3,275 research outputs found

    A stigmergy-based analysis of city hotspots to discover trends and anomalies in urban transportation usage

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    A key aspect of a sustainable urban transportation system is the effectiveness of transportation policies. To be effective, a policy has to consider a broad range of elements, such as pollution emission, traffic flow, and human mobility. Due to the complexity and variability of these elements in the urban area, to produce effective policies remains a very challenging task. With the introduction of the smart city paradigm, a widely available amount of data can be generated in the urban spaces. Such data can be a fundamental source of knowledge to improve policies because they can reflect the sustainability issues underlying the city. In this context, we propose an approach to exploit urban positioning data based on stigmergy, a bio-inspired mechanism providing scalar and temporal aggregation of samples. By employing stigmergy, samples in proximity with each other are aggregated into a functional structure called trail. The trail summarizes relevant dynamics in data and allows matching them, providing a measure of their similarity. Moreover, this mechanism can be specialized to unfold specific dynamics. Specifically, we identify high-density urban areas (i.e hotspots), analyze their activity over time, and unfold anomalies. Moreover, by matching activity patterns, a continuous measure of the dissimilarity with respect to the typical activity pattern is provided. This measure can be used by policy makers to evaluate the effect of policies and change them dynamically. As a case study, we analyze taxi trip data gathered in Manhattan from 2013 to 2015.Comment: Preprin


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    This document explains the impact of autonomous vehicles on society. The project includes a background section which gives information about the history and technology of autonomous vehicles. To evaluate the socio-economic effect of the autonomous vehicles, we review the benefits and economic savings that will emerge as a result of the introduction of autonomous cars in the economy. Impacts on safety, traffic flow, fuel economy, professional driving and culture are some of the important issues mentioned in this report

    Automates: the future of autonomous cars

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    El futur dels cotxes autĂČnoms sembla brillant, tot i aixĂ­, personatges com el mateix Elon Musk, entre d'altres, ens porten prometent que serien part de les nostres vides des de fa gairebĂ© deu anys. Tot i aixĂČ aquĂ­ seguim, amb els nostres vehicles que sĂ­, que sĂłn genials, perĂČ de moment encara no es condueixen sols. Aquestes falses promeses i el concepte de que una mĂ quina condueixi el cotxe per nosaltres encara genera rebuig a la majoria de la poblaciĂł, quan de fet mĂ©s d'un 90% dels accidents de trĂ nsit avui dia sĂłn a causa de l'error humĂ , i aquestes mĂ quines seran moltes coses, perĂČ precisament humanes de moment no sĂłn. En aquest projecte s’indaga sobre l’estat actual d’aquests vehicles, que de fet certs serveis de cotxes autĂČnoms ja ronden els carrers d’algunes de les ciutats mĂ©s grans del mĂłn, com ara San Francisco. La clau Ă©s descobrir si els vehicles autĂČnoms tenen el potencial real de convertir-se en el servei del futur. Per aixĂČ, es recorre a les metodologies de Disseny de Futurs, analitzant les tendĂšncies del sector i aixĂ­ presentant una sĂšrie d'Escenaris Futurs. Aquestes metodologies ens permetran entreveure cap on ens porten els desenvolupaments actuals, per aixĂ­ descobrir els passos que haurĂ­em de seguir i els que no per a una correcta i eficient implementaciĂł d'aquestes tecnologies en un futur mĂ©s aviat proper que llunyĂ .El futuro de los coches autĂłnomos parece brillante, aĂșn asĂ­, personajes como el mismĂ­simo Elon Musk, entre otros, nos llevan prometiendo que iban a ser parte de nuestras vidas desde hace ya casi diez años. Sin embargo aquĂ­ seguimos, con nuestros vehĂ­culos que sĂ­, que son geniales, pero de momento aĂșn no se conducen solos. Estas falsas promesas y el concepto de que una mĂĄquina conduzca el coche por nosotros aĂșn genera rechazo en la mayorĂ­a de la poblaciĂłn, cuando lo cierto es que mĂĄs de un 90% de los accidentes de trĂĄfico hoy en dĂ­a son a causa del error humano, y estas mĂĄquinas serĂĄn muchas cosas pero precisamente humanas no son. En este proyecto se indaga sobre el estado actual de estos vehĂ­culos, que de hecho ciertos servicios de coches autĂłnomos ya rondan las calles de algunas de las ciudades mĂĄs grandes del mundo, como por ejemplo San Francisco. La clave es descubrir si los vehĂ­culos autĂłnomos tienen el potencial real de convertirse en el servicio del futuro. Para ello, se recurre a las metodologĂ­as de Diseño de Futuros, analizando las tendencias del sector y asĂ­ presentando una serie de Escenarios Futuros. Estas metodologĂ­as nos permitirĂĄn vislumbrar hacia dĂłnde nos llevan los desarrollos actuales, para asĂ­ descubrir los pasos que deberĂ­amos seguir y los que no para una correcta y eficiente implementaciĂłn de estas tecnologĂ­as en un futuro mĂĄs prĂłximo que lejano.The future of autonomous cars seems bright, even though, famous people like Elon Musk himself, among others, have been making promises around the fact that those cars would be part of our lives for almost ten years, but here we are, with our vehicles that are great, but for now they still don't drive for themselves. These false promises and the concept of a machine driving a car for us still generates rejection in the majority of the population, when the fact is that more than 90% of traffic accidents nowadays are due to human error, and these machines will be sort of things but not humans at all. This project investigates the current state of these vehicles, that in fact these autonomous car services already transit the streets of some of the largest cities in the world, cities like San Francisco. The key is to find out if autonomous vehicles have the real potential to become the service of the future. Therefore, Futures Design methodologies are used, analysing the trends of the sector and thus presenting a series of Future Scenarios. These methodologies will allow us to understand where current developments are leading us, so then we can understand the steps that we should follow as a society and those that we should not for a correct and efficient implementation of these technologies in the near future

    Enabling technologies for urban smart mobility: Recent trends, opportunities and challenges

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    The increasing population across the globe makes it essential to link smart and sustainable city planning with the logistics of transporting people and goods, which will significantly contribute to how societies will face mobility in the coming years. The concept of smart mobility emerged with the popularity of smart cities and is aligned with the sustainable development goals defined by the United Nations. A reduction in traffic congestion and new route optimizations with reduced ecological footprint are some of the essential factors of smart mobility; however, other aspects must also be taken into account, such as the promotion of active mobility and inclusive mobility, encour-aging the use of other types of environmentally friendly fuels and engagement with citizens. The Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Blockchain and Big Data technology will serve as the main entry points and fundamental pillars to promote the rise of new innovative solutions that will change the current paradigm for cities and their citizens. Mobility‐as‐a‐service, traffic flow optimization, the optimization of logistics and autonomous vehicles are some of the services and applications that will encompass several changes in the coming years with the transition of existing cities into smart cities. This paper provides an extensive review of the current trends and solutions presented in the scope of smart mobility and enabling technologies that support it. An overview of how smart mobility fits into smart cities is provided by characterizing its main attributes and the key benefits of using smart mobility in a smart city ecosystem. Further, this paper highlights other various opportunities and challenges related to smart mobility. Lastly, the major services and applications that are expected to arise in the coming years within smart mobility are explored with the prospective future trends and scope

    implications to CRM and public policy

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    Thesis(Doctoral) --KDI School:Ph.D in Public Policy,2017With the advent of the Internet and Mobile Communications, the nature of communication has changed significantly over the past few decades .The promotion of technologies among the common people has been found to be an important element of public policy to reduce the digital divide. The rapid advancement of information technology (IT), automation systems and data communications systems leads to improvement of intelligent transport systems (ITS). ITS covers all branches of transportation and involves all dynamically interacting elements of transportation system, i.e. transport means, infrastructure, drivers and commuters. However, few researches have been carried out in the context of public sectors, especially that involving ITS. The purpose of this study is to investigate the justice dimensions that influence satisfaction and public confidence in the context of ITS and to explore implications to Citizen/Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and public policy. This study investigates the following research questions: i) Do levels of perceived justice (distributive, procedural and interactional) in ITS environment affect levels of satisfaction/dissatisfaction? ii) Do levels of satisfaction form ITS affect levels of public confidence? iii) Do levels of dissatisfaction form ITS affect levels of willingness to complain? iv) Do levels of dissatisfaction form ITS affect levels of complaining behavior? v) Do levels of complaining behavior in ITS environment affect levels of satisfaction with complaint handling when the complaints are resolved based on three dimensions (distributive, procedural and interactional)of justice? vi) Do levels of willingness to complain in ITS environment affect levels of public confidence? vii) Do levels of satisfaction with complaint handling in ITS environment affect levels of public confidence? The findings of this study imply that ITS users are more importantly perceive to equity and equality issues, or distributive justice. The employment of ITS should not be limited to the technical aspects of ITS, but should focus more attention on the subjective domain of justice. The results of this study also have important implications for public complaint handling in terms of increasing public satisfaction with ITS, which is crucial for CRM.Part I: Exploring Satisfaction/Dissatisfaction and Public Confidence in the ITS Environment; Implications to CRM and Public Policy Part II: ComparingSatisfaction/Dissatisfaction and Public Confidence in the ITS Environment in Public and Private Transportation Part III: Implementation Strategy of ITS in Developing CountriesdoctoralpublishedA. K. M. Anisur RAHMAN

    Smart Cities, Healthy Citizens: Integrating Urban Public Health in Urban Planning

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    Urban planning that incorporates public health considerations is crucial for the development of smart cities that prioritize the well-being and health of their citizens. This study presents key findings on integrating urban public health into urban planning to create environments that promote physical and mental well-being. The study identifies and explores several crucial considerations for achieving this integration.The first consideration is healthy urban design, which involves designing urban spaces and infrastructure that promote physical activity, accessibility, and safety. Walkable neighborhoods, well-connected sidewalks, bike lanes, and efficient public transit systems encourage active transportation. Incorporating parks, green spaces, and recreational facilities provide opportunities for exercise and outdoor activities, while inclusive and accessible public spaces reduce pollution and noise.Air quality and pollution control emerge as another vital consideration. The study highlights the importance of implementing policies to mitigate air pollution, reduce emissions, and promote clean energy sources. Designing urban areas to minimize exposure to pollution sources, increasing green spaces and urban forests, and utilizing smart technologies for monitoring air quality are key strategies for improving air quality and mitigating the heat island effect.Ensuring accessible healthcare and services is essential for equitable public health. The research emphasizes the need to strategically locate healthcare facilities to serve both urban and underserved areas. Attention should be given to the needs of vulnerable populations, such as the elderly, low-income communities, and individuals with disabilities. The integration of telemedicine and digital health solutions can enhance access to healthcare services.Promoting active transportation and safety is crucial in urban planning. The study highlights the importance of pedestrian and cyclist safety through well-designed crosswalks, traffic calming measures, and lighting systems. Dedicated cycling infrastructure, traffic management strategies, and smart traffic systems contribute to reducing accidents and improving road safety.Noise pollution management is an often overlooked aspect of urban planning. The research emphasizes the significance of designing buildings with sound insulation and implementing zoning regulations to separate noise-sensitive areas from noise-generating activities. Green buffers and sound barriers are effective in mitigating noise impacts, while monitoring noise levels and enforcing regulations minimize excessive noise.The study also underscores the importance of integrating elements that promote mental health and social well-being into urban planning. Creating inclusive and socially connected neighborhoods, designing public spaces that encourage socialization and relaxation, and prioritizing the provision of community centers and social services all contribute to mental health and well-being.Data and technology integration play a crucial role in informing urban planning decisions and improving public health outcomes. The study highlights the value of collecting and analyzing health-related data to identify health disparities, understand the impact of the built environment on health, and guide decision-making processes. Utilizing smart technologies, such as wearable devices and health monitoring systems, promotes individual health awareness and facilitates targeted interventions.Evaluation and monitoring are essential components of successful urban planning. Continuously monitoring and evaluating the impact of urban planning decisions on public health outcomes, collecting data on health indicators, and using this information to assess intervention effectiveness and inform future planning efforts are critical for sustainable development.Integrating urban public health considerations into urban planning enables the creation of smart and healthy environments that support the well-being of citizens. This holistic approach ensures that urban development fosters economic growth, technological advancement, and the health and happiness of the people who live and work in these cities

    Proceedings of the 4th Symposium on Management of Future Motorway and Urban Traffic Systems 2022

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    The 4th Symposium on Management of Future Motorway and Urban Traffic Systems (MFTS) was held in Dresden, Germany, from November 30th to December 2nd, 2022. Organized by the Chair of Traffic Process Automation (VPA) at the “Friedrich List” Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences of the TU Dresden, the proceedings of this conference are published as volume 9 in the Chair’s publication series “Verkehrstelematik” and contain a large part of the presented conference extended abstracts. The focus of the MFTS conference 2022 was cooperative management of multimodal transport and reflected the vision of the professorship to be an internationally recognized group in ITS research and education with the goal of optimizing the operation of multimodal transport systems. In 14 MFTS sessions, current topics in demand and traffic management, traffic control in conventional, connected and automated transport, connected and autonomous vehicles, traffic flow modeling and simulation, new and shared mobility systems, digitization, and user behavior and safety were discussed. In addition, special sessions were organized, for example on “Human aspects in traffic modeling and simulation” and “Lesson learned from Covid19 pandemic”, whose descriptions and analyses are also included in these proceedings.:1 Connected and Automated Vehicles 1.1 Traffic-based Control of Truck Platoons on Freeways 1.2 A Lateral Positioning Strategy for Connected and Automated Vehicles in Lane-free Traffic 1.3 Simulation Methods for Mixed Legacy-Autonomous Mainline Train Operations 1.4 Can Dedicated Lanes for Automated Vehicles on Urban Roads Improve Traffic Efficiency? 1.5 GLOSA System with Uncertain Green and Red Signal Phases 2 New Mobility Systems 2.1 A New Model for Electric Vehicle Mobility and Energy Consumption in Urban Traffic Networks 2.2 Shared Autonomous Vehicles Implementation for a Disrupted Public Transport Network 3 Traffic Flow and Simulation 3.1 Multi-vehicle Stochastic Fundamental Diagram Consistent with Transportations Systems Theory 3.2 A RoundD-like Roundabout Scenario in CARLA Simulator 3.3 Multimodal Performance Evaluation of Urban Traffic Control: A Microscopic Simulation Study 3.4 A MILP Framework to Solve the Sustainable System Optimum with Link MFD Functions 3.5 On How Traffic Signals Impact the Fundamental Diagrams of Urban Roads 4 Traffic Control in Conventional Traffic 4.1 Data-driven Methods for Identifying Travel Conditions Based on Traffic and Weather Characteristics 4.2 AI-based Multi-class Traffic Model Oriented to Freeway Traffic Control 4.3 Exploiting Deep Learning and Traffic Models for Freeway Traffic Estimation 4.4 Automatic Design of Optimal Actuated Traffic Signal Control with Transit Signal Priority 4.5 A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach for Dynamic Traffic Light Control with Transit Signal Priority 4.6 Towards Efficient Incident Detection in Real-time Traffic Management 4.7 Dynamic Cycle Time in Traffic Signal of Cyclic Max-Pressure Control 5 Traffic Control with Autonomous Vehicles 5.1 Distributed Ordering and Optimization for Intersection Management with Connected and Automated Vehicles 5.2 Prioritization of an Automated Shuttle for V2X Public Transport at a Signalized Intersection – a Real-life Demonstration 6 User Behaviour and Safety 6.1 Local Traffic Safety Analyzer (LTSA) - Improved Road Safety and Optimized Signal Control for Future Urban Intersections 7 Demand and Traffic Management 7.1 A Stochastic Programming Method for OD Estimation Using LBSN Check-in Data 7.2 Delineation of Traffic Analysis Zone for Public Transportation OD Matrix Estimation Based on Socio-spatial Practices 8 Workshops 8.1 How to Integrate Human Aspects Into Engineering Science of Transport and Traffic? - a Workshop Report about Discussions on Social Contextualization of Mobility 8.2 Learning from Covid: How Can we Predict Mobility Behaviour in the Face of Disruptive Events? – How to Investigate the Mobility of the FutureDas 4. Symposium zum Management zukĂŒnftiger Autobahn- und Stadtverkehrssysteme (MFTS) fand vom 30. November bis 2. Dezember 2022 in Dresden statt und wurde vom Lehrstuhl fĂŒr Verkehrsprozessautomatisierung (VPA) an der FakultĂ€t Verkehrswissenschaften„Friedrich List“ der TU Dresden organisiert. Der Tagungsband erscheint als Band 9 in der Schriftenreihe „Verkehrstelematik“ des Lehrstuhls und enthĂ€lt einen Großteil der vorgestellten Extended-Abstracts des Symposiums. Der Schwerpunkt des MFTS-Symposiums 2022 lag auf dem kooperativen Management multimodalen Verkehrs und spiegelte die Vision der Professur wider, eine international anerkannte Gruppe in der ITS-Forschung und -Ausbildung mit dem Ziel der Optimierung des Betriebs multimodaler Transportsysteme zu sein. In 14 MFTS-Sitzungen wurden aktuelle Themen aus den Bereichen Nachfrage- und Verkehrsmanagement, Verkehrssteuerung im konventionellen, vernetzten und automatisierten Verkehr, vernetzte und autonome Fahrzeuge, Verkehrsflussmodellierung und -simulation, neue und geteilte MobilitĂ€tssysteme, Digitalisierung sowie Nutzerverhalten und Sicherheit diskutiert. DarĂŒber hinaus wurden Sondersitzungen organisiert, beispielsweise zu „Menschlichen Aspekten bei der Verkehrsmodellierung und -simulation“ und „Lektionen aus der Covid-19-Pandemie“, deren Beschreibungen und Analysen ebenfalls in diesen Tagungsband einfließen.:1 Connected and Automated Vehicles 1.1 Traffic-based Control of Truck Platoons on Freeways 1.2 A Lateral Positioning Strategy for Connected and Automated Vehicles in Lane-free Traffic 1.3 Simulation Methods for Mixed Legacy-Autonomous Mainline Train Operations 1.4 Can Dedicated Lanes for Automated Vehicles on Urban Roads Improve Traffic Efficiency? 1.5 GLOSA System with Uncertain Green and Red Signal Phases 2 New Mobility Systems 2.1 A New Model for Electric Vehicle Mobility and Energy Consumption in Urban Traffic Networks 2.2 Shared Autonomous Vehicles Implementation for a Disrupted Public Transport Network 3 Traffic Flow and Simulation 3.1 Multi-vehicle Stochastic Fundamental Diagram Consistent with Transportations Systems Theory 3.2 A RoundD-like Roundabout Scenario in CARLA Simulator 3.3 Multimodal Performance Evaluation of Urban Traffic Control: A Microscopic Simulation Study 3.4 A MILP Framework to Solve the Sustainable System Optimum with Link MFD Functions 3.5 On How Traffic Signals Impact the Fundamental Diagrams of Urban Roads 4 Traffic Control in Conventional Traffic 4.1 Data-driven Methods for Identifying Travel Conditions Based on Traffic and Weather Characteristics 4.2 AI-based Multi-class Traffic Model Oriented to Freeway Traffic Control 4.3 Exploiting Deep Learning and Traffic Models for Freeway Traffic Estimation 4.4 Automatic Design of Optimal Actuated Traffic Signal Control with Transit Signal Priority 4.5 A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach for Dynamic Traffic Light Control with Transit Signal Priority 4.6 Towards Efficient Incident Detection in Real-time Traffic Management 4.7 Dynamic Cycle Time in Traffic Signal of Cyclic Max-Pressure Control 5 Traffic Control with Autonomous Vehicles 5.1 Distributed Ordering and Optimization for Intersection Management with Connected and Automated Vehicles 5.2 Prioritization of an Automated Shuttle for V2X Public Transport at a Signalized Intersection – a Real-life Demonstration 6 User Behaviour and Safety 6.1 Local Traffic Safety Analyzer (LTSA) - Improved Road Safety and Optimized Signal Control for Future Urban Intersections 7 Demand and Traffic Management 7.1 A Stochastic Programming Method for OD Estimation Using LBSN Check-in Data 7.2 Delineation of Traffic Analysis Zone for Public Transportation OD Matrix Estimation Based on Socio-spatial Practices 8 Workshops 8.1 How to Integrate Human Aspects Into Engineering Science of Transport and Traffic? - a Workshop Report about Discussions on Social Contextualization of Mobility 8.2 Learning from Covid: How Can we Predict Mobility Behaviour in the Face of Disruptive Events? – How to Investigate the Mobility of the Futur

    A Framework for Integrating Transportation Into Smart Cities

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    In recent years, economic, environmental, and political forces have quickly given rise to “Smart Cities” -- an array of strategies that can transform transportation in cities. Using a multi-method approach to research and develop a framework for smart cities, this study provides a framework that can be employed to: Understand what a smart city is and how to replicate smart city successes; The role of pilot projects, metrics, and evaluations to test, implement, and replicate strategies; and Understand the role of shared micromobility, big data, and other key issues impacting communities. This research provides recommendations for policy and professional practice as it relates to integrating transportation into smart cities
