13,556 research outputs found

    Cooperative Routing in Multi-Radio Multi-Hop Wireless Network

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    There are many recent interests on cooperative communication (CC) in wireless networks. Despite the large capacity gain of CC in small wireless networks, CC can result in severe interference in large networks and even degraded throughput. The aim of this chapter is to concurrently exploit multi-radio and multi-channel (MRMC) and CC technique to combat co-channel interference and improve the performance of multi-hop wireless network. Our proposed solution concurrently considers cooperative routing, channel assignment, and relay selection and takes advantage of both MRMC technique and spatial diversity to improve the throughput. We propose two important metrics, contention-aware channel utilization routing metric (CACU) to capture the interference cost from both direct and cooperative transmission, and traffic aware channel condition metric (TACC) to evaluate the channel load condition. Based on these metrics, we propose three algorithms for interference-aware cooperative routing, local channel adjustment, and local path and relay adaptation, respectively, to ensure high-performance communications in dynamic wireless networks. Our algorithms are fully distributed and can effectively mitigate co-channel interference and achieve cooperative diversity gain. To our best knowledge, this is the first distributed solution that supports CC in MRMC networks. Our performance studies demonstrate that our algorithms can significantly increase the aggregate throughput

    Coefficient of Restitution based Cross Layer Interference Aware Routing Protocol in Wireless Mesh Networks

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    In Multi-Radio Multi-Channel (MRMC) Wireless Mesh Networks (WMN), Partially Overlapped Channels (POC) has been used to increase the parallel transmission. But adjacent channel interference is very severe in MRMC environment; it decreases the network throughput very badly. In this paper, we propose a Coefficient of Restitution based cross layer interference aware routing protocol (CoRCiaR) to improve TCP performance in Wireless Mesh Networks. This approach comprises of two-steps: Initially, the interference detection algorithm is developed at MAC layer by enhancing the RTS/CTS method. Based on the channel interference, congestion is identified by Round Trip Time (RTT) measurements, and subsequently the route discovery module selects the alternative path to send the data packet. The packets are transmitted to the congestion free path seamlessly by the source. The performance of the proposed CoRCiaR protocol is measured by Coefficient of Restitution (COR) parameter. The impact of the rerouting is experienced on the network throughput performance. The simulation results show that the proposed cross layer interference aware dynamic routing enhances the TCP performance on WMN

    An Efficient Interference Aware Partially Overlapping Channel Assignment and Routing in Wireless Mesh Networks

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    In recent years, multi-channel multi-radio wireless mesh networks are considered a reliable and cost effective way for internet access in wide area. A major research challenge in this network is, selecting a least interference channel from the available channels, efficiently assigning a radio to the selected channel, and routing packets through the least interference path. Many algorithms and methods have been developed for channel assignment to maximize the network throughput using orthogonal channels. Recent research and test-bed experiments have proved that POC (Partially Overlapped Channels) based channel assignment allows significantly more flexibility in wireless spectrum sharing. In this paper, first we represent the channel assignment as a graph edge coloring problem using POC. The signal-to-noise plus interference ratio is measured to avoid interference from neighbouring transmissions, when a channel is assigned to the link. Second we propose a new routing metric called signal-to-noise plus interference ratio (SINR) value which measures interference in each link and routing algorithm works based on the interference information. The simulation results show that the channel assignment and interference aware routing algorithm, proposed in this paper, improves the network throughput and performance

    Identifying Design Requirements for Wireless Routing Link Metrics

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    In this paper, we identify and analyze the requirements to design a new routing link metric for wireless multihop networks. Considering these requirements, when a link metric is proposed, then both the design and implementation of the link metric with a routing protocol become easy. Secondly, the underlying network issues can easily be tackled. Thirdly, an appreciable performance of the network is guaranteed. Along with the existing implementation of three link metrics Expected Transmission Count (ETX), Minimum Delay (MD), and Minimum Loss (ML), we implement inverse ETX; invETX with Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR) using NS-2.34. The simulation results show that how the computational burden of a metric degrades the performance of the respective protocol and how a metric has to trade-off between different performance parameters
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