16,766 research outputs found

    A Personalized System for Conversational Recommendations

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    Searching for and making decisions about information is becoming increasingly difficult as the amount of information and number of choices increases. Recommendation systems help users find items of interest of a particular type, such as movies or restaurants, but are still somewhat awkward to use. Our solution is to take advantage of the complementary strengths of personalized recommendation systems and dialogue systems, creating personalized aides. We present a system -- the Adaptive Place Advisor -- that treats item selection as an interactive, conversational process, with the program inquiring about item attributes and the user responding. Individual, long-term user preferences are unobtrusively obtained in the course of normal recommendation dialogues and used to direct future conversations with the same user. We present a novel user model that influences both item search and the questions asked during a conversation. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our system in significantly reducing the time and number of interactions required to find a satisfactory item, as compared to a control group of users interacting with a non-adaptive version of the system

    QueRIE: Collaborative Database Exploration

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    Interactive database exploration is a key task in information mining. However, users who lack SQL expertise or familiarity with the database schema face great difficulties in performing this task. To aid these users, we developed the QueRIE system for personalized query recommendations. QueRIE continuously monitors the userā€™s querying behavior and finds matching patterns in the systemā€™s query log, in an attempt to identify previous users with similar information needs. Subsequently, QueRIE uses these ā€œsimilarā€ users and their queries to recommend queries that the current user may find interesting. In this work we describe an instantiation of the QueRIE framework, where the active userā€™s session is represented by a set of query fragments. The recorded fragments are used to identify similar query fragments in the previously recorded sessions, which are in turn assembled in potentially interesting queries for the active user. We show through experimentation that the proposed method generates meaningful recommendations on real-life traces from the SkyServer database and propose a scalable design that enables the incremental update of similarities, making real-time computations on large amounts of data feasible. Finally, we compare this fragment-based instantiation with our previously proposed tuple-based instantiation discussing the advantages and disadvantages of each approach

    Finding the right answer: an information retrieval approach supporting knowledge sharing

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    Knowledge Management can be defined as the effective strategies to get the right piece of knowledge to the right person in the right time. Having the main purpose of providing users with information items of their interest, recommender systems seem to be quite valuable for organizational knowledge management environments. Here we present KARe (Knowledgeable Agent for Recommendations), a multiagent recommender system that supports users sharing knowledge in a peer-to-peer environment. Central to this work is the assumption that social interaction is essential for the creation and dissemination of new knowledge. Supporting social interaction, KARe allows users to share knowledge through questions and answers. This paper describes KAReļæ½s agent-oriented architecture and presents its recommendation algorithm

    The benefits of opening recommendation to human interaction

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    This paper describes work in progress that uses an interactive recommendation process to construct new objects which are tailored to user preferences. The novelty in our work is moving from the recommendation of static objects like consumer goods, movies or books, towards dynamically-constructed recommendations which are built as part of the recommendation process. As a proof-of-concept we build running or jogging routes for visitors to a city, recommending routes to users according to their preferences and we present details of this system

    Characterizing Search Behavior in Productivity Software

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    Complex software applications expose hundreds of commands to users through intricate menu hierarchies. One of the most popular productivity software suites, Microsoft Office, has recently developed functionality that allows users to issue free-form text queries to a search system to quickly find commands they want to execute, retrieve help documentation or access web results in a unified interface. In this paper, we analyze millions of search sessions originating from within Microsoft Office applications, collected over one month of activity, in an effort to characterize search behavior in productivity software. Our research brings together previous efforts in analyzing command usage in large-scale applications and efforts in understanding search behavior in environments other than the web. Our findings show that users engage primarily in command search, and that re-accessing commands through search is a frequent behavior. Our work represents the first large-scale analysis of search over command spaces and is an important first step in understanding how search systems integrated with productivity software can be successfully developed

    The generation of e-learning exercise problems from subject ontologies

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    The teaching/ learning of cognitive skills, such as problem-solving, is an important goal in most forms of education. In well-structured subject areas certain exercise problem types may be precisely described by means of machine-processable knowledge structures or ontologies. These ontologies can readily be used to generate individual problem examples for the student, where each problem consists of a question and its solution. An example is given from the subject domain of computer databases
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