103 research outputs found

    Interference alignment for the MIMO interference channel

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    We study vector space interference alignment for the MIMO interference channel with no time or frequency diversity, and no symbol extensions. We prove both necessary and sufficient conditions for alignment. In particular, we characterize the feasibility of alignment for the symmetric three-user channel where all users transmit along d dimensions, all transmitters have M antennas and all receivers have N antennas, as well as feasibility of alignment for the fully symmetric (M=N) channel with an arbitrary number of users. An implication of our results is that the total degrees of freedom available in a K-user interference channel, using only spatial diversity from the multiple antennas, is at most 2. This is in sharp contrast to the K/2 degrees of freedom shown to be possible by Cadambe and Jafar with arbitrarily large time or frequency diversity. Moving beyond the question of feasibility, we additionally discuss computation of the number of solutions using Schubert calculus in cases where there are a finite number of solutions.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figures, final submitted versio

    Retrospective Interference Alignment for the 3-user MIMO Interference Channel with delayed CSIT

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    The degrees of freedom (DoF) of the 3-user multiple input multiple output interference channel (3-user MIMO IC) are investigated where there is delayed channel state information at the transmitters (dCSIT). We generalize the ideas of Maleki et al. about {\it Retrospective Interference Alignment (RIA)} to be applied to the MIMO IC, where transmitters and receivers are equipped with (M,N)(M,N) antennas, respectively. We propose a two-phase transmission scheme where the number of slots per phase and number of transmitted symbols are optimized by solving a maximization problem. Finally, we review the existing achievable DoF results in the literature as a function of the ratio between transmitting and receiving antennas ρ=M/N\rho=M/N. The proposed scheme improves all other strategies when ρ∈(12,3132]\rho \in \left(\frac{1}{2}, \frac{31}{32} \right].Comment: Draft version of the accepted manuscript at IEEE ICASSP 1

    On the Degrees of freedom of the K-user MISO Interference Channel with imperfect delayed CSIT

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    This work investigates the degrees of freedom (DoF) of the K-user multiple-input single-output (MISO) interference channel (IC) with imperfect delayed channel state information at the transmitters (dCSIT). For this setting, new DoF inner bonds are provided, and benchmarked with cooperation-based outer bounds. The achievability result is based on a precoding scheme that aligns the interfering received signals through time, exploiting the concept of Retrospective Interference Alignment (RIA). The proposed approach outperforms all previous known schemes. Furthermore, we study the proposed scheme under channel estimation errors (CEE) on the reported dCSIT, and derive a closed-form expression for the achievable DoF with imperfect dCSIT.Comment: Draft version of the accepted manuscript at IEEE ICASSP 1
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