10,118 research outputs found

    Human-robot co-navigation using anticipatory indicators of human walking motion

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    Mobile, interactive robots that operate in human-centric environments need the capability to safely and efficiently navigate around humans. This requires the ability to sense and predict human motion trajectories and to plan around them. In this paper, we present a study that supports the existence of statistically significant biomechanical turn indicators of human walking motions. Further, we demonstrate the effectiveness of these turn indicators as features in the prediction of human motion trajectories. Human motion capture data is collected with predefined goals to train and test a prediction algorithm. Use of anticipatory features results in improved performance of the prediction algorithm. Lastly, we demonstrate the closed-loop performance of the prediction algorithm using an existing algorithm for motion planning within dynamic environments. The anticipatory indicators of human walking motion can be used with different prediction and/or planning algorithms for robotics; the chosen planning and prediction algorithm demonstrates one such implementation for human-robot co-navigation

    Human Motion Trajectory Prediction: A Survey

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    With growing numbers of intelligent autonomous systems in human environments, the ability of such systems to perceive, understand and anticipate human behavior becomes increasingly important. Specifically, predicting future positions of dynamic agents and planning considering such predictions are key tasks for self-driving vehicles, service robots and advanced surveillance systems. This paper provides a survey of human motion trajectory prediction. We review, analyze and structure a large selection of work from different communities and propose a taxonomy that categorizes existing methods based on the motion modeling approach and level of contextual information used. We provide an overview of the existing datasets and performance metrics. We discuss limitations of the state of the art and outline directions for further research.Comment: Submitted to the International Journal of Robotics Research (IJRR), 37 page

    Role Playing Learning for Socially Concomitant Mobile Robot Navigation

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    In this paper, we present the Role Playing Learning (RPL) scheme for a mobile robot to navigate socially with its human companion in populated environments. Neural networks (NN) are constructed to parameterize a stochastic policy that directly maps sensory data collected by the robot to its velocity outputs, while respecting a set of social norms. An efficient simulative learning environment is built with maps and pedestrians trajectories collected from a number of real-world crowd data sets. In each learning iteration, a robot equipped with the NN policy is created virtually in the learning environment to play itself as a companied pedestrian and navigate towards a goal in a socially concomitant manner. Thus, we call this process Role Playing Learning, which is formulated under a reinforcement learning (RL) framework. The NN policy is optimized end-to-end using Trust Region Policy Optimization (TRPO), with consideration of the imperfectness of robot's sensor measurements. Simulative and experimental results are provided to demonstrate the efficacy and superiority of our method

    Virtual Borders: Accurate Definition of a Mobile Robot's Workspace Using Augmented Reality

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    We address the problem of interactively controlling the workspace of a mobile robot to ensure a human-aware navigation. This is especially of relevance for non-expert users living in human-robot shared spaces, e.g. home environments, since they want to keep the control of their mobile robots, such as vacuum cleaning or companion robots. Therefore, we introduce virtual borders that are respected by a robot while performing its tasks. For this purpose, we employ a RGB-D Google Tango tablet as human-robot interface in combination with an augmented reality application to flexibly define virtual borders. We evaluated our system with 15 non-expert users concerning accuracy, teaching time and correctness and compared the results with other baseline methods based on visual markers and a laser pointer. The experimental results show that our method features an equally high accuracy while reducing the teaching time significantly compared to the baseline methods. This holds for different border lengths, shapes and variations in the teaching process. Finally, we demonstrated the correctness of the approach, i.e. the mobile robot changes its navigational behavior according to the user-defined virtual borders.Comment: Accepted on 2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), supplementary video: https://youtu.be/oQO8sQ0JBR