46 research outputs found

    Web Usage Mining to Extract Knowledge for Modelling Users of Taiwan Travel Recommendation Mobile APP

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    This work presents the design of a web mining system to understand the navigational behavior of passengers in developed Taiwan travel recommendation mobile app that provides four main functions including recommend by location , hot topic , nearby scenic spots information , my favorite and 2650 scenic spots. To understand passenger navigational patterns, log data from actual cases of app were collected and analysed by web mining system. This system analysed 58981 sessions of 1326 users for the month of June, 2014. Sequential profiles for passenger navigational patterns were captured by applying sequence-based representation schemes in association with Markov models and enhanced K-mean clustering algorithms for sequence behavior mining cluster patterns. The navigational cycle, time, function numbers, and the depth and extent (range) of app were statistically analysed. The analysis results can be used improved the passengers\u27 acceptance of app and help generate potential personalization recommendations for achieving an intelligent travel recommendation service

    A Survey to Identify an Efficient Classification Algorithm for Heart Disease Prediction

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    Classification is one of the prominent data mining techniques. The objective of the classification algorithms is to place the data in the appropriate class. Data mining plays a vital role in medical diagnosis. The aim of this paper is to identify an efficient classification algorithm for cardiovascular disease prediction. The efficiency of each classification algorithm is expressed using two parameters namely accuracy and Root Mean Square Error (RMSE). From our experimental analysis, we infer that iterative classifier optimizer algorithm results in higher accuracy

    A Modified Polybius Square Based Approach for Enhancing Data Security

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    Digital communication is the prominent technique used by various organizations for information exchange. It replaces the traditional methods with the help of internet and its related technologies. There is a chance to retrieve the contents of the transmitted message from the unsecure communication medium. The biggest challenge is to deploy a suitable mechanism for secure communication. Cryptography plays a dominant role in the information security domain. This paper proposes a modified Polybius square based approach for efficient key generation. New key is obtained from the original key by performing three different operations on modified Polybius square namely Square ring rotation, Square reversal and Transpose. From the security analysis it can be inferred that the proposed approach generates an efficient key

    A Modified Polybius Square Based Approach for Enhancing Data Security

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    Digital communication is the prominent technique used by various organizations for information exchange. It replaces the traditional methods with the help of internet and its related technologies. There is a chance to retrieve the contents of the transmitted message from the unsecure communication medium. The biggest challenge is to deploy a suitable mechanism for secure communication. Cryptography plays a dominant role in the information security domain. This paper proposes a modified Polybius square based approach for efficient key generation. New key is obtained from the original key by performing three different operations on modified Polybius square namely Square ring rotation, Square reversal and Transpose. From the security analysis it can be inferred that the proposed approach generates an efficient key

    Survey on Hardware Implementation of Montgomery Modular

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    This paper gives the information regarding different methodology for modular multiplication with the modification of Montgomery algorithm. Montgomery multiplier proved to be more efficient multiplier which replaces division by the modulus with series of shifting by a number and an adder block. For larger number of bits, Modular multiplication takes more time to compute and also takes more area of the chip. Different methods ensure more speed and less chip size of the system. The speed of the multiplier is decided by the multiplier. Here three modified Montgomery algorithm discussed with their output compared with each other. The three methods are Iterative architecture, Montgomery multiplier for faster Cryptography and Vedic multipliers used in Montgomery algorithm for multiplication.Here three boards have been used for the analysis and they are Altera DE2-70, FPGA board Virtex 6 and Kintex 7

    A Survey to Identify an Efficient Classification Algorithm for Heart Disease Prediction

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    Classification is one of the prominent data mining techniques. The objective of the classification algorithms is to place the data in the appropriate class. Data mining plays a vital role in medical diagnosis. The aim of this paper is to identify an efficient classification algorithm for cardiovascular disease prediction. The efficiency of each classification algorithm is expressed using two parameters namely accuracy and Root Mean Square Error (RMSE). From our experimental analysis, we infer that iterative classifier optimizer algorithm results in higher accuracy


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    As it is modern era where people use computers more for work and other purposes physical activities are reduced. Due to work pressure they are not worrying about food habits. This results in introduction of junk food. These junk foods in turn results in many health issues. Major issue is heart disease. It is the major cause of casualty all over the world. Prediction of such heart disease is a tough task. But Countless mining approaches overcome this difficulty. Nowadays data mining techniques play’s an important role in many fields such as business application, stock market analysis, e-commerce, medical field and many more. Previously many techniques like Bayesian classification, decision tree and many more are employed for heart disease prediction. In this proposal we are going to do a comparative study on three algorithms

    Reversible Data Hiding scheme using modified Histogram Shifting in Encrypted Images for Bio-medical images

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    Existing Least Significant Bit (LSB) steganography system is less robust and the stego-images can be corrupted easily by attackers. To overcome these problems Reversible data hiding (RDH) techniques are used. RDH is an efficient way of embedding confidential message into a cover image. Histogram expansion and histogram shifting are effective techniques in reversible data hiding. The embedded message and cover images can be extracted without any distortion. The proposed system focuses on implementation of RDH techniques for hiding data in encrypted bio-medical images without any loss. In the proposed techniques the bio-medical data are embedded into cover images by reversible data hiding technique. Histogram expansion and histogram shifting have been used to extract cover image and bio- medical data. Each pixel is encrypted by public key of Paillier cryptosystem algorithm. The homomorphic multiplication is used to expand the histogram of the image in encrypted domain. The histogram shifting is done based on the homomorphic addition and adjacent pixel difference in the encrypted domain. The message is embedded into the host image pixel difference. On receiving encrypted image with additional data, the receiver using his private key performs decryption. As a result, due to histogram expansion and histogram shifting embedded message and the host image can be recovered perfectly. The embedding rate is increased in host image than in existing scheme due to adjacency pixel difference


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    Big data analytics is nowadays a growing field where real time applications developed. Among the various applications, recommender system application playing vital role in recommending the services and products to the end users. In this paper we developed online blood bank and organ donation information system for hospitals in case of emergencies. As this plays a major role in saving lives, it is necessary to maintain the database for all the related information about the blood banks and the organ donation. Making this process simpler by creating MySQL database and using geo-location information and haversine algorithm for distance calculation and TOPSIS algorithm (Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution) for ranking the blood banks. The RVD algorithm (Regular Voluntary Donor) is used to select donors based on satisfy the condition. The availability of organs is displayed as pop up message with the time and its details are displayed

    A Hybrid Technique for Enhancing Data Security

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    The worldwide information and technology has an astounding dependency o n data s e c u r i t y . The r i s k fabricated by the interloper has been a maelstrom for forthcoming specialists. Security pl ay s an essential role in governing the data transfer. The primary objective of this paper is to propose a black box approach which generates a modified plain text from the original message. For this purpose, we have used techniques like Perturbation, Swapping and Shifting which will modify the original plain text. Before giving the plain text directly into encryption process, the m o d i f i e d plain text obtained f r o m above techniques will be given as an input. The complexity of breaking the plain text is increased by applying the above techniques. For experimental purpose, w e use AES algorithm for encryption and d e c r y p t i o n and Java is used for implementing t h e proposed a p p r o a c h . © 2018 Academic Press. All Rights Reserved