15,352 research outputs found

    Towards a Principled Integration of Multi-Camera Re-Identification and Tracking through Optimal Bayes Filters

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    With the rise of end-to-end learning through deep learning, person detectors and re-identification (ReID) models have recently become very strong. Multi-camera multi-target (MCMT) tracking has not fully gone through this transformation yet. We intend to take another step in this direction by presenting a theoretically principled way of integrating ReID with tracking formulated as an optimal Bayes filter. This conveniently side-steps the need for data-association and opens up a direct path from full images to the core of the tracker. While the results are still sub-par, we believe that this new, tight integration opens many interesting research opportunities and leads the way towards full end-to-end tracking from raw pixels.Comment: First two authors have equal contribution. This is initial work into a new direction, not a benchmark-beating method. v2 only adds acknowledgements and fixes a typo in e-mai

    Poisson multi-Bernoulli mixture trackers: continuity through random finite sets of trajectories

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    The Poisson multi-Bernoulli mixture (PMBM) is an unlabelled multi-target distribution for which the prediction and update are closed. It has a Poisson birth process, and new Bernoulli components are generated on each new measurement as a part of the Bayesian measurement update. The PMBM filter is similar to the multiple hypothesis tracker (MHT), but seemingly does not provide explicit continuity between time steps. This paper considers a recently developed formulation of the multi-target tracking problem as a random finite set (RFS) of trajectories, and derives two trajectory RFS filters, called PMBM trackers. The PMBM trackers efficiently estimate the set of trajectories, and share hypothesis structure with the PMBM filter. By showing that the prediction and update in the PMBM filter can be viewed as an efficient method for calculating the time marginals of the RFS of trajectories, continuity in the same sense as MHT is established for the PMBM filter
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