242,175 research outputs found


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    The prompt production chains are strongly integrated in the company along its functions and outside it, towards the providers and customers.The transition from vertical to horizontal imposes an organizational change. To help this process, it is useful that 'the best practice' be set through "benchmarking".We seem to enter an era when the competition rules will differ greatly from those existing in the past. If a company aims at obtaining such an advantage, it is crucial for the organization to revise the manner in which it grants values for the customers and decide whether it is time to reconfigure the chain in order to use the power of the other players in the production chain.logistics, business environment, production chain


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    In Romania, in the last year the economic growth is a real phenomenon that is not our subject for demonstration or for analyze in this paper. Our concern is related with the way of manifestation for economic growth in the economic system. We study if not the economic growth on the contrary of development for current or further performance (regardless of economic aspect or level of analyze) can unstuck in consumption of the availed resources for consolidate potential for development.investments, economic policies, economic growth


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    In this exposure we intend to make visible the situation in which global warming is given by road and air transport, how could be revitalized railways, and how high speed trains could become a preferred mode of transport. But there is manifesting an opposition to railway development, nurtured by different interests, ranking from governments themselves, to oil importing countries, oil exporting countries, oil companies with their colligate partners situated along the oil distribution chain. But, there could be identified some voices which could create themselves the possibility to speak lauder in order to promote railway transportation. The greens, NGOs, the epistemic communities, for example, could unite their force to make something in order to provide the framework for rail transportation's development, and for road and air transport reduction, for the benefit of while humankind.climate change, epistemic communities, high speed trains, political costs

    The impact of the controversies within the contemporary world economy onto the regional economic integration and international trade –

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    Following the new position of Romania as a member state of the EU, I consider it imperiously necessary knowing and approaching the problem of the nowadays phenomena the world trade and the world economy are confronting, EU according to today statistics being in the top of world exporters and on the second place as importers. It is for this fact obvious, because of belonging to this integrationist group, EU position and strategy in approaching international trade relationships to have a major impact on our country’s trade orientation. In this context, taking into account the fact that economic integration represents a main component of globalization and that Romania wanted, since 1990, to be reintegrated into the international trade, theoretical globalization approach was felt necessary, as well as describing the impact of the present controversies within the world economy onto the international trade and regional economic integration processes, respectively.globalization, triadization, regionalization, international trade, regional economic integration, Romania’s European Union integration

    The effects of labour force migration in romania to the comunity countries -realities and perspectives

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    Nowadays, the migration of active labour force is a phenomenon with a rapid dynamics, generated mainly by globalization. The international migration is appreciated to imply about 200 million persons, which is double than 25 years ago. .The migration is determined by economical, social and political causes. .The migration of active labour force in Romania registered in the Community Countries reaches low levels, about 200.000 person, but the illegal one is appreciated to reach 1.7-2 milion persons. The effects of migration are mainly due to: the loss of the tax payer – active labour force formed in Romania, the weakening of the social solidarity in the social security system, and in the same time, its increase in the destination countries , the remittance of some important amounts of money in the origin countries, the contact with other economical, social, cultural models. The evolution of remittance in the world is very dynamic, in 2007 it is said to be about 250 billion dollars ,from which 7,1 billion euro for our country, compared to 9,1 billion euro representing direct investments.Work, evolution, labour force,, globalization


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    During the past two decades, socioeconomic inequalities in health have increasingly been recognized as an important public health issue throughout Europe. As a result, there has been a considerable research effort which has permitted the emphasis of academic research to gradually shift from description to explanation. And as a consequence of that, entry-points for interventions and policies have been identified, providing the building-blocks with which policy-makers and practitioners have begun to design strategies to reduce socioeconomic inequalities in health. Although relatively little is known yet about the effectiveness of these strategies, it is possible to make some educated guesses about their potential impact on the economic implications of health inequalities in the European Union. And this way, investing in health should not only be seen as a cost to society, but also as a potential driver of economic growth.economic benefits, improvements in EU population health, inequities, health gap


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    FDI is a key factor for economic modernization through changes in production patterns, technology transfer and greater competition pressures. In the latest years, Romania has benefited from important FDI flows, mainly due to the privatization process, but also due to the advantages of cheap labour force and a big internal market. The issue to be addressed further regards the possibility of improving its attractiveness as host country for FDI in sectors generating higher added value and this refers to assuring a functional business environment, qualified labour force and a modern infrastructure.foreign direct investment, competitivity, business environment, qualified labour force

    Brief presentation of the wordl fossil energy market

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    The beginning of the third millennium brought the globalization of the worldwide energy market. The fossil fuels, especially petroleum resources are, generally, limited and concentrated in few regions and the world energy market becomes more and more dependent of some “key regions”: the Middle East, the Caspian Sea Region, Russian Federation-Siberia. The great consumers try to consolidate their position in the regions reach in energy resources. And this is happening while growing economies, such as China and India begin to dominate the global demand for energy and push higher the oil prices worldwide. World market energy consumption is projected to increase by 57 percent from 2004 to 2030. China and India together account for 45 percent of the increase of the energy demand.fossil fuels, reserves-to-production (r/p) ratio, producers, suppliers, consumption

    Considerations regarding tax optimization in implanted multinational enterprises through external growth for the automobile industry in Central Eastern Europe

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    The business strategy of multinational enterprises (MNEs) from the automobile industry implanted in Central-Eastern European (CEE) countries (Poland, Czech Republic and Romania) is an offensive one, global from operational perspective. Mainly it aims the extension of market share through horizontal growth, generally external type single-domain (Mergers and Acquisitions) and internal type (Greenfield investments) in a lower degree. These enterprises put in practice also a defending strategy for the owned market shares through increasing the efficiency of the production network at global level. This paper aims to present the less evident aspects of tax optimization of the applied business strategy by implemented MNEs in the automobile industry in CEE, and in this context, the necessity to establish transfer prices in accordance with the OECD recommendations, as an obligation assessed by the tax legislations of the considered countries, but also from the necessity of efficient run of these enterprises.multinational enterprises, external growth, transfer price, tax optimization


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    The Lisbon Strategy is working; it has helped to bring about higher economic growth, more jobs and reduced unemployment. As a new member state of the European Union, Romania should respond positively to the challenges of the Lisbon Strategy, and build the prerequisites for a knowledge-based economy, in order to stimulate economic growth and employment and make Europeâ€(tm)s economy the most competitive in the world. For this reason, in this paper we will realize a short presentation of the evolution of the Lisbon Agenda since it was envisaged by the Lisbon European Council in 2000, and until its last renewal at the Spring European Council in March 2008, focusing on the Romaniaâ€(tm)s accomplishments with.European Integration, Lisbon Agenda, priorities and challenges for Romania
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