and deep learning, to WebGIS and the Internet of Things for sharing and publishing the results, among others

    Use of Quality Management Methods and Tools - a Systematic Review of the Literature

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    Bakalářská práce se skládá ze dvou částí: teoretické a praktické. V teoretické části práce popisujeme a charakterizujeme metody a nástroje managementu kvality. V praktické části jsme se zaměřili na shromáždění a analýzu publikací zabývajících se možnostmi využívání metod a nástrojů managementu kvality v různých ekonomických a sociálních oblastech. Pro rychlejší vyhledávání sledovaných publikací jsme využili dvě databáze: (www.webofscience.com) a IEE Xplore (https://ieeexplore.ieee.org).The Bachelor thesis consists of two parts: theoretical and practical. In the theoretical part of the work, we describe and characterize the methods and tools of quality management. In the practical part, we focused on gathering and analysing publications dealing with the possibilities of using quality management methods and tools in various economic and social areas. We used two databases for faster searches of monitored publications: (www.webofscience.com) and IEE Xplore(https://ieeexplore.ieee.org).639 - Katedra managementu kvalitydobř

    Faculty Publications & Presentations, 2008-2009

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