36 research outputs found

    Maintaining Consistency in Multidatabase Systems: A Comprehensive Study

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    Global Committability in Multidatabase Systems

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    A Framework for Flexible Transaction Management in Multidatabase Systems

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    A comparative study of transaction management services in multidatabase heterogeneous systems

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    Multidatabases are being actively researched as a relatively new area in which many aspects are not yet fully understood. This area of transaction management in multidatabase systems still has many unresolved problems. The problem areas which this dissertation addresses are classification of multidatabase systems, global concurrency control, correctness criterion in a multidatabase environment, global deadlock detection, atomic commitment and crash recovery. A core group of research addressing these problems was identified and studied. The dissertation contributes to the multidatabase transaction management topic by introducing an alternative classification method for such multiple database systems; assessing existing research into transaction management schemes and based on this assessment, proposes a transaction processing model founded on the optimal properties of transaction management identified during the course of this research.ComputingM. Sc. (Computer Science

    Transactional actors in cooperative information systems

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    Transaction management in advanced distributed information systems is a very important issue under research scrutiny with many technical and open problems. Most of the research and development activities use conventional database technology to address this important issue. The transaction model presented in this thesis combines attractive properties of the actor model of computation with advanced database transaction concepts in an object-oriented environment to address transactional necessities of cooperative information systems. The novel notion of transaction tree in our model includes subtransactions as well as a rich collection of decision making, chronological ordering, and communication and synchronization constructs for them. Advanced concepts such as blocking/ non_blocking synchronization, vital and non_vital subtransactions , contingency transactions, temporal and value dependencies, and delegation are supported. Compensatable subtransactions are distinguished and early commit is accomplished in order to release resources and facilitate cooperative as well as longduration transactions. Automatic cancel procedures are provided to logically undo the effects of such commits if the global transaction fails. The complexity and semantics-orientation of advanced database applications is our main motivation to design and implement a high-level scripting language for the proposed transaction model. Database programming can gain in performance and problem-orientation if the semantic dependencies between transactions can be expressed directly. Simple and flexible mechanisms are provided for advanced users to query the databases, program their transactions accordingly, and accept weak forms of semantic coherence that allows for more concurrency. The transaction model is grafted onto the concurrent obj ect-oriented programming language Sather developed at UC Berkeley which has a nice high-level syntax, supports advanced obj ect-oriented concepts, and aims toward performance and reusability. W have augmented the language with distributed programming facilities and various types of message passing routines as well as advanced transactions management constructs . The thesis is organized in three parts. The first part introduces the problem, reviews state of the art, and presents the transaction model. The second part describes the scripting language and talks about implementation details. The third part presents the formal semantics of the transaction model using mathematical notations and concludes the thesis

    Performance assessment of real-time data management on wireless sensor networks

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    Technological advances in recent years have allowed the maturity of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), which aim at performing environmental monitoring and data collection. This sort of network is composed of hundreds, thousands or probably even millions of tiny smart computers known as wireless sensor nodes, which may be battery powered, equipped with sensors, a radio transceiver, a Central Processing Unit (CPU) and some memory. However due to the small size and the requirements of low-cost nodes, these sensor node resources such as processing power, storage and especially energy are very limited. Once the sensors perform their measurements from the environment, the problem of data storing and querying arises. In fact, the sensors have restricted storage capacity and the on-going interaction between sensors and environment results huge amounts of data. Techniques for data storage and query in WSN can be based on either external storage or local storage. The external storage, called warehousing approach, is a centralized system on which the data gathered by the sensors are periodically sent to a central database server where user queries are processed. The local storage, in the other hand called distributed approach, exploits the capabilities of sensors calculation and the sensors act as local databases. The data is stored in a central database server and in the devices themselves, enabling one to query both. The WSNs are used in a wide variety of applications, which may perform certain operations on collected sensor data. However, for certain applications, such as real-time applications, the sensor data must closely reflect the current state of the targeted environment. However, the environment changes constantly and the data is collected in discreet moments of time. As such, the collected data has a temporal validity, and as time advances, it becomes less accurate, until it does not reflect the state of the environment any longer. Thus, these applications must query and analyze the data in a bounded time in order to make decisions and to react efficiently, such as industrial automation, aviation, sensors network, and so on. In this context, the design of efficient real-time data management solutions is necessary to deal with both time constraints and energy consumption. This thesis studies the real-time data management techniques for WSNs. It particularly it focuses on the study of the challenges in handling real-time data storage and query for WSNs and on the efficient real-time data management solutions for WSNs. First, the main specifications of real-time data management are identified and the available real-time data management solutions for WSNs in the literature are presented. Secondly, in order to provide an energy-efficient real-time data management solution, the techniques used to manage data and queries in WSNs based on the distributed paradigm are deeply studied. In fact, many research works argue that the distributed approach is the most energy-efficient way of managing data and queries in WSNs, instead of performing the warehousing. In addition, this approach can provide quasi real-time query processing because the most current data will be retrieved from the network. Thirdly, based on these two studies and considering the complexity of developing, testing, and debugging this kind of complex system, a model for a simulation framework of the real-time databases management on WSN that uses a distributed approach and its implementation are proposed. This will help to explore various solutions of real-time database techniques on WSNs before deployment for economizing money and time. Moreover, one may improve the proposed model by adding the simulation of protocols or place part of this simulator on another available simulator. For validating the model, a case study considering real-time constraints as well as energy constraints is discussed. Fourth, a new architecture that combines statistical modeling techniques with the distributed approach and a query processing algorithm to optimize the real-time user query processing are proposed. This combination allows performing a query processing algorithm based on admission control that uses the error tolerance and the probabilistic confidence interval as admission parameters. The experiments based on real world data sets as well as synthetic data sets demonstrate that the proposed solution optimizes the real-time query processing to save more energy while meeting low latency.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologi

    TOPAZ:a tool kit for the assembly of transaction managers for non-standard applications

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    'Advanced database applications', such as CAD/CAM, CASE, large AI applications or image and voice processing, place demands on transaction management which differ substantially from those in traditional database applications. In particular, there is a need to support 'enriched' data models (which include, for example, complex objects or version and configuration management), 'synergistic' cooperative work, and application- or user-supported consistency. Unfortunately, the demands are not only sophisticated but also diversified, which means that different application areas might even place contradictory demands on transaction management. This paper deals with these problems and offers a solution by introducing a flexible and adaptable tool kit approach for transaction management

    High performance deferred update replication

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    Replication is a well-known approach to implementing storage systems that can tolerate failures. Replicated storage systems are designed such that the state of the system is kept at several replicas. A replication protocol ensures that the failure of a replica is masked by the rest of the system, in a way that is transparent to its users. Replicated storage systems are among the most important building blocks in the design of large scale applications. Applications at scale are often deployed on top of commodity hardware, store a vast amount of data, and serve a large number of users. The larger the system, the higher its vulnerability to failures. The ability to tolerate failures is not the only desirable feature in a replicated system. Storage systems need to be efficient in order to accommodate requests from a large user base while achieving low response times. In that respect, replication can leverage multiple replicas to parallelize the execution of user requests. This thesis focuses on Deferred Update Replication (DUR), a well-established database replication approach. It provides high availability in that every replica can execute client transactions. In terms of performance, it is better than other replication techniques in that only one replica executes a given transaction while the other replicas only apply state changes. However, DUR suffers from the following drawback: each replica stores a full copy of the database, which has consequences in terms of performance. The first consequence is that DUR cannot take advantage of the aggregated memory available to the replicas. Our first contribution is a distributed caching mechanism that addresses the problem. It makes efficient use of the main memory of an entire cluster of machines, while guaranteeing strong consistency. The second consequence is that DUR cannot scale with the number of replicas. The throughput of a fully replicated system is inherently limited by the number of transactions that a single replica can apply to its local storage. We propose a scalable version of the DUR approach where the system state is partitioned in smaller replica sets. Transactions that access disjoint partitions are parallelized. The last part of the thesis focuses on latency. We show that the scalable DUR-based approach may have detrimental effects on response time, especially when replicas are geographically distributed. The thesis considers different deployments and their implications on latency. We propose optimizations that provide substantial gains in geographically distributed environments

    The Integration of Database Systems

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