2 research outputs found

    Jointly-Trained State-Action Embedding for Efficient Reinforcement Learning

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    While reinforcement learning has achieved considerable successes in recent years, state-of-the-art models are often still limited by the size of state and action spaces. Model-free reinforcement learning approaches use some form of state representations and the latest work has explored embedding techniques for actions, both with the aim of achieving better generalization and applicability. However, these approaches consider only states or actions, ignoring the interaction between them when generating embedded representations. In this work, we propose a new approach for jointly learning embeddings for states and actions that combines aspects of model-free and model-based reinforcement learning, which can be applied in both discrete and continuous domains. Specifically, we use a model of the environment to obtain embeddings for states and actions and present a generic architecture that uses these to learn a policy. In this way, the embedded representations obtained via our approach enable better generalization over both states and actions by capturing similarities in the embedding spaces. Evaluations of our approach on several gaming, robotic control, and recommender systems show it significantly outperforms state-of-the-art models in both discrete/continuous domains with large state/action spaces, thus confirming its efficacy and the overall superior performance

    Developing Multi-Task Recommendations with Long-Term Rewards via Policy Distilled Reinforcement Learning

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    With the explosive growth of online products and content, recommendation techniques have been considered as an effective tool to overcome information overload, improve user experience, and boost business revenue. In recent years, we have observed a new desideratum of considering long-term rewards of multiple related recommendation tasks simultaneously. The consideration of long-term rewards is strongly tied to business revenue and growth. Learning multiple tasks simultaneously could generally improve the performance of individual task due to knowledge sharing in multi-task learning. While a few existing works have studied long-term rewards in recommendations, they mainly focus on a single recommendation task. In this paper, we propose {\it PoDiRe}: a \underline{po}licy \underline{di}stilled \underline{re}commender that can address long-term rewards of recommendations and simultaneously handle multiple recommendation tasks. This novel recommendation solution is based on a marriage of deep reinforcement learning and knowledge distillation techniques, which is able to establish knowledge sharing among different tasks and reduce the size of a learning model. The resulting model is expected to attain better performance and lower response latency for real-time recommendation services. In collaboration with Samsung Game Launcher, one of the world's largest commercial mobile game platforms, we conduct a comprehensive experimental study on large-scale real data with hundreds of millions of events and show that our solution outperforms many state-of-the-art methods in terms of several standard evaluation metrics