18 research outputs found

    Fighting Bandits with a New Kind of Smoothness

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    We define a novel family of algorithms for the adversarial multi-armed bandit problem, and provide a simple analysis technique based on convex smoothing. We prove two main results. First, we show that regularization via the \emph{Tsallis entropy}, which includes EXP3 as a special case, achieves the Θ(TN)\Theta(\sqrt{TN}) minimax regret. Second, we show that a wide class of perturbation methods achieve a near-optimal regret as low as O(TNlogN)O(\sqrt{TN \log N}) if the perturbation distribution has a bounded hazard rate. For example, the Gumbel, Weibull, Frechet, Pareto, and Gamma distributions all satisfy this key property.Comment: In Proceedings of NIPS, 201

    First-order regret bounds for combinatorial semi-bandits

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    We consider the problem of online combinatorial optimization under semi-bandit feedback, where a learner has to repeatedly pick actions from a combinatorial decision set in order to minimize the total losses associated with its decisions. After making each decision, the learner observes the losses associated with its action, but not other losses. For this problem, there are several learning algorithms that guarantee that the learner's expected regret grows as O~(T)\widetilde{O}(\sqrt{T}) with the number of rounds TT. In this paper, we propose an algorithm that improves this scaling to O~(LT)\widetilde{O}(\sqrt{{L_T^*}}), where LTL_T^* is the total loss of the best action. Our algorithm is among the first to achieve such guarantees in a partial-feedback scheme, and the first one to do so in a combinatorial setting.Comment: To appear at COLT 201

    Volumetric Spanners: an Efficient Exploration Basis for Learning

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    Numerous machine learning problems require an exploration basis - a mechanism to explore the action space. We define a novel geometric notion of exploration basis with low variance, called volumetric spanners, and give efficient algorithms to construct such a basis. We show how efficient volumetric spanners give rise to the first efficient and optimal regret algorithm for bandit linear optimization over general convex sets. Previously such results were known only for specific convex sets, or under special conditions such as the existence of an efficient self-concordant barrier for the underlying set