1 research outputs found

    A Research-Creation Approach to Gender-Based Violence

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    My research and creative work critically engage with gender-based violence, paying special attention to the extreme case of feminicide/femicide. Gender-based violence is an endemic problem found equally across the private and the public sphere. Feminicide/femicide is the most extreme expression of gender-based violence. It is the last link of a long chain of violence entrenched in the mindset of a patriarchal and capitalist system. In this system, the body is perceived as an exploitable and disposable commodity. This thesis reflects on the layered process that led me to the completion of two pieces emerging from a research-creation approach. This process involved an in-depth research, prototyping and iterative work, followed by exhibitions and reflections. My research is informed by concepts related to the treatment of violence and suffering through cultural expressions. During the design process, I gained insight regarding the complexities of dealing with delicate topics. In response to the many levels of complexity embedded in this subject matter, my creative practice focused on an iterative process in which a corpus of work was created. While each piece can function independently, they are tied to the same research. Through these iterations, I unfold diverse strategies that may be useful for future artists and designers working with gender-based violence