1 research outputs found

    Intermediacy prediction for high speed Berger code checkers

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    We present an intermediacy prediction method that can be used to design high speed checkers for Berger codes, as well as for any other unordered code. In the proposed method, the received information and check bits are processed simultaneously toward an intermediate result. A two-rail code checker is then used to compare the two versions of such an intermediate result. Recall that, in conventional checkers for unordered codes, the received check bits remain idle until the received information bits are converted to the re-generated check bits. Therefore, our proposed intermediacy prediction method allows a checker\u27s speed improvement. We show the application of our method to two well-known Berger code checker architectural solutions: (1) the threshold function based implementation, and (2) the Berger code partitioning design. We have verified that, as expected, the proposed method can improve the detecting speed of these existing solutions with moderate or minimum increase, and sometimes decrease, in hardware complexity