16 research outputs found

    Interactive Full Image Segmentation by Considering All Regions Jointly

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    We address interactive full image annotation, where the goal is to accurately segment all object and stuff regions in an image. We propose an interactive, scribble-based annotation framework which operates on the whole image to produce segmentations for all regions. This enables sharing scribble corrections across regions, and allows the annotator to focus on the largest errors made by the machine across the whole image. To realize this, we adapt Mask-RCNN into a fast interactive segmentation framework and introduce an instance-aware loss measured at the pixel-level in the full image canvas, which lets predictions for nearby regions properly compete for space. Finally, we compare to interactive single object segmentation on the COCO panoptic dataset. We demonstrate that our interactive full image segmentation approach leads to a 5% IoU gain, reaching 90% IoU at a budget of four extreme clicks and four corrective scribbles per region.Comment: Accepted to CVPR 201

    Interactive segmentation of medical images through fully convolutional neural networks

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    Image segmentation plays an essential role in medicine for both diagnostic and interventional tasks. Segmentation approaches are either manual, semi-automated or fully-automated. Manual segmentation offers full control over the quality of the results, but is tedious, time consuming and prone to operator bias. Fully automated methods require no human effort, but often deliver sub-optimal results without providing users with the means to make corrections. Semi-automated approaches keep users in control of the results by providing means for interaction, but the main challenge is to offer a good trade-off between precision and required interaction. In this paper we present a deep learning (DL) based semi-automated segmentation approach that aims to be a "smart" interactive tool for region of interest delineation in medical images. We demonstrate its use for segmenting multiple organs on computed tomography (CT) of the abdomen. Our approach solves some of the most pressing clinical challenges: (i) it requires only one to a few user clicks to deliver excellent 2D segmentations in a fast and reliable fashion; (ii) it can generalize to previously unseen structures and "corner cases"; (iii) it delivers results that can be corrected quickly in a smart and intuitive way up to an arbitrary degree of precision chosen by the user and (iv) ensures high accuracy. We present our approach and compare it to other techniques and previous work to show the advantages brought by our method

    NuClick: A Deep Learning Framework for Interactive Segmentation of Microscopy Images

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    Object segmentation is an important step in the workflow of computational pathology. Deep learning based models generally require large amount of labeled data for precise and reliable prediction. However, collecting labeled data is expensive because it often requires expert knowledge, particularly in medical imaging domain where labels are the result of a time-consuming analysis made by one or more human experts. As nuclei, cells and glands are fundamental objects for downstream analysis in computational pathology/cytology, in this paper we propose a simple CNN-based approach to speed up collecting annotations for these objects which requires minimum interaction from the annotator. We show that for nuclei and cells in histology and cytology images, one click inside each object is enough for NuClick to yield a precise annotation. For multicellular structures such as glands, we propose a novel approach to provide the NuClick with a squiggle as a guiding signal, enabling it to segment the glandular boundaries. These supervisory signals are fed to the network as auxiliary inputs along with RGB channels. With detailed experiments, we show that NuClick is adaptable to the object scale, robust against variations in the user input, adaptable to new domains, and delivers reliable annotations. An instance segmentation model trained on masks generated by NuClick achieved the first rank in LYON19 challenge. As exemplar outputs of our framework, we are releasing two datasets: 1) a dataset of lymphocyte annotations within IHC images, and 2) a dataset of segmented WBCs in blood smear images

    Modular Interactive Video Object Segmentation: Interaction-to-Mask, Propagation and Difference-Aware Fusion

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    We present Modular interactive VOS (MiVOS) framework which decouples interaction-to-mask and mask propagation, allowing for higher generalizability and better performance. Trained separately, the interaction module converts user interactions to an object mask, which is then temporally propagated by our propagation module using a novel top-kk filtering strategy in reading the space-time memory. To effectively take the user's intent into account, a novel difference-aware module is proposed to learn how to properly fuse the masks before and after each interaction, which are aligned with the target frames by employing the space-time memory. We evaluate our method both qualitatively and quantitatively with different forms of user interactions (e.g., scribbles, clicks) on DAVIS to show that our method outperforms current state-of-the-art algorithms while requiring fewer frame interactions, with the additional advantage in generalizing to different types of user interactions. We contribute a large-scale synthetic VOS dataset with pixel-accurate segmentation of 4.8M frames to accompany our source codes to facilitate future research.Comment: Accepted to CVPR 2021. Project page: https://hkchengrex.github.io/MiVOS

    Efficient Full Image Interactive Segmentation by Leveraging Within-image Appearance Similarity

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    We propose a new approach to interactive full-image semantic segmentation which enables quickly collecting training data for new datasets with previously unseen semantic classes (A demo is available at https://youtu.be/yUk8D5gEX-o). We leverage a key observation: propagation from labeled to unlabeled pixels does not necessarily require class-specific knowledge, but can be done purely based on appearance similarity within an image. We build on this observation and propose an approach capable of jointly propagating pixel labels from multiple classes without having explicit class-specific appearance models. To enable long-range propagation, our approach first globally measures appearance similarity between labeled and unlabeled pixels across the entire image. Then it locally integrates per-pixel measurements which improves the accuracy at boundaries and removes noisy label switches in homogeneous regions. We also design an efficient manual annotation interface that extends the traditional polygon drawing tools with a suite of additional convenient features (and add automatic propagation to it). Experiments with human annotators on the COCO Panoptic Challenge dataset show that the combination of our better manual interface and our novel automatic propagation mechanism leads to reducing annotation time by more than factor of 2x compared to polygon drawing. We also test our method on the ADE-20k and Fashionista datasets without making any dataset-specific adaptation nor retraining our model, demonstrating that it can generalize to new datasets and visual classes

    f-BRS: Rethinking Backpropagating Refinement for Interactive Segmentation

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    Deep neural networks have become a mainstream approach to interactive segmentation. As we show in our experiments, while for some images a trained network provides accurate segmentation result with just a few clicks, for some unknown objects it cannot achieve satisfactory result even with a large amount of user input. Recently proposed backpropagating refinement (BRS) scheme introduces an optimization problem for interactive segmentation that results in significantly better performance for the hard cases. At the same time, BRS requires running forward and backward pass through a deep network several times that leads to significantly increased computational budget per click compared to other methods. We propose f-BRS (feature backpropagating refinement scheme) that solves an optimization problem with respect to auxiliary variables instead of the network inputs, and requires running forward and backward pass just for a small part of a network. Experiments on GrabCut, Berkeley, DAVIS and SBD datasets set new state-of-the-art at an order of magnitude lower time per click compared to original BRS. The code and trained models are available at https://github.com/saic-vul/fbrs_interactive_segmentation

    Block Annotation: Better Image Annotation for Semantic Segmentation with Sub-Image Decomposition

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    Image datasets with high-quality pixel-level annotations are valuable for semantic segmentation: labelling every pixel in an image ensures that rare classes and small objects are annotated. However, full-image annotations are expensive, with experts spending up to 90 minutes per image. We propose block sub-image annotation as a replacement for full-image annotation. Despite the attention cost of frequent task switching, we find that block annotations can be crowdsourced at higher quality compared to full-image annotation with equal monetary cost using existing annotation tools developed for full-image annotation. Surprisingly, we find that 50% pixels annotated with blocks allows semantic segmentation to achieve equivalent performance to 100% pixels annotated. Furthermore, as little as 12% of pixels annotated allows performance as high as 98% of the performance with dense annotation. In weakly-supervised settings, block annotation outperforms existing methods by 3-4% (absolute) given equivalent annotation time. To recover the necessary global structure for applications such as characterizing spatial context and affordance relationships, we propose an effective method to inpaint block-annotated images with high-quality labels without additional human effort. As such, fewer annotations can also be used for these applications compared to full-image annotation.Comment: ICCV 2019; http://www.cs.cornell.edu/~hubert/block_annotation

    Reviving Iterative Training with Mask Guidance for Interactive Segmentation

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    Recent works on click-based interactive segmentation have demonstrated state-of-the-art results by using various inference-time optimization schemes. These methods are considerably more computationally expensive compared to feedforward approaches, as they require performing backward passes through a network during inference and are hard to deploy on mobile frameworks that usually support only forward passes. In this paper, we extensively evaluate various design choices for interactive segmentation and discover that new state-of-the-art results can be obtained without any additional optimization schemes. Thus, we propose a simple feedforward model for click-based interactive segmentation that employs the segmentation masks from previous steps. It allows not only to segment an entirely new object, but also to start with an external mask and correct it. When analyzing the performance of models trained on different datasets, we observe that the choice of a training dataset greatly impacts the quality of interactive segmentation. We find that the models trained on a combination of COCO and LVIS with diverse and high-quality annotations show performance superior to all existing models. The code and trained models are available at https://github.com/saic-vul/ritm_interactive_segmentation

    A Review of methods for Textureless Object Recognition

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    Textureless object recognition has become a significant task in Computer Vision with the advent of Robotics and its applications in manufacturing sector. It has been very challenging to get good performance because of its lack of discriminative features and reflectance properties. Hence, the approaches used for textured objects cannot be applied for textureless objects. A lot of work has been done in the last 20 years, especially in the recent 5 years after the TLess and other textureless dataset were introduced. In our research, we plan to combine image processing techniques (for feature enhancement) along with deep learning techniques (for object recognition). Here we present an overview of the various existing work in the field of textureless object recognition, which can be broadly classified into View-based, Feature-based and Shape-based. We have also added a review of few of the research papers submitted at the International Conference on Smart Multimedia, 2018. Index terms: Computer Vision, Textureless object detection, Textureless object recognition, Feature-based, Edge detection, Deep LearningComment: 25 page

    Probabilistic Attention for Interactive Segmentation

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    We provide a probabilistic interpretation of attention and show that the standard dot-product attention in transformers is a special case of Maximum A Posteriori (MAP) inference. The proposed approach suggests the use of Expectation Maximization algorithms for online adaptation of key and value model parameters. This approach is useful for cases in which external agents, e.g., annotators, provide inference-time information about the correct values of some tokens, e.g, the semantic category of some pixels, and we need for this new information to propagate to other tokens in a principled manner. We illustrate the approach on an interactive semantic segmentation task in which annotators and models collaborate online to improve annotation efficiency. Using standard benchmarks, we observe that key adaptation boosts model performance (∼10%\sim10\% mIoU) in the low feedback regime and value propagation improves model responsiveness in the high feedback regime. A PyTorch layer implementation of our probabilistic attention model will be made publicly available here: https://github.com/apple/ml-probabilistic-attention.Comment: Updated with link to GitHub, 17 pages, 8 figure