4 research outputs found

    Processor Modules for the Classroom Development of Physical Computers

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    Processors are present in almost all the electronic components available in the market now. As they perform trillions of operations per second and are complex internally. This project is to build building modules for students, who will be able to develop their own processor. The main idea is that this will help students to experience the detailed workflow of a processor and focus on design and development instead of spending time on wiring and soldering. Different components such as Program Counter, Instruction Register, Memory, Multiplexer, Adder and transceivers are designed and printed as individual modules on printed circuit boards (PCB’s). Eagle tool is used to design the individual circuit modules and after physically testing the design using electronic hardware, the designs are sent to the PCB manufacturer. After they are received, boards are soldered with the appropriate electronic components and tested again as a block. These building blocks are given to a group of both computer science and non-computer science students for feedback. This will be a productive teaching approach for Computer Architecture and related courses

    Web-Compatible Graphics Visualization Framework for Online Instruction and Assessment of Hardware Concepts

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    This paper explains the design of a graphics-based virtual environment for instructing computer hardware concepts to students, especially those at the beginner level. Photorealistic visualizations and simulationsare designed and programmed with interactive features allowing students to practice, explore, and test themselves on computer hardware and architecture concepts. Despite the essential lab-oriented nature ofhardware courses, theoretical knowledge is still a significant aspect of hardware and computer architecture courses. The use of a visual framework serves to reduce the cognitive load and alsofacilitates bridging the gap between lab and theory components. The framework includes virtual demonstrations that help students get familiarized with and understand the hardware concepts, practicethe exercises for as long as required, and also finally take self-assessment to evaluate mastery of the concepts. This framework greatly reduces the restrictions experienced in educational institutions in termsof limited hardware, space and time limitations (of laboratories), as well as costs associated with installation, operation, and maintenance. Besides, there is a reduced risk while using a visual frameworkas opposed to an electrical equipment. Hence, on the whole, this framework offers an easy-to-access and use modality for users to get trained on computer hardware and architecture costs and also can serve as a valuable tool for educational institutions in supplementing hardware courses

    Kolegij Logički dizajn temeljen na otvorenim obrazovnim materijalima

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    Logic Design is one of the core courses of many engineering programs and it provides a foundation for the subsequent hardware courses in the curriculum. In this study, a course design supported by open courseware for Logic Design is presented. In this regard, the syllabus, slides, laboratory manual handbook including experiment sheets and simulations, experiment videos, assignments and examples were prepared. The aim of this research is to determine the effect of supporting Logic Design course with digital open courseware on student achievement. It also aims to determine students’ opinions regarding this approach. The study follows a mixed methods approach with the pretest-posttest control group experimental research design. The study was conducted at Manisa Celal Bayar University in Turkey in spring semester of the academic year 2017-2018 with 68 computer engineering students. While the students of the experimental group took the course supported with open courseware, only regular instruction was used in the control group. The quantitative data were collected from an achievement test including open-ended questions and surveys. The qualitative data were gathered by semi-structured focus group interviews. The findings were meticulously analyzed to provide suggestions for revision of the course. Finally, future work directions are discussed.Logički dizajn jedan je od glavnih kolegija mnogih inženjerskih smjerova te predstavlja osnovu daljnjih kolegija u području hardverskih tehnologija. U ovome istraživanju prikazano je kako je nastava kolegija Logički dizajn osmišljena uz pomoć otvorenih obrazovnih materijala. U skladu s tim, pripremljen je nastavni plan i program, slajdovi, priručnik za laboratorijske vježbe s pripadajućim opisima eksperimenata i simulacija, videosnimke eksperimenata, zadaci i primjeri. Cilj je ovoga istraživanja utvrditi utjecaj provedbe kolegija Logički dizajn uz pomoć otvorenih nastavnih materijala na uspjeh studenata. Također je cilj i saznati mišljenja studenata o takvom nastavnom pristupu. Istraživanje je provedeno pomoću metode mješovitog pristupa eksperimentalnom istraživanju, s predtestom i post-testom za kontrolnu skupinu. Istraživanje je provedeno na Sveučilištu Manisa Celal Bayar u Turskoj tijekom ljetnog semestra u akademskoj godini 2017./2018., na uzorku od 68 studenata inženjerstva. Dok su studenti iz eksperimentalne skupine kroz ovaj kolegij prolazili uz pomoć otvorenih nastavnih materijala, za kontrolnu skupinu održana je samo uobičajena nastava. Kvantitativni podaci prikupljeni su pomoću testa postignuća, koji se sastojao od pitanja otvorenoga tipa i upitnika. Kvalitativni podaci prikupljeni su pomoću polustrukturiranih intervjua s fokusnom grupom. Rezultati su detaljno analizirani kako bi se dobile sugestije za reviziju kolegija. Na kraju se raspravlja o smjernicama za daljnji rad