2 research outputs found

    A Joint Routing and Time-Slot Assignment Algorithm for Multi-Hop Cognitive Radio Networks with Primary-User Protection

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    Cognitive radio has recently emerged as a promising technology to improve the utilization efficiency of the radio spectrum. In cognitive radio networks, secondary users (SUs) must avoid causing any harmful interference to primary users (PUs) and transparently utilize the licensed spectrum bands. In this paper, we study the PUprotection issue in multi-hop cognitive radio networks. In such networks, secondary users carefully select paths and time slots to reduce the interference to PUs. We formulate the routing and time-slot assignment problem into a mixed integer linear programming (MILP). To solve the MILP which is NP-Hard in general, we propose an algorithm named RSAA (Routing and Slot Assignment Algorithm). By relaxing the integral constraints of the MILP, RSAA first solves the max flow from the source to the destination. Based on the max flow, RSAA constructs a new network topology. On the new topology, RSAA uses branch and bound method to get the near optimal assignment of time slots and paths. The theoretical analyses show that the complexity of our proposed algorithm is O(N^4). Also, simulation results demonstrate that our proposed algorithm can obtain near-optimal throughputs for SUs

    Review and Comparison of Routing Metrics in Cognitive Radio Networks

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    In this paper, cognitive radio network is briefly introduced as well as routing parameters in cognitive radio networks. Due to lack of Spectrum, using not efficient methods of allocating static spectrum, in cognitive radio networks dynamic accessing spectrum is functional. Utilizing opportunistic a Spectrum requires recognition of routing parameters and metrics in cognition radio networks, which means considering fulfilling the minimum requirements of quality of service (QOS) secondary users need to use the allowed range of primary (main) users. Since primary users are prior to use the spectrum, when primary and secondary users coexist, they need to monitor the bandwidth of the authorized spectrum. One of the most important stages to excess the dynamic spectrum is to explore it. Detection of the presence of the authorized users by unauthorized users is one of the things done in this stage, which is called spectroscopy. In the next stage, we used the analyzed information I was spectroscopy, to decide on accessing the spectrum. cognition radio is defined as a smart wireless communication system, which is aware of the environment and changes its job variables like power forward, type of modulation, carrier frequency etc. using environment learning. For further explaining routing metrics, we try to compare routing metrics in cognitive radio networks and wireless network and analyze its challenges in one-way routing and in multi-route routing