19 research outputs found

    Incremental Object Database: Building 3D Models from Multiple Partial Observations

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    Collecting 3D object datasets involves a large amount of manual work and is time consuming. Getting complete models of objects either requires a 3D scanner that covers all the surfaces of an object or one needs to rotate it to completely observe it. We present a system that incrementally builds a database of objects as a mobile agent traverses a scene. Our approach requires no prior knowledge of the shapes present in the scene. Object-like segments are extracted from a global segmentation map, which is built online using the input of segmented RGB-D images. These segments are stored in a database, matched among each other, and merged with other previously observed instances. This allows us to create and improve object models on the fly and to use these merged models to reconstruct also unobserved parts of the scene. The database contains each (potentially merged) object model only once, together with a set of poses where it was observed. We evaluate our pipeline with one public dataset, and on a newly created Google Tango dataset containing four indoor scenes with some of the objects appearing multiple times, both within and across scenes

    A Multimodal Human-Robot Interaction Dataset

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    International audienceThis works presents a multimodal dataset for Human-Robot Interactive Learning. 1 The dataset contains synchronized recordings of several human users, from a stereo 2 microphone and three cameras mounted on the robot. The focus of the dataset is 3 incremental object learning, oriented to human-robot assistance and interaction. To 4 learn new object models from interactions with a human user, the robot needs to 5 be able to perform multiple tasks: (a) recognize the type of interaction (pointing, 6 showing or speaking), (b) segment regions of interest from acquired data (hands and 7 objects), and (c) learn and recognize object models. We illustrate the advantages 8 of multimodal data over camera-only datasets by presenting an approach that 9 recognizes the user interaction by combining simple image and language features

    Interactive singulation of objects from a pile

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    Abstract—Interaction with unstructured groups of objects allows a robot to discover and manipulate novel items in cluttered environments. We present a framework for interactive singulation of individual items from a pile. The proposed framework provides an overall approach for tasks involving operation on multiple objects, such as counting, arranging, or sorting items in a pile. A perception module combined with pushing actions accumulates evidence of singulated items over multiple pile interactions. A decision module scores the likelihood of a single-item pile to a multiple-item pile based on the magnitude of motion and matching determined from the perception module. Three variations of the singulation framework were evaluated on a physical robot for an arrangement task. The proposed interactive singulation method with adaptive pushing reduces the grasp errors on non-singulated piles compared to alternative methods without the perception and decision modules. This work contributes the general pile interaction framework, a specific method for integrating perception and action plans with grasp decisions, and an experimental evaluation of the cost trade-offs for different singulation methods. I

    Probabilistic models for robot-based object segmentation

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