340 research outputs found

    A Survey of Symbolic Execution Techniques

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    Many security and software testing applications require checking whether certain properties of a program hold for any possible usage scenario. For instance, a tool for identifying software vulnerabilities may need to rule out the existence of any backdoor to bypass a program's authentication. One approach would be to test the program using different, possibly random inputs. As the backdoor may only be hit for very specific program workloads, automated exploration of the space of possible inputs is of the essence. Symbolic execution provides an elegant solution to the problem, by systematically exploring many possible execution paths at the same time without necessarily requiring concrete inputs. Rather than taking on fully specified input values, the technique abstractly represents them as symbols, resorting to constraint solvers to construct actual instances that would cause property violations. Symbolic execution has been incubated in dozens of tools developed over the last four decades, leading to major practical breakthroughs in a number of prominent software reliability applications. The goal of this survey is to provide an overview of the main ideas, challenges, and solutions developed in the area, distilling them for a broad audience. The present survey has been accepted for publication at ACM Computing Surveys. If you are considering citing this survey, we would appreciate if you could use the following BibTeX entry: http://goo.gl/Hf5FvcComment: This is the authors pre-print copy. If you are considering citing this survey, we would appreciate if you could use the following BibTeX entry: http://goo.gl/Hf5Fv

    Prompt Optimization of Large Language Model for Interactive Tasks without Gradient and Demonstrations

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    Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable language proficiency, but they face challenges when solving interactive tasks independently. Existing methods either rely on gradient access, which is often inaccessible in state-of-the-art LLMs like GPT-4, or necessitate diverse and high-quality in-context demonstrations. In this study, we propose LLM-PO, a novel approach that enables LLMs to address these tasks without gradient access or extensive demonstrations. The key idea is to maintain a text-based plan and ask LLMs to reflect on pros and cons of the current plan based on experience collected with it, to update the plan, and to collect more experiences with the new plan. Experiments on HotpotQA demonstrate that LLM-PO achieves higher or on par success rates compared to in-context learning (ICL) baselines while requiring less inference cost.Comment: Draft. Work in Progres

    Mining semantics for culturomics: towards a knowledge-based approach

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    The massive amounts of text data made available through the Google Books digitization project have inspired a new field of big-data textual research. Named culturomics, this field has attracted the attention of a growing number of scholars over recent years. However, initial studies based on these data have been criticized for not referring to relevant work in linguistics and language technology. This paper provides some ideas, thoughts and first steps towards a new culturomics initiative, based this time on Swedish data, which pursues a more knowledge-based approach than previous work in this emerging field. The amount of new Swedish text produced daily and older texts being digitized in cultural heritage projects grows at an accelerating rate. These volumes of text being available in digital form have grown far beyond the capacity of human readers, leaving automated semantic processing of the texts as the only realistic option for accessing and using the information contained in them. The aim of our recently initiated research program is to advance the state of the art in language technology resources and methods for semantic processing of Big Swedish text and focus on the theoretical and methodological advancement of the state of the art in extracting and correlating information from large volumes of Swedish text using a combination of knowledge-based and statistical methods

    The Minimum Description Length Principle for Pattern Mining: A Survey

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    This is about the Minimum Description Length (MDL) principle applied to pattern mining. The length of this description is kept to the minimum. Mining patterns is a core task in data analysis and, beyond issues of efficient enumeration, the selection of patterns constitutes a major challenge. The MDL principle, a model selection method grounded in information theory, has been applied to pattern mining with the aim to obtain compact high-quality sets of patterns. After giving an outline of relevant concepts from information theory and coding, as well as of work on the theory behind the MDL and similar principles, we review MDL-based methods for mining various types of data and patterns. Finally, we open a discussion on some issues regarding these methods, and highlight currently active related data analysis problems

    Semantics-aware image understanding

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    Survey on Factuality in Large Language Models: Knowledge, Retrieval and Domain-Specificity

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    This survey addresses the crucial issue of factuality in Large Language Models (LLMs). As LLMs find applications across diverse domains, the reliability and accuracy of their outputs become vital. We define the Factuality Issue as the probability of LLMs to produce content inconsistent with established facts. We first delve into the implications of these inaccuracies, highlighting the potential consequences and challenges posed by factual errors in LLM outputs. Subsequently, we analyze the mechanisms through which LLMs store and process facts, seeking the primary causes of factual errors. Our discussion then transitions to methodologies for evaluating LLM factuality, emphasizing key metrics, benchmarks, and studies. We further explore strategies for enhancing LLM factuality, including approaches tailored for specific domains. We focus two primary LLM configurations standalone LLMs and Retrieval-Augmented LLMs that utilizes external data, we detail their unique challenges and potential enhancements. Our survey offers a structured guide for researchers aiming to fortify the factual reliability of LLMs.Comment: 62 pages; 300+ reference

    Functional programming abstractions for weakly consistent systems

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    In recent years, there has been a wide-spread adoption of both multicore and cloud computing. Traditionally, concurrent programmers have relied on the underlying system providing strong memory consistency, where there is a semblance of concurrent tasks operating over a shared global address space. However, providing scalable strong consistency guarantees as the scale of the system grows is an increasingly difficult endeavor. In a multicore setting, the increasing complexity and the lack of scalability of hardware mechanisms such as cache coherence deters scalable strong consistency. In geo-distributed compute clouds, the availability concerns in the presence of partial failures prohibit strong consistency. Hence, modern multicore and cloud computing platforms eschew strong consistency in favor of weakly consistent memory, where each task\u27s memory view is incomparable with the other tasks. As a result, programmers on these platforms must tackle the full complexity of concurrent programming for an asynchronous distributed system. ^ This dissertation argues that functional programming language abstractions can simplify scalable concurrent programming for weakly consistent systems. Functional programming espouses mutation-free programming, and rare mutations when present are explicit in their types. By controlling and explicitly reasoning about shared state mutations, functional abstractions simplify concurrent programming. Building upon this intuition, this dissertation presents three major contributions, each focused on addressing a particular challenge associated with weakly consistent loosely coupled systems. First, it describes A NERIS, a concurrent functional programming language and runtime for the Intel Single-chip Cloud Computer, and shows how to provide an efficient cache coherent virtual address space on top of a non cache coherent multicore architecture. Next, it describes RxCML, a distributed extension of MULTIMLTON and shows that, with the help of speculative execution, synchronous communication can be utilized as an efficient abstraction for programming asynchronous distributed systems. Finally, it presents QUELEA, a programming system for eventually consistent distributed stores, and shows that the choice of correct consistency level for replicated data type operations and transactions can be automated with the help of high-level declarative contracts
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