3 research outputs found

    MCSI: aplicaciones interactivas para visualizar los campos electromagn茅ticos en circuitos de microondas

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    En esta comunicaci贸n se mostrar谩n un conjunto de aplicaciones interactivas concebidas para facilitar el proceso de aprendizaje y ense帽anza de asignaturas de grado y postgrado en el 谩mbito de la Ingenier铆a de Circuitos de Microondas y Alta Frecuencia. Estas asignaturas comparten el inconveniente de tratar con magnitudes (campos electromagn茅ticos y corrientes de alta frecuencia), que no pueden ser visualizadas por los alumnos de manera directa (ya que las ondas electromagn茅ticas y sus efectos no son perceptibles por los 贸rganos sensoriales humanos como los ojos), ni tampoco medidas de forma experimental si no se hace uso de instrumentaci贸n muy costosa (un analizador de redes de alta frecuencia supera con creces los 20000 euros.Consejo Escolar de la Regi贸n de Murcia. Consejer铆a de Educaci贸n, Formaci贸n y Empleo. Universidad de Murcia. Universidad Polit茅cnica de Cartagena. Centro de Profesores y Recursos de Murcia (CPR)

    Interactive Lab to Learn Radio Astronomy, Microwave & Antenna Engineering at the Technical University of Cartagena (Spain)

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    An initiative carried out at the Technical University of Cartagena (UPCT, Spain) to encourage students and promote the interest for Scientific and Engineering Culture between society is presented in this contribution. For this purpose, a long-term project based on the set-up of an interactive laboratory surrounding a small Radio Telescope (SRT) system has been carried out. The main novelty is that this project is entirely being developed by students of last courses of our Telecommunication Engineering Faculty, under the supervision of four lecturers. This lab offers the possibility to remotely control the SRT, and it provides a set of multimedia web-based applications to produce a novel, practical, multidisciplinary virtual laboratory to improve the learning and teaching processes in related sciences and technologies

    Interactive Lab to Learn Radio Astronomy, Microwave & Antenna Engineering at the Technical University of Cartagena (Spain)

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    An initiative carried out at the Technical University of Cartagena (UPCT, Spain) to encourage students and promote the interest for Scientific and Engineering Culture between society is presented in this contribution. For this purpose, a long-term project based on the set-up of an interactive laboratory surrounding a small Radio Telescope (SRT) system has been carried out. The main novelty is that this project is entirely being developed by students of last courses of our Telecommunication Engineering Faculty, under the supervision of four lecturers. This lab offers the possibility to remotely control the SRT, and it provides a set of multimedia web-based applications to produce a novel, practical, multidisciplinary virtual laboratory to improve the learning and teaching processes in related sciences and technologies